
N549 Course Outline with Detailed Qualitative Assessment and Evaluation Strategies
Postoperative Airway Management in the Recovery Room
After completing
this lecture,
students will be
able to
understand the
physiology and
assessment of
basic airway
management of
patients in the
recovery room
Students will :
Time Frame
Qualitative Assessment Strategy & Rationale and
Proposed Evaluation Methods
1.5 hours
1. Understand the
techniques of respiratory
assessment on admission
to the recovery room
including normal
parameters for depth of
respirations, rhythm, rate
and symmetry.
2. Understand the
importance of establishing
the presence or absence of
protective reflexes.
3. Identify indications for
airway adjuncts and insert
as appropriate
a. Oral airways
b. Nasal airways
4. Identify different types of
oxygen delivery systems.
5. Identify indications for
respiratory treatments and
administers as orders
a. Albuterol
b. Racemic
6. Understands the
different methods to
maintain a patent airway:
a. Chin lift
b. Jaw thrust
c. Shoulder roll
d. Recovery position
Test #1 Part A: Airway Management Case Study
(2 case scenarios). Each scenario is worth 25
points each (1 hour).
Requirements: Response to each case study must
include a thorough evaluation of the patient
including analysis of the patient presentation,
application of standard respiratory techniques
and/or equipment, synthesis including
development of a careplan, education, etc. and
evaluation of the treatment plan.
Rationale: These case studies will give students
the opportunity to synthesize and apply normal
physiological findings to complex case scenarios.
7. Identify adventitious
breath sounds and
appropriate interventions
for each:
a. Rhonchi
b. Crackles
c. Wheezes
d. Asymmetry or
8. Identify the work of
9. Understand normal
parameters for adequate
oxygenation using pulse
oximetry and identify
scenarios when to increase
oxygen delivery as
10. State precautions for
oxygen administration in
patients with COPD.
11. Understand the
mechanics of chest
drainage systems
12. Understands and
documents all pertinent
information per standards
of practice.
13. Identify signs and
symptoms of respiratory
complications associated
with anesthesia:
a. Bronchospasms
b. Laryngospasms
c. Pulmonary Edema
d. Pulmonary Emboli
e. Hypoxia
f. Pneumothorax
g. Subcutaneous air
Time Frame
After completing
this lecture,
students will
understand the
physiology and
assessment of
advance airway
management in
the post
recovery room.
Students will :
1. Determine the
effectiveness of ventilation
1.5 hours
Qualitative Assessment Strategy & Rationale and
Proposed Evaluation Methods
2. Understand the
mechanics of bag-valvemask ventilation
3. Identify indications for
endotracheal intubation.
4. List steps to assembling
equipment and assist with
5. Assess for proper
endotracheal placement.
a. Breath sounds
b. Chest X-ray
6. List the steps for securing
an endotracheal tube and
assessing proper cuff
7. Describes the indications
for short-term versus long
term ventilation.
8. Describes modes of
ventilation and their
a. Positive End Expiration
Pressure (PEEP)
b. Pressure Support
Ventilation (PSV)
9. Interpret arterial blood
gases results:
a. Pulmonary Acidosis
b. Metabolic Acidosis
c. Pulmonary Alkalosis
Test #1 Part B: Advance Airway Management-5
Short Answer Essay Questions worth 10 points
each (1 hour).
Rationale: Critical thinking using the nursing
process through student centered learning should
result in “higher-order thinking.” According to
McDonald (2014), Essay items give students the
ability to compare, contrast, analyze, infer, and
draw conclusions..” (p.187). Essays also give
students the ability to theoretically apply
evidence-based knowledge to real patient
Examples Include:
1. Provide a short description of the
different types of ventilator modes and
indications for the modes.
2. Patient A is post-op a pneumonectomy
and the physician has ordered a blood gas
stat. The results show the following; ph
3.2, PCO2 78, PO2 90, Bicarbonate 18,
saturation 84%. Interpret the test result
(alkalosis vs. acidosis, metabolic versus
pulmonary) and determine whether the
patient is compensating, and, if so why.
d. Metabolic Alkalosis
e. Compensation
10. Identify indications for
weaning and extubation of
ventilated patients.
11. Identify extubation
criteria for non-ventilated
12. Identify equipment
necessary for extubation.
13. Understands the post
extubation steps of
respiratory assessment:
a. Respiratory effort
b. Chest expansion
c. Oxygen saturation
d. Breath sounds
e. Extubation
14. Understands and
documents all pertinent
information per standards
of practice.