ADRODDIAD PENNAETH CYNLLUNIO, CYFARWYDDIAETH ADFYWIO A HAMDDEN REPORT OF THE HEAD OF PLANNING, DIRECTORATE OF REGENERATION AND LEISURE AR GYFER PWYLLGOR CYNLLUNIO CYNGOR SIR CAERFYRDDIN/ TO CARMARTHENSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL’S PLANNING COMMITTEE AR 03 Rhagfyr 2015 ON 03 December 2015 I’W BENDERFYNU/ FOR DECISION ADDENDUM ADDENDUM – Area East Application Number E/32738 Proposal & Location NEW DEVELOPMENT OF RETAIL UNIT WITH 4 NO RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS ABOVE WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING, WITH REFURBISHMENT OF 178 CWMAMMAN ROAD TO BE GROUND FLOOR RETAIL UNIT AND FIRST FLOOR RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AT FORMER ARCADE TERRACE, CWMAMMAN ROAD, GARNANT, AMMANFORD, SA18 1LH DETAILS: Head of Transport - Following a meeting with the developers, planning officer and the Head of Transport, amended plans are to be sought which will seek to improve the access area and the area assigned for the delivery vehicle to the shop. As such, the determination of this application is to be deferred to allow consideration of these amended plans. Application Number E/32800 Proposal & Location DISCHARGE OF CONDITIONS 6 (DETAILS OF TURBINE); 7 (DETAILS OF SWITCHGEAR ROOM/SUBSTATION, ACCESS TRACK, PERMANENT HARDSTANDINGS); 8 (CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATEMENT); 9 (BIODIVERSITY MITIGATION PLAN); 10 (CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN); 13 (ELECTRICAL CABLING) AT LAND AT PANT Y CELYN, PUMPSAINT, LLANWRDA, SA48 8HE DETAILS: Third Party Representations - A further letter of objection has been received which raises issues regarding the amount of power generated by the turbine increasing to 900kw, shadow flicker issues and noise that will be encountered by a proposed new school. The power generated by the turbine has been confirmed by the agent to be 500kw. The issues of shadow flicker and noise from the wind turbine were considered in detail by the Inspector in the Appeal determination, who concluded that these were not grounds upon which to refuse the proposal. Issues are also raised regarding the transport plan submitted which are considered in the planning report. South Wales Trunk Roads Agency - Further information has been requested regarding the transportation of the turbine to the site in order to allow condition 10 to be discharged. Although there has been substantial correspondence between the agent, the Head of Transport and the Planning section since the generation of the planning committee report, in relation to the discharge of condition 10, it remains that the details submitted have not been satisfactory to allow the release of this condition. Whilst the agent has endeavoured to submit appropriate highways details to satisfy criteria a) - k) of condition 10, it remains that a trial run is required to be undertaken before any development can commence. Further information is also required and because of the wording of condition 10, i.e. ”No development shall commence......”, it is not possible to carry out works on site to allow delivery vehicles to manoeuvre and exit the site for the trial run. It would appear that an application to vary condition 10 should be submitted, as well as the additional information required by the Highways section. In conclusion, it remains that the recommendation is for partial release whereby conditions 6, 7, 8, 9 and 13 can be satisfactorily discharged and it remains that condition 10 cannot presently be discharged.