Social Sciences Department
HD 100 – CS College Success (Líderes del Futuro) CRN 41675
Meets: Tuesdays & Thursdays, Redmond Building 1 Room 105
September 25-December 6, 2012, 9:10-10:05 am
Instructor: Evelia Sandoval
E-Mail: esandoval@cocc.edu
PHONE: 541.318.3726
Office: Bend Campus, Campus Center 114 (Primary)
Redmond Campus, RDM 333 (Tuesdays)
Office Hours: By appointment
Americans with Disabilities Statement:
Students with documented disabilities who may need special instructional accommodations or who may need special arrangements in the event of an evacuation should notify the instructor as soon as possible, no later than the second week of the term. Students may contact COCC Disability Office in Boyle
Education Center to discuss special needs, 541-383-7583.
COCC Non-Discrimination Policy:
Central Oregon Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution...
It is the policy of the Central Oregon Community College Board of Directors that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, disability, gender, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status in any educational programs, activities or employment. Persons having questions about equal opportunity and non-discrimination, please contact
Human Resources for referral to the appropriate personnel, 541-383-7236.
CHEATING : Students are expected to do their own work. Cheating, plagiarism and any other form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please refer to the COCC Student Code of Rights and
Responsibilities http://studentlife.cocc.edu/Resources/Policies/Rights/default.aspx
Downing, S (2011). ON COURSE, 6 th Edition, Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Notebook and writing instruments
2-pocket folder - to hand in assignments
3 pronged folder (for portfolio)
Access to COCC website (catalog) and email and BlackBoard technology (basic computer keyboarding skills required and needed)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Success in College is a transfer level course emphasizing strategies for college success. The class is designed to give new students a broad overview of college basics. This class addresses both study skills and personal characteristics (critical thinking, decision making, and responsibility) needed to ensure a successful transition to college life. The class will introduce students to college resources and student services that support successful academic growth and planning. Students will explore and identify learning styles, practice proactive communication strategies, and utilize study skills such as note-taking and memory techniques for positive class performance. The class will introduce students to techniques for effectively managing their time and achieving balance between school, work, and personal commitments. Students will also identify essential college resources for the development of a realistic and workable academic goals and action plans.
General topics include college resources, learning styles, time management and study strategies such as listening, effective note-taking styles, test taking and memory strategies. Students will be introduced to general classroom expectations.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The goal of College Success is to gain the skills and knowledge needed to perform effectively in college to determine, establish and achieve academic goals. Upon completion of the course students will be able to exhibit and describe methods to:
Develop an individual philosophy on personal responsibility to make wise choices leading to success in college.
Integrate knowledge of learning styles with study skills (such as listening, note-taking and memory techniques) leading to the development of an action plan to improve and enhance academic success.
Assess individual time management skills and preference styles and adjust accordingly to achieve
academic goals leading to successful college performance.
Identify strategies that demonstrate techniques to manage and reduce stress.
Introduce and explore available college tools to practice and incorporate into regular academic habits.
Identify essential college resources, from academic and student services to in-class resources, and select
those that are the most applicable and personally relevant.
Develop knowledge of college programs and resources to create a preliminary academic plan.
Practice ethical and respectful behaviors when engaged with instructor and peers, completing assignments, and taking quizzes and exams.
Attend regularly. Missing a class is not an excuse for missed information on the exams and assignments.
In the event that you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to obtain notes and information from a fellow student .
Come to class prepared with reading and written assignments up-to-date and lecture notes current.
Participate actively in class by listening, contributing in discussions, and asking questions.
Participate in class discussions and small group/2-person activities promoting student learning by brainstorming and receiving feedback through shared strategies.
Take text and lecture notes.
Complete homework or worksheets/handouts assigned by the instructor. Assignments are due even if absent, unless arrangements have been previously made. (See above contact information.)
Turn off electronic devices before entering the classroom .
Avoid side talking with other students. Disruptive conversation is not tolerated in class. Repeated warnings due to side talking and disruption could result in the student being asked to leave the class permanently.
Know deadlines to drop, audit and withdrawal. Dates and policies are available on-line. Students who are missing classes and/or falling behind with assignments will be advised to audit or drop class
This means that one must at all times show respect for fellow classmates and one’s instructor. Any disruptive behavior in the classroom may result in suspension and possibly being dropped from the course. Disruptive behavior may include: willful disobedience, habitual profanity or vulgarity, disruptions of teaching (including getting up and leaving during class), dishonesty, cheating, etc. Also, please turn off all cell phones and put them away; I don’t want to see them on your desk. Unless you notify me of an emergency requiring you to leave one on, if it goes off, you will lose five points . If you send or read a text message during class, you will lose 10 points .
ABSENCES: This class promotes and supports student choice and personal responsibility. Students are expected to attend ALL classes. Class meets for 11 weeks .
Every student will start with 110 attendance points and lose 5 points per missed class.
Life situations occasionally require students to miss a class. Missing a class is not an excuse for failing to complete assignments. Since I do not re-teach class topics or sessions it is helpful to connect with a “study buddy” at the beginning of class so information can be obtained on what was missed and handouts picked up.
