Electrons - Cloudfront.net

Issue #3, September 12, 2014
Atom: The smallest particle of an element. An atom makes up everything.
Nucleus: The central core of an atom. The nucleus contains the protons and neutrons.
3 subatomic particles:
Protons (+, positive charge)
Neutrons (0, neutral)
Electrons (-, negative)
The electrons are found in the Electron Cloud (Energy Level).
The first energy level (closest to the nucleus) can hold ONLY 2 electrons.
The second energy level can hold ONLY 8 electrons.
The third energy level can hold ONLY 8 electrons.
Please remember that you cannot move to the next energy level until the first one is full.
The atomic number is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom.
The number of protons and number of electrons are equal in an atom, making the atom
The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus determines the atomic mass. (P+N)
Atomic Mass minus Atomic Number determines the number of neutrons.
Valence electrons are the electrons farthest away from the nucleus of an atom, they are
found in the outside energy level and they determine the chemical properties (reactivity)
of an atom. The number of valence electrons of an atom is determined by the group
number it is found in.
Reactivity Increases. (**Remember the more valence electrons, the more
stable you become and less reactive you are.)
Reactivity decreases down a group
Most Valuable Scientist
Extra Credit!
Due Friday, September 19
Design your name using the elements from
the Periodic Table!! Each element used
should contain the atomic number,
chemical symbol, name of the element and
atomic mass. It needs to be unique and
colorful. Use whatever materials you have
around and have fun!!
I want to tell you all Thank You! Thank you
for making such a huge impact on me
everyday. You may not realize it now, but
you are so important! You all are going to
rock this 3 week assessment!!! Thank you for
your patience and determination.