
Classen School of Advanced Studies
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
Board Meeting Minutes
August 12th, 2009
Ann Matheny, President
Lou Kohlman, By-Laws
Bea Scofield, Booster
Laura Patterson, Box Top
Christy Savage, President Elect
Angi Shaffer, Ink Jet Recycle
Brenda Stavinola , Merchandise
Christy Zelley, Membership
Dixie Hendrix, Secretary
Sherri Chancellor, Volunteers
Christine Watson, Booster
Call to Order
The Classen SAS PTSA Board Meeting (held at Laredos Mexican Restaurant) was called to order
by President Ann Matheny at 6:30 pm.
Minutes from the May 6th 2009 PTSA Board meeting were read and approved as submitted.
Current PTSA officers, committee chairmen and co-chairmen were welcomed and introduced.
Treasurer's Report:
A supplemental treasurer's reports was presented by President Anne Matheny (Treasurer Sean Ting
was out-of town). The supplemental budget was approved during the May 6th 2009 meeting, and
covers PTSA expenses from June1st- September 1st to insure smooth financial transactions before
the actual budget is presented at the first PTSA meeting in September. (See attached supplemental
budget). Expenses likely to occur during this time includes Camp Comet pizza, and printing costs
(Camp Comet folders , enrollment handouts, first week handouts).
Presidents Report:
New Committees added to the current PTSA Board: Membership, Enrichment, Sports Booster
Club, Oklahoma City School Board Meeting Attendance Committee.
Back-To-School Issues: Volunteers needed for: 2 enrollment days (August 13th & 14th) ; Camp
Comet (August 18th) ; teacher welcome luncheon (August 18th); First week of school information
packet. Information needs to be complied and copied for Camp Comet notebook and first week of
school information packet.
Plan Of Work (see attached) need to be submitted by August 28th to President Ann Matheny. The
Plan of Work outlines proposed activity and will serve as the basis for the proposed budget.
PTSA Board and Meeting Schedule was discussed and tentatively set. Ann will finalize meeting
dates with principal Valarie Harris.
By-Laws will be changed this year to reflect consistent rules for PTA's across the state. Individual
PTA's bylaws will now be the standing rules for that PTA.
District safety committee will encourage hand wash to decrease flu in OKCPS.
Committee Reports:
Committee chairman introduced themselves. No committee reports at this time.
Old Business:
No Welcome Back to Classen Event is planned.
New Business:
PTSA Membership-Ann Matheny introduced the concept of firmly stating that PTSA Membership
year will coincide with the PTSA fiscal year (July to June).
PTSA website has been proposed. Last year's PTSA president purchased a website through godaddy. Communications Chairman Dixie Hendrix requested clear guidelines from the PTSA re:
goal/purpose of the website; submission guidelines; webmaster guidelines. Budget issues will also
need to be outlined for future budgets. Further discussion is needed on this issue.
Classen needs a corporate sponsor.
The next PTSA Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 17th at 11:30 in the Alumni
Museum at Classen School of Advanced Studies.
Actions Required
Ann-confirm PTSA Board and General Meeting dates with principal.
Bea Scofield -order and arrange for Camp Comet Pizza
Anne Matheny & Dixie Hendrix-compile/ print Camp Comet/Enrollment/first week of
school packets.
Sherri Chancellor will organize volunteers for Enrollment and Camp Comet.
Dixie Hendrix-request volunteers and cookie donations for Enrollment, Camp Comet, and
information packet help through Classen News.
Dixie Hendrix - solicit and organize a salad lunch (back to school) for teachers.
Committee Chairs complete "Plan of Work" and submit to Ann Matheny by August 28th,
Respectfully submitted,
Dixie Hendrix
Secretary Classen SAS PTSA