Assignments completed in class cannot be made up though there are adequate ways to obtain a satisfactory grade through extra credit points.
IF YOU MISS A CLASS it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out from another student what was missed.
Class topics and assignments are noted in the class schedule. As your instructor I am available, DURING
OFFICE HOURS or by appointment, to clarify and explain things you do not understand. Keeping up with homework assignments is a valuable way to stay up-to-date and avoid confusion. If circumstances exist that create a need to miss more than 6 classes, students are expected to meet with me during office hours to resolve this attendance issue. Dropping the class is often advised. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE END OF CLASS
TO ADDRESS ATTENDANCE or ASSIGNMENT ISSUES. I expect prompt communication from you if you are having difficulties. Make sure you access your COCC email on a regular basis as this is the best way for prompt communication. Not having access to email or a working account are NOT valid excuses for failure to communicate.
In our classroom, all participants shall uphold the Principles of Community at COCC, available online here:
Thanks in advance for treating one another with the respect and considerateness you expect from others, too.
GRADING: Final grades will be based on the percentage of available points achieved and assigned according to the following traditional breakdown: (A=90 to 100%, B=80 to 89%, C=70 to 79%, D=60 to 69%, F= below 60%).
POINTS: Points are earned through quizzes, assigned work submitted in portfolios and class participation according to the following breakdown: o Participation Points: 5 points per class period = 110 points*
Class participation includes, coming to class on time, reading the materials before class, sharing homework with a small group or pairing up with another student. Read your tentative class schedule regularly to stay up-to-date on class topics. As the syllabus is subject to change, please make sure that you ask a classmate about missed information prior to the next class. o Assignments for Portfolio: 14 @ 10 points each = 140 points
Assignments will be turned in at Week 5, Week 11 in student portfolio. (*See PORTFOLIO checklist for assignments.) o Quizzes: 3 @ 10 points each = 30 points o Professor Interview: 25 points : (20 points for paper and 5 points for presentation) o Talking Points Assignment : 20 points College Resources Mini-Presentation o Reflection Essay: Philosophy of Success and Writing: 50 points (plus 10 points for presentation with visual) o Final Exam: 15 points
– ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Keeping up with portfolio assignments when assigned is advised. Lecture and discussion groups assist in completing assignments. Refer to the following assignment and class schedule. Written assignments are required to be typed or word-processed, double-spaced, using no larger than 12 point font (“Times” or “Times New Roman”).
LATE portfolio/assignments are NOT accepted and will earn a zero. The objectives of the class are to support successful college and classroom behaviors and attitudes. Late assignments contradict successful performance.
*Assignment/Portfolio Checklist:
Each week assignments will be completed in class and/or given as homework. Students are expected to complete these in a timely manner. Assignments will not be turned in weekly but built on to enhance the learning process. Completed assignments, packaged in a 3-pronged folder portfolio work, will be turned in on October 25 and December 6.
Due October 25: o Assignment #1: Self Assessment (Self-Assessment of Choices of Successful Students – either in
Text (pages 6-7) or Online http://oncourseworkshop.com
(menu item #10) and Journal Entry #1 o Assignment #2: 32-Day Commitment with tracking o Assignment #3: Monthly Schedule (classes, tests, midterm dates, final dates, project dates and other pertinent academic dates). Calendar provided in class. Refer to academic calendar on the
COCC site to obtain important dates (holidays, finals schedule, early registration, etc.). o Assignment #4: Completion of the Wise Choice Process worksheet (also in the text page 47) regarding academic plan for winter term. Assignment needs to be thorough, complete and specific. o Assignment #5: Family Diversity Write up: 1 page paper that discusses your family’s diversity and the influence of that diversity upon you. (see blackboard for instructions) o Assignment #6: Weekly Schedule (3 weeks) including classes, study time, and fixed term commitments (colored coded is recommended)
o Assignment #7: Journal of your choice-complete any Journal that has not been previously assigned
Due December 6 : Adding to the above the following are to be included: o Assignment #8: Attend a cultural event on campus and write a one page summary of experience o Assignment #9: Learning Styles Assessment
(http://www.engr.ncsu.edu/learningstyles/ilsweb.html) o Assignment #10: Study Skills Plan (instructions provided on Blackboard) o Assignment #11: Journal Entry 26-Making Course Corrections, page 224 o Assignment #12: Winter term schedule (instructions provided on Blackboard) o Assignment #13: Tentative Academic Plan (instructions provided on Blackboard) o Assignment #14: (Self-Assessment of Choices of Successful Students – either in Text (pages
281-282) or Online http://oncourseworkshop.com
(menu item #11) and Journal Entry #32
Professor Interview: 25 points
Choose a current professor/instructor to interview—perhaps your favorite instructor or one you’d like to get to know better. You could choose an instructor whose course is challenging to you, in hopes that as a part of the interview you can find out how to do your best in the class. Make an appointment for the interview and prepare your questions before you arrive, but also be ready to go with the flow of the conversation. We will develop a list of possible interview questions in class. Take good notes and write a 2 page paper about what you learned and what surprised you most. You will also make a 2 minute presentation to the class about your interview experience.
Talking Points Assignment: 20 points
College Resources Mini-Presentation
Starting in October, students will give presentations on different college resource. Each presentation will be about 5 minutes long. In the second week of class, your Success team will be asked to sign up for a topic from a list of options and a date/time slot to present on your college resource. Make-ups will not be an option so you will want to make sure to note what day you are presenting and be prepared.
These mini-presentations will require you to do some information gathering outside of class, such as using the college website, making phone calls and/or paying a visit to a campus department or office. Each group will prepare a handout for each class member AND a PowerPoint to use during the presentation. If you are using a PowerPoint, you need to bring it on a CD or flash drive so that we can play it on the computer.
An A presentation will:
•Include a PowerPoint and handout for the class with relevant information about the resource and how it is useful for students, including new and interesting information.
•Contain original and interesting content and draw some type of conclusion about the relevance of the campus resource researched.
•Demonstrate an understanding of the campus resource and the ability to communicate it to the class.
Reflection Essay: Philosophy of Success and Writing: (50 points)
In this essay, you will reflect on your Philosophy of Success and writing, identifying the “On Course” success strategies that you will use for years to come. This essay is your opportunity to write the script that will keep you on course to a rich, personally fulfilling life! You will be required to present a summary of your strategies.
Extra Credit:
There will be various extra credit opportunities offered throughout the term. Students must complete all course work to be eligible for a passing grade in this course. Therefore, extra credit will not be a substitute for missing an assignment.
10/9 Quiz #1 – Thoroughly review College Success syllabus on policies, grading and assignments & behaviors of successful students & Chapter 1, 2
Portfolio #1
Professor Interview Paper
Quiz #2 Chapters 3, 4 & 5
Quiz #3 Chapters 6, 7 & 8
Reflection Essay: Philosophy of Success and Writing
Portfolio #2
9/25 - Intro to LLC (joint class)
-Intro to College/Syllabus/Text –
- Objectives (Instructor/Students)
-Success Teams
-Successful Attitudes & behaviors
-Why change is hard work
-32 Day Commitment (assignment #1)
-Self Assessment (assignment #2)
10/2 -Becoming & Active Learner
- CORE Learning System
-Monthly Calendar
-Form Success Teams
10/4 - Personal Responsibility
-Victims & Creators
-Irrational Beliefs
-Wise Choices
Read and Study Syllabus
Chapter One
Assessment (Text)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
10/9 Quiz #1
Creating Inner Motivation
- Setting Goals
- Planning for action
Chapter Three
10/11 - Guest speaker: Karen Roth, Director Chapter Three of Multicultural Activities (both classes)
10/16 - Visualization
-Personal Affirmations
10/18 - Just in Time
- Class work day
-Bring draft of Professor Interview
Chapter Four 10/23 - Creating a Self-Management System
-Weekly Calendars
-Tracking forms (32 Day Commitment)
10/25 - Portfolio 1 due
-Victor Villasenor
10/30 -Professor Interview Paper
- Presentations of Professor Interview
-Monthly Schedule
-Support Networks
Chapter Five
Complete before next Class o Recommended: Create
Organizational Binders for ALL classes o Read syllabus & Chapter 1 o Completion of Self-
Assessment (in text or online)(Assignment #2) o Complete Journal #1 o Monthly Calendar (Assignment
#3) o Identify Instructor to interview o Wise Choices Process
(Assignment #4) o Resources Network worksheet
(Assignment #5) o Prepare for Quiz by reviewing syllabus and Chapter 1 and 2 notes o Identify Instructor to interview and make an appointment o Weekly Schedule (Assignment
#6) o Journal of your Choice
(Assignment #7) o Work on Professor interview paper o Finalize Portfolio 1 o Finalize Professor Interview
Paper o Work on Presentation
11/1 -Presentations of Professor
- Communication and Active Listening
11/6 Non-Teaching Day
Chapter Five
No Class o Study for Quiz o Finalize Family Diversity Paper
- Quiz 2
-Getting back on Track
-Effective Test taking
11/13 Self-Awareness & Self Sabotage
-Getting back on Track
-Re-committing to making wise choices
11/15 - Effective writing & preparing to write the Personal Philosophy of
Success essay
Understanding Your Learning Style
11/20 Learning Styles continued
Chapter Six
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven o Finalize Reflection Essay and make 2 copies
11/22 Thanksgiving holiday
11/27 - Emotional Intelligence
-Stress Management
11/29 Reflection Essay: Philosophy of
Success and Writing (2 copies)
-Quiz 3
- Class Work day
12/4 Presentations
-Believing in yourself
12/6 Presentations
Portfolio 2 due (previously graded work MUST be included).
-Next Steps
No Class
Chapter Eight
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine o Prepare for Quiz o Work on Presentation o Finalize Portfolio 2