Department of Materials Science & Engineering Module Description 2012/13 Module Code: MAT339 Module Title: Failures and Case Study Module Convenor: Professor P Module Links: Tsakiropoulos Credits: 10 Semester: 2 Pre-requisites: Co-requisites: Brief Description (including aims of the course): This course introduces students to the general methodologies involved in carrying out a failure analysis. This will be achieved by formal lectures and failure analysis practicals. The course will also examine how improvements in design, manufacturing and inspection procedures can lead to failure prevention. Six lectures provide background to the case studies, which include two lectures from Rolls-Royce personnel, one from the librarian on literature searching and three on the material selection issues in gas turbine engines. In a period of five weeks each group (5-7 members per group) must investigate and write a 2000 word report on a topic specific to gas turbine engines (e.g. ‘Single Crystal Superalloy Blades’). The report must include up-to-date references and thereby define the state-of-the-art, but also make a comment on future directions. Course Objectives: By the end of this course, you should be able to: •Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the factors governing materials selection, manufacture and performance for applications in various components in a gas turbine engine (including discs, blades, and coatings); •Gain experience of group work with the collective need to generate a report that is up-to-date and presentable to industry, within a fixed time limit; •Recognise different types of failures and their cause using the basis tools of failure analysis; •Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of failure; •Demonstrate awareness of how design and manufacturing route can influence the potential for failure in the product; •Display knowledge of failure prevention techniques including inspection techniques. Assessment: 30% Take Home Assignment; 50% Case Study 1 (PT) 15% Case Study 2 (BPW) Booklist (A) Core Test; (B) Secondary Text; (C) Peripheral Reading: To be advised.