Clerk: Heidi Wilson, 17 Airship Road, Cranwell, Lincolnshire, NG34 8RW Email: Tel: 01400 262702 MEETING OF ROPSLEY & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that the ROPSLEY & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held in the Memorial Hall, Ropsley, on THURSDAY 14 MAY 2015 at 7.00pm. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder. Public Forum: The Parish Council meeting will be preceded by a 15 minute public forum, for which Councillors are also asked to be present, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the meeting but may not participate unless invited to do so by the Chairman. Clerk to the Council Date: Friday 8 May 2015 1.0 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE. 2.0 ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN AND DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE. 3.0 COUNCILLORS DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE. 4.0 WELCOME REMARKS BY THE CHAIRMAN 5.0 APOLOGIES 6.0 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & DISPENSATIONS 6.1 To receive reports on members’ disclosable pecuniary interests and to receive dispensations in accordance with the Localism Act 2011. 6.2 To receive Members Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms. 7.0 SIGNING OF THE MINUTES 7.1 To resolve to accept the Clerk’s notes of the meeting held on Thursday 12 March 2015. 8.0 COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCIL & COMMUNITY MATTERS 9.0 GENERAL BUSINESS 9.1 New Clerk 9.1.1 To ratify the appointment of Mr Illingworth as Clerk to the Council. 9.1.2 To resolve to approve the Clerk’s Contract of Employment and hourly rate. 9.1.3 To resolve to approve the purchase of a dedicated Parish Council laptop with Microsoft office and anti-virus software, external hard drive, USB drive, printer, A4 paper and ink cartridges at a cost of £724.90. 9.1.4 Noticeboard arrangements. 9.2 Co-option for vacant seats on the Parish Council. 9.3 Annual Review of Policy Documentation. 9.5 To resolve to approve electronic receipt of the agenda. 9.7 To receive an update in relation to the recruitment of the Community Cleaner. 10.0 HIGHWAYS 10.1 To receive details of new and outstanding defects. 10.2 To confirm the date and arrangements for the annual village walkabout, Monday 15 June 1pm. 11.0 PLANNING MATTERS 11.1 Decisions received since the last meeting: 11.2 11.3 11.1.1 None. Applications awaiting decision: 11.2.1 Name: Watkin Reference: S15/0618 Address: 14 Chapel Hill, Ropsley, NG33 4BP Proposal: Alteration and extension of outbuilding to create annex. To note the email from SKDC Planning Department in relation to S15/0239/EIASP TGC Renewables, Solar Farm. 12.0 CEMETERY 12.1 To resolve to approve expenditure for the purchase and installation of cemetery pond fencing up to the value of £500.00 (50 m of rope, 20 wooden posts). 13.0 FINANCE 13.1 To note income received: 13.1.1 Interest (March) 2014/2015 13.1.2 Interest (April) 13.1.3 Interest (Savings Account) 2014/2015 13.1.4 Wayleave 2014/2015 13.1.5 Exclusive of Right of Burial BOND 13.1.6 Exclusive Right of Burial HINDLEY 13.1.7 Precept 13.1.8 Community Cleaning Grant 13.1.9 Exclusive Right of Burial, Grave Digging and Interment Fees MORGAN 13.1.10 GH Linnel Memorial Fees CREEDEN 13.1.11 VAT Reclaim 2014-2015 13.2 13.3 0.17 0.07 88.39 55.26 240.00 240.00 10,000.00 338.00 490.00 75.00 504.96 To note payments made following the March meeting (cleared). 13.2.1 LALC Annual Subscription (approved March 2015) 13.2.2 LALC Annual Training Programme (approved March 2015) 13.2.3 SKDC Business Rates 13.2.4 April Salaries 13.2.5 Anglian Water Rates (cemetery) 13.2.6 ICO Subscription (approved March 2015) 230.75 75.00 0.00 217.36 2.40 35.00 To resolve to approve the following payments: 13.3.1 May Salaries 13.3.2 Clerk’s Expenses (Files) 13.3.3 Grave Digging Fees MORGAN 13.3.4 ICCM Subscription 13.3.5 EON Electricity Charges 13.3.6 Arboriculturalist Fees 13.3.7 Autela Payroll Services, Quarter 1 13.3.8 Came and Company Insurance 13.3.9 Fuel and dog foul campaign expenses (reimbursement to MR) 13.3.10 Paul Claydon on Arnold Baker Local Council Administration 13.3.11 Computer Equipment as detailed in 9.1.3. 13.3.12 Fuel (NG) 170.98 8.26 250.00 90.00 35.65 450.00 30.00 641.11 33.29 85.50 724.90 67.55 13.4 13.5 To approve the monthly income & expenditure account. To resolve to approve the end of year account. 13.6 Annual Return: To resolve to approve Section 1. Section 1 to be signed and dated by the Chairman and RFO. 13.7 13.8 To complete the checklist in Section 2. Section 2 to be signed and dated by the Chairman and Clerk. Internal Audit. To resolve to approve a transfer of funds to the BMM account. 14 CORRESPONDENCE 14.1 Email from Monty Coyle dated 26 April 2015 in relation to his litter picking salary. To be discussed in closed session if deemed to be confidential. 14.2 Letter from Autela Payroll Services, Understanding Your Pension Responsibility as an Employer. 14.3 Email from John Lambert at Anglian Water dated 6 May 2015 in relation to the Humby sewage works. 15 DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS 2015: Meetings are due to be held on the second Thursday of every other month; 11 June, 9 July, 10 September, 12 November (budget meeting and precept setting).