Notes: Climate, Ocean Currents and Prevailing Winds

Climate and Ocean & Wind Patterns
 Heat Rises and Cold Sinks!
 Prevailing winds are global wind patterns that we can predict
 called trade winds near the equator
o Why they happen:
 Air near equator heats up and rises towards poles
(making wind)
 Cold air at poles sinks and goes towards equator
(making wind)
o winds in Northern Hemisphere curve clockwise
o winds in Southern Hemisphere curve counter clockwise
o Prevailing winds bring seasonal storms predictable weather
 Ocean Currents are moving streams of water that follow a
pattern that we can predict
o How they happen:
 water near equator heats up and rises towards poles
 Cold water at poles sinks and goes towards equator
 On the way the currents move around the continents
o currents bring warm or cold air with them and affect the
climate of places they pass