Landscape genetics of Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) across its Asian range Tree Genetics and Genomes Paola Pollegioni, Keith E. Woeste, Francesca Chiocchini, Irene Olimpieri, Virginia Tortolano, Jo Clark, Gabriel E. Hemery, Sergio Mapelli, Maria E. Malvolti C.N.R. Institute of Agro-environmental and Forest Biology, viale Marconi 2, 05010, Porano, Terni, Italy. ESM_3. Genetic diversity of SSR loci. All fourteen SSR loci used in the present study were highly polymorphic in the sampled populations (see below Table 1). A total of 182 alleles were amplified in the 926 genotyped trees of J. regia. The number of alleles per locus varied from five at locus WAG27 and WGA331 to 34 at locus WGA32, with an average of 13. Similarly, the effective number of alleles (Ae) ranged from a minimum of 1.558 (WGA27) to a maximum of 8.119 (WGA32) and 9.401 (WGA276) with a mean value of 4.351 (SE = 2.294). Except WGA27 (0.331), all markers were highly informative (PIC > 0.50). Observed heterozygosity and gene diversity greatly varied across the fourteen SSR loci. The average observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosity over all loci were 0.550 (SE = 0.139) and 0.711 (SE = 0.140), respectively. In addition, a significant positive within-population inbreeding coefficient FIS was detected at eleven loci. In this study, analysis using FreeNa indicated that none of the 14 SSR loci displayed a conclusive evidence of null alleles (estimated null allele frequency for each SSR ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 in less than 30% of populations). Furthermore, population genetic differentiation was significant (P < 0.001) for each SSR locus, with a relatively high average multilocus estimate of FST (0.1582). After ENA correction, values of FST(null) for each locus and over all loci were only slightly lower than FST values, with a mean value of 0.1530 (Table 1). In addition, the mean actual differentiation (Dest) calculated across all populations was 0.2620. The hierarchical locus-by-locus AMOVA revealed that the majority of molecular variance (76.94%) was partitioned within individuals, while 15.82% was distributed among populations, and the remaining 7.23% among individuals within populations. 1 Table. 1 Genetic characterization of 14 microsatellite loci for 39 Persian walnut populations: shown are for each locus total number of alleles (A), the effective number of alleles (Ae), observed (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (HE), polymorphic information content (PIC), and the unbiased estimate of Wright’s fixation indices, within-population inbreeding coefficient f (FIS), total-population inbreeding coefficient F (FIT) and among-population genetic differentiation coefficient (FST), among-population genetic differentiation coefficient calculated on allele frequencies adjusted for null allele estimates FST (null) and the estimator of actual differentiation Dest, (Jost, 2008). Size range (bp) A WGA1 WGA4 WGA9 WGA27 WGA32 WGA69 WGA72 WGA79 WGA89 WGA118 WGA202 WGA276 WGA321 WGA331 176-194 231-252 231-251 203-212 157-229 157-193 126-184 198-216 209-225 183-293 198-295 140-197 224-249 270-278 10 7 10 5 34 12 10 9 8 13 22 25 12 5 Mean (SE) - Locus PIC 0.764 0.653 0.694 0.331 0.865 0.795 0.510 0.653 0.554 0.639 0.834 0.885 0.642 0.592 Ae 4.862 3.305 3.839 1.558 8.119 5.537 2.390 3.439 2.587 3.127 6.640 9.401 3.180 2.926 HO HE f (FIS) a F (FIT) a FST) a 0.605 0.587 0.681 0.239 0.661 0.533 0.404 0.606 0.496 0.574 0.653 0.773 0.523 0.367 0.795 0.698 0.740 0.358 0.877 0.819 0.582 0.709 0.614 0.681 0.849 0.894 0.686 0.659 0.1230** 0.0394* -0.0138 0.1967** 0.1117** 0.2190** 0.0909* 0.0223 0.0718** 0.0447* 0.0882** 0.0225 0.1036** 0.1652** 0.2424** 0.1599** 0.0818** 0.3377** 0.2504** 0.3529** 0.3113** 0.1497** 0.1959** 0.1591** 0.2351** 0.1384** 0.2417** 0.4484** 0.1361** 0.1254** 0.0943** 0.1765** 0.1561** 0.1713** 0.2425** 0.1304** 0.1337** 0.1197** 0.1612** 0.1186** 0.1540** 0.3393** FST (null) 0.1314 0.1247 0.0933 0.1738 0.1521 0.1596 0.2416 0.1290 0.1335 0.1155 0.1579 0.1149 0.1459 0.3167 Dest 0.3459 0.2163 0.2142 0.0793 0.5410 0.4482 0.2525 0.2570 0.1850 0.1938 0.5040 0.5163 0.2626 0.4134 13 0.672 4.351 0.550 0.711 0.0859** 0.2306** 0.1582** 0.1530 0.2620 (8.320) (0.151) (2.294) (0.139) (0.140) Level of significance of unbiased estimate of Wright’s fixation indices were tested using a non-parametric approach described in Excoffier et al., (1992) with 1000 permutations : * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.001 a 2