09/04/15 - Ditton Priors Parish Council

Thursday 9th April 2015 Oak Farm Demountable STATION ROAD AT 7.30PM.
Public Session: Mr S Wentworth attended to report on the work he has carried out under the highway
maintenance scheme. He reported there are some cracked paving slabs because of a car parking in front
of Priors Close and the information board by the village hall is becoming unstable. Clerk to report
paving slabs and discuss noticeboard with Mr Wentworth.
2. Acceptance of apologies: Apologies were accepted from Councillors Primrose and Moore. Present
Councillors Lowe, Jones, Mottershead, Barker, Howells, Collingridge and Smith.
3. Resignation of Councillor C Moore. Councillor Moore’s resignation has been accepted by the chair.
Clerk will advertise Casual Vacancy.
4. Dispensations: None.
5. Shropshire Council Report: No Report.
6. Community Land Trust in Station Road. The transfer has been completed. An AGM was held on
26th March and a new board of trustees was appointed. There will be an official opening later in the summer.
A room at the tea room has been let, the History group continue to use a room and Bob Handley has rented a
room for his memorabilia.
7. Minutes: Approve the minutes of the meetings held on Thursday 12th March 2015. It was
RESOLVED to sign and approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 12th March 2015.
7. Matters Arising a. None.
8. Shropshire Local Joint Committee: No meeting has been held.
Roads: a. any new problems. Clerk to report the following issues: There are several potholes in
Station Road, including outside The Cleeve and also in the new tarmac area on Derrington Road.
b. update on previous reports. Clerk has received a long update from previous emails with an apology.
All works carried out.
c. Broken road signs. Clerk has chased.
10. Planning: a. New Applications: none.
b. Decisions: none.
c. Enforcement issues . clerk has received no response. Clerk to ask Councillor Tindall to find out why.
d. Consider residents as local for the single plot affordable home policy. Nothing heard from applicants
on how they think they fit the scheme.
e. Any other planning matters. Clerk to report to STAR the extended gardens at the back of Priors
Close. The garden extensions have taken away the ditch.
11. Finance: Invoices to pay: a. It was RESOLVED to pay Willow Environmental £183.33, E.on £69.83,
Information Commissioner £35.00. defer for further consideration. SALC £305.33.
b. PWLB payment of £1452.50 due. Balance of loan £7000.00 after payment. Noted.
c. Consider part payment for laptop used for Parish council works. Total cost £311.97. It was
RESOLVED to pay half the cost of the laptop and printer.
d. Consider part payment for new printer total cost £150.00. see above.
e. Highway Maintenance project funding confirmed. Noted.
12. Annual Parish Meeting. Clerk reported she cannot make the 22nd April. Clerk to book a date in
13. Allotments. There has been an issue with one tenant who chose to contact the clerk on Easter Sunday
evening to relinquish her tenancy. Clerk asked her to phone back during business hours. The Parish
Council fully support clerk’s actions.
14. Future projects. Defer until Chair is present.
15. Correspondence. A. Clerks and Councils Direct. Noted.
b. bt kiosk adopt scheme. Noted.
c. Emergency planning seminar 3rd June. Defer until chair is present.
d. Rural Service Network information about grants. Noted.
e. Grown fruit trees and bushes sustainable growing media suppliers. Clerk to forward to Oak Farm.
f. Came and co newsletter. Noted.
g. Shropshire Hills AONB activities and events. Noted.
16. Items at Chair’s discretion. None.
18. Date of next scheduled meeting Thursday 14th May 2015. Annual General meeting. The meeting
was declared closed at 8.45pm.