French 1 Mme Catherine Tyler 801-610-8170 (Room 228) Bienvenue! Welcome to French 1! I am looking forward to a very exciting year. As a French 1 student, you will learn vocabulary and grammar structures on a variety of topics including: yourself, your preferences and activities, your families, and school, what you like to eat etc. You will be able to use both interpersonal and presentational communication skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing at a novice-mid level by the end of the year. You will be able to ask and answer questions about names, ages, looks and personality, family, free time, food, likes, dislikes and school. You will be able to ask and answer basic survival questions useful in many French-speaking contexts. You will be able to communicate using each of the following functions: reading, writing, speaking and listening. You will be able to compare and contrast the differences between French-speaking cultures and American cultures. This course and its materials support the National Standards, as outlined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Communication-emphasize communication in meaningful contexts in the target language and collaborating to improve student performance Cultures-present various perspectives on the cultures of French-speaking people Connections-including critical thinking where students link their study of French with other academic disciplines and their personal lives Comparisons-help students make comparisons between their world and that of French-speaking people Communities-provide direct contact with the French-speaking world at home and abroad and teaching students to be better citizens within the world community Learning a language is exciting! With hard work, students can master these objectives and will be well on their way to a lifetime of communicating in French! The following policies and procedures will be in place in our classroom. Required Materials 3-ring binder with paper and 5 divider tabs 1 dry erase marker (to be left in the classroom) 1 little rag (to erase white board – to be left in the classroom) Additional materials wish list Box of tissues Hand sanitizer Assignments In order to succeed in a foreign language, students should expect about 20 minutes of homework following every class period. All assignments are due the following day before the tardy bell rings unless otherwise stated. If you have special circumstances, please talk to me about your conflicts as early as possible so we can make an individualized plan for you to help you stay caught up and be as successful as possible. Late assignments turned in 1 day late will be accepted only up to 80%. Assignments turned in two or more days late will be accepted only up to 70%. Making up work after an absence is your responsibility. You have one week to make up an assignment, quiz or test for full credit. After one week, the homework policy as outlined above will be followed. Please note that after the unit exam, no assignments will be accepted for that unit’s work. Classroom rules and policies All school and district rules will be followed in the French classroom. Please take the time to review the rules located on the PGHS website with your student or check the short video on the website. By district policy, the use of electronic devices is subject to teacher discretion during instructional time. Please turn your phones off during class so you will not be tempted to respond to texts and you can give your full attention to the class instruction. That said, please note that sometimes, I will ask you to take out your phones for some of our activities. Be respectful and tolerant of other students; Get to know them and be friendly. As such, we can create a safe learning environment for everyone. Please remember that bullying in any form is not acceptable. Remember that you determine your academic success. Set academic goals that are pertinent to you and achieve them. Please be on time to class. Evaluation Grades will be assigned based on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Daily assignments (homework assignments, vocabulary practice, in class work & participation) Mastery quizzes Unit exams Term and cultural projects The following grade scale will be used: 93-100 A 80-82 B90-92 A77-79 C+ 87-89 B+ 73-76 C 83-86 B 70-72 C- 65-69 60-64 57-59 Below 57 D+ D DF Extra Credit In preparation for college, extra credit opportunities will not be given. Concentrating on daily assignments and vocabulary practice will improve French communication more so than completing extra credit assignments. Class Website At you can find, download and print all homework assignments and vocabulary lists handed out in class. Please feel free to access any documents that are misplaced here for printing at home. Assignments can also be uploaded and turned in through the website. Please also visit the Alpine District French website: for extra practice, extensions and cultural explorations of each topic in each lesson and unit. I am available in my classroom daily before school, during lunch and briefly after school. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns. I’m looking forward to a great year! Mme Catherine Tyler As a student, I agree to abide by the expectations and policies explained in this document. As a parent, I agree to assist my student by emphasizing the importance of speaking French and completing all homework and assignments. Student Name:_______________________________________ Date: _____________ Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________ Date: _____________