Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Primary School “Sowing the seeds for the future” Stand Park Avenue, Netherton, Merseyside, L30 3SA Email: Admin.OurLadyofWalsingham@schools.sefton.gov.uk Phone: 0151 525 6358/0395 Website: www.ourladyofwalsinghamprimary.co.uk Twitter: OLWPrimary Headteacher: Mrs B M Shiels [B Ed Hons, NPQH] Friday 13th November 2015 Dear Parents, As I write this letter the wind and rain is absolutely belting down but hopefully it will ease by the time everyone is travelling to and from school whether on foot or in a car! The weeks certainly seem to be flying by so a few reminders of forth coming events at school: Monday 16th November National anti- bullying week Monday 16th November PTA meeting 6pm Wednesday 18th November Y4 Come Dine With me Thursday 19th November at 9.15am Y6 Class Mass in the dining room Thursday 19th November Parent/Teacher meetings 2-6pm Friday 20th November non uniform day – bottles/chocolate for the PTA Winter Wonderland Friday 27th November PTA Winter Wonderland 3-5.30pm Friday 4th December 10am Foundation Stage Christmas performance Tuesday 8th December 2pm/6pm Key Stage 1 Christmas Play Wednesday 9th December 2pm/6.30pm Key Stage 2 Christmas Play Friday 11th December Christmas dinner day Tuesday 15th December 2pm 100% attendance assembly Wednesday 16th December Christmas Party day Friday 18th December 9.15am Christmas Mass in Church Friday 18th December 2pm Children finish for the Christmas holidays. We are still struggling to get attendance up to the Government expectation of 96% or above with only 95.2% this week. Please do all you can to help improve this next week. Congratulations to Y1 and Y4 who had the best attendance in their key stages. Yours sincerely B M Shiels Head Teacher