Immune Sys Quiz[1] - kyoussef-mci

Immune System - Multiple Choice Quiz
1. Which of these statements regarding antibodies is untrue?
a) There are very minute variations in variable portions of antibodies
b) Antibodies will attach only to specific antigens
c) Their main function is to reign in phagocytes
d) Although large in variety, they are specific to their host B cell
2. Select the statement that is true
a) Humeral response occurs in the humeral only
b) B cells facilitate the Cell-mediated response
c) T cells facilitate the Cell-mediated response
d) Cell-mediated response involve T cell, B cell and macrophages
3. Select the statement that makes the sentence untrue: MHC II ...
a) is an abbreviation for Major Histocompatibility Complex, class II
b)'s main purpose is to present antigen to T cells
c) is specific to each individual, resulting in many difficulties during organ transplants
d)is vital to the innate immune system
4. Which is true: Immunity ...
a) is defined as the body's ability to eliminate pathogens before significant symptoms occur
b) to communism exists in every free Canadian soul
c) can be obtained passively via vaccines or actively via contact with pathogens
d) is the ability to detect and eliminate antibodies in an effective way
5.Select the untrue answer; Malfunctions in the immune system may lead to:
a) Autoimmune diseases
b) Cancer
d) Allergies
6. The main purpose of macrophages and dendritic cells is...
a) Devouring invading microbes
b) Taking samples back to the immune system
c) Turning into pus and dying
d) DNA shuffling
7. What are complement proteins also known as?
a) antimicrobial proteins
b) Effector B cells
c) gallus gallus domesticus
d) draco dormiens nunquan titillandus proteins
8. What is the most severe consequence of inflammatory response?
a) systemic response
b) fever
c) septic shock
d) getting stuck in limbo
9. Which of the following is not a type of transplant rejection?
a) Hyperacute rejection
b) Acute rejection
c) Chronic rejection
d) Emesis rejection
10. What is the major humoural component of the innate immune system?
a) Complement system
b) Lymphatic system
c) Respiratory system
d) Phagocytic system
Only higher order vertebrae (eg. humans) have adaptive immune systems. List an advantage and a
disadvantage of this.
BONUS!! (2 marks):
Do you think Bad Luck Brian will get back together with his girlfriend, and why or why not? Give at least
3 reasons and briefly expand on each. Use proper terminology!