5 Work Assignment Content Vocabulary from previous lessons Spelling and Grammar Creativity Presentation Pronunciation And Expression ON TIME RUBRIC FOR DIALOGUES IN SPANISH 4 3 2 Student effectively performs assigned work/role Student adequately performs assigned work/ role on a consistent basis Student adequately performs assigned work/role some of the time Student does not perform assigned work/role Author demonstrates strong understanding of Spanish vocabulary Author demonstrates adequate understanding of Spanish vocabulary Author demonstrates some understanding of Spanish vocabulary Author demonstrates little understanding of the Spanish vocabulary There are almost no spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors There are some spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors There are many spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors There are too many spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors Contains many creative details that add to the audience's enjoyment and show the effort of the authors Contains several creative details that add to the reader's enjoyment and show the effort of the author Contains a few creative details or details that do little to support the dialogue Contains little or no creativity or detail. Little effort is shown by the author Dialogue is well organized and flows like a natural conversation Dialogue is fairly well organized and mostly flows like a natural conversation Dialogue is slightly Dialogue is hard to follow confusing and somewhat and doesn't flow like a flows like a natural natural conversation. conversation Little pronunciation errors are noted. Conversation is recited with appropriate expression There are 1-2 errors in pronunciation. Conversation is recited with mostly appropriate expression There are 3-4 pronunciation errors. Conversation is recited with somewhat appropriate expression There are 5 or more pronunciation errors. Appropriate expression not used. Work was ready on time or sometimes ahead of time Work was ready very close to the agreed time Work was usually late but was completed in time to be graded Some work never got completed and other group member(s) completed the assignment