Classroom Expectations - Central Bucks School District

Honors Biology -- Classroom Policies
CB East High School – Room C112
Mrs. Elinow – Email:
Class website:
Welcome to Biology -- In this class you will be learning about the following topics: Biochemistry, Cells, Cell Division,
Photosynthesis and Respiration, DNA, Genetics, Microbiology, Embryology.
Classroom rules: In order to create a safe and positive learning environment you are expected to treat your peers,
teacher and classroom with courtesy and respect. Use all classroom materials responsibly. Be very careful using lab
Classroom expectations -- You are expected to be in class each day. You should arrive on time and expect to ready when
the bell rings at the beginning of the class block. You should be prepared for class each day by having all necessary
materials and completing all coursework in a timely manner. During class you are expected to be an active learner by
being aware, asking questions and participating in activities. All assignments should be completed in a timely manner.
 Required: covered textbook, marble composition book, Loose leaf binder with paper, pens and pencils
 recommended: flash drive and colored pencils
 at home: You will need access to a reliable computer with internet access and a printer. You WILL have computerbased homework assignments. You will also be expected to print out certain materials and bring them into class.
 Your final course grade is 40% Marking Term 3 + 40% Marking Term 4 + 10% Core Assessments + 10% final exam.
o Your marking term grade is 90% Summative + 10% Formative
o Summative – What have I learned? This grade includes exams, quizzes, specific labs and projects.
o Formative – How well am I learning? This grade includes daily or unannounced quizzes, specific classwork,
homework and labs.
o Non-Graded - includes most homework, classwork and certain labs. These assignments will be checked for
quality and/or completion. These assignments may be recorded in the gradebook as turned in or missing
OR they may have a numerical grade to reflect quality. However they will NOT be included in the grade for
this course. This is intended to allow the student and parent's to see the work habits of the student.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)- Personal Digital Devices may be used in the classroom ONLY to enhance classroom
instruction and learning. They may NOT be used in such a way as to distract the student or reduce their engagement
with the educational atmosphere. Students may NOT make phone calls, text, browse the web or play games unless
specifically directed to do so by their teacher as part of a learning activity. Unauthorized use of a digital device will result
in disciplinary consequences.
Absences: In accordance with school policies students are responsible for any missed work due to an absence. Anything
due the day of the absence should be turned in upon the student’s return to class. It is the student’s responsibility to
find out what they missed and to complete assignments in a timely manner. Late penalties will apply if the
assignment is not turned in on time.
Missed and late work -- All assignments should be completed on time. Formative assignments will be accepted for 1.2
credit if one day late. Assignments that are more than one day late will not be accepted for credit. Summative
assignments will have a penalty of a cumulative penalty of 10% late for each day up to three days late. (three days late is
-30%) Summative assigments will not be accepted for credit after three days late.
Cheating and Plagiarism: In accordance with school policies, students must complete their own work. Copying of
homework, classwork or other assessments directly from other students, the textbook, web or other sources is
considered to be cheating and plagiarism. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Parent Portal -- Students and parents may check assignments and grades through parent portal. Central Bucks School
District Parent Portal may be accessed through the class website or through the school’s website. Please check your
grades frequently!
Class Website -- Please check the class website, and blackboard for required class materials and announcements. We
will primarily be using Blackboard in this course. All homework will be posted on this site. You will also be expected to
visit the site to print out notes and coursework for the class. You may access the online textbook through the class
Lab Safety -- Students must handle all lab materials and lab samples with care. Any reckless behavior will result in a
dismissal from the lab in order to protect the safety of the student and their classmates. The student will receive a zero
for the lab and will NOT be able to make-up the missed lab.
Laptops: You will be using classroom laptops. You are expected to handle the laptops responsibly. You are responsible
for any damages that occur during your usage.
LOGINS & PASSWORD HINTS -- You will need to access the laptop computers and many websites during this class. Use
this form to record login & password hints. Keep it somewhere safe.
If you are unable to use your personal laptop please sign out a different one using the sign out sheet on the computer
Device or Webpage
CFF Computer
Student Portal (Gradebook):
Password Hints
Read, Sign and Give to your teacher
Student Laptop Agreement
Classroom For The Future (CFF)
You will be using CFF laptops as a valuable educational tool in our classroom. Throughout the semester you
should adhere to some guidelines. If you cannot follow the guidelines provided, you may lose computer
privileges for portions of the semester.
Use two hands when carrying the laptop.
Laptops should be on the desks and not in your laps.
Before you close the computer you must exit all open windows and shut down.
If you become a distraction with the laptop, you will lose privileges (sounds, banging . . . etc.)
If you are using software or navigating a website that is NOT the assigned class activity, you will lose
6. When you return the laptop you must plug in the charge cord appropriately. If this is not done
consistently, you will lose privileges.
7. Do not place anything on tops of the laptop when it is closed.
8. Do not place food or drink anywhere near the laptop.
9. Drawing on the screen and tampering with the keyboard are considered to be acts of vandalism.
10. Notify your teacher immediately if you notice any damage to your laptop.
I understand the guidelines stated and will adhere to them. I realize that
my computer privileges will be taken away if I cannot consistently follow
the correct procedures.
Assigned Laptop #________
Student Safety Contract
I will:
Read all lab procedures before beginning the lab.
Wear protective clothing as directed during class labs.
Follow ALL instructions given by the teacher.
NOT conduct unauthorized experiments or use lab materials
for anything other than their intended purpose.
 Conduct myself in a responsible manner during labs and
classroom activities. (This means no rough-housing or playing
at anytime during the lab or activity.)
I, _______________________________________, have read and agree
to abide by the safety regulations as set forth above and also any
additional printed instructions by the teacher or school district.
I further agree to follow all other written and oral instructions given in
I understand that if I do not abide the terms of this contract that I may be
removed from the lab or activity and receive a zero on the assignment.
More than one offense may result in a permanent removal from all class
labs in order to preserve the safety of the other students.
Date: _________
Name: ______________________________