MINUTES EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF BENTLEY PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT 7.30 PM ON MONDAY 27TH APRIL 2015 IN THE MEMORIAL HALL, BENTLEY Present: Mr P Hurley (Chairman) Mrs J Turner (Vice Chairman) Mr B Dickinson Mr P Curwen Mr A Lockey Mr P Harrison Mrs S Thornely Mrs J Hutton (Clerk) Also in attendance: District Cllr Ken Carter and 3 members of public 1. Apologies for absence 2. None Disclosure of Pecuniary and Other Interests Councillors were reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation has been granted, they may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which they have a pecuniary interest as defined by the regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. Councillors were reminded that they must withdraw from the room or chamber when the meeting discusses and votes on the matter. 3. To agree the minutes from the meeting on 16th March 2015 4. The minutes for the meeting held on 16th March 2015 were formally agreed and signed by the Chairman. Outstanding actions from the minutes not covered later in the agenda. 5. The council will need to formally resolve to apply for a tree preservation order for the tree in the centre of One Tree Field. This item will be included on the agenda for the next full council meeting. The formal meeting was adjourned for 10 minutes to enable local residents to address the council. The following questions were asked by local residents: What enforcement action was being taken against the campervan? The Clerk responded by informing the resident that a notice to quit had been served on the owners, and as they had not vacated the site, the council was waiting for this to be enforced by the police. When can residents see the submission Neighbourhood Plan? The Clerk responded by informing the resident that it hadn’t been formally submitted to EHDC yet, but that it would soon be available on the website. Signed by the Chairman……………………………………………………. 11th May 2015 6. Would any members of the council be attending the planning appeal for One Tree Field on Tuesday 28th April? The Clerk responded to say that she and Brian Dickinson would be attending on behalf of the council. Planning To consider the following planning application received from EHDC: Proposal: Three detached dwellings with detached garages and new vehicular access for plots 1 & 2 onto Rectory Lane Site: Land east of Rectory Lane, Bentley, Farnham Case No: 55795 Following a discussion it was RESOLVED that the council would submit the following OBJECTION to EHDC: “Bentley Parish Council OBJECTS to this application for the following reasons: 1. the location of the proposed new houses is outside both the existing Bentley settlement boundary and the new settlement boundary as drawn in the submission Bentley Neighbourhood Plan. Consequently, they are located in an area which is not allocated for development. 2. Rectory Lane is an un-adopted road and considered unsuitable for the additional car movements 3 new houses would cause. The road is very narrow and the junction with the Old Main Road is dangerous. 3. Houses in Rectory Lane have experienced flooding in recent years and there are difficulties with both the foul and surface water drainage in this part of the village.” Action: Clerk 7. Neighbourhood Plan The Clerk gave an overview of the changes made to the draft Neighbourhood Plan now contained in the Submission Neighbourhood Plan. Patric Curwen proposed that the Submission Neighbourhood Plan be formally submitted to EHDC, and Brian Dickinson seconded this proposal. All the members voted in favour. RESOLVED to formally submit the Submission Neighbourhood Plan to EHDC. Action: Clerk 8. Financial and General Purposes Committee Bank movements to note and cheques to be signed: Cheques signed since last meeting: 85/1495 rCOH Planning Consultant Fees £2040 Cheques to be signed at meeting: 01/1496 02/1497 03/1498 South East Water HCC Grayshott PC Allotment water ORG rent Training Signed by the Chairman……………………………………………………. £56.42 £300.00 £20.00 11th May 2015 04/1499 05/1500 06/1501 9. HALC Premier Grounds Mrs J L Hutton Subscription Grass Cutting Wages & Expenses £315.00 £325.00 £1166.14 Village matters and correspondence to be brought to the attention of the council to be considered at a future meeting. The Council agreed that the Clerk should respond to the letter received from two children complaining about the state of the playground. 10. Chairman’s closing comments and date of next meeting Date of next meeting is 11th May 2015. Signed by the Chairman……………………………………………………. 11th May 2015