Minutes of the Great Mills High School PTSA Meeting May 8, 2012


Minutes of the Great Mills High School PTSA Meeting

May 8, 2012

Location: Media Center, 6:33 p.m. -7:34 p.m.

Attendees: Mary Lusk (President), Andrea Dyson, Trisha Post (CCPTA President), Crystal

Frederick (Secretary), and Nancy Montano, Michelle Holso, Donna Culver, and Pamela

LeFave (GMHS Theatre Department Chair).

Purpose: To provide one voice for the parents and students of Great Mills High School.

Desired Outcomes: By the end of this session, we will have:

Approved our Treasurer’s Report,

Approved Meeting Minutes,

Elected New Officers,

Celebrated Hornet Culture Day

Discussed Teacher Appreciation Week.

Treasurer’s Report: To present and approve the financial report.

The balance listed as of January 31, 2012 is $413.72. There have been two deposits of $85.00 from BJ’s

Membership’s ($50.00) and Membership dues ($35.00). The PTSA wrote three checks during this period. The Science Fair medals were $84.00. The baskets were $1,092 and we donated $100 to Hornet

Culture Day for supplies. Andrea Dyson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Donna Culver made second motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted with a unanimous vote.

Secretary’s Report: Present and approve the meeting minutes- March 13, 2012

Crystal Frederick presented the minutes from the PTSA meeting on March 13, 2012. There were no questions in regards to the minutes. Michelle Holso made a motion to accept the minutes. Andrea

Dyson made a second motion to accept the meeting minutes. The meeting minutes were accepted with a unanimous vote.

St. Mary’s County Council of PTA’s (CCPTA) - Representative Report

Mary presented the CCPTA report in Ann’s absence. At the meeting on March 26, 2012, there were three guest speakers. Lisa Blottenberger spoke about dyslexia and how it affects students in the classroom. Lisa was requesting that the members support a bill currently in the House of

Representatives that would allow students with dyslexia to receive the same benefits as any other students with mental disorders. Dr. Janice Walthour notified the members about a workshop that is available for parents. This workshop will assist students with graduation success. Sharon Snelham spoke about a state organization that investigates and assists with appealing denied insurance claims.

Election of New Officers

Mary Lusk introduced the current officers; Mary is President; Dana Mitchell, Treasurer; Crystal Frederick,

Secretary; and Sue Myers, Vice President. Mary thanked these members for their volunteer service.

The members that are listed on the ballot to be voted for elections are Andrea Dyson, for President;

Crystal Frederick, for Vice President; Nancy Montano, for Secretary; and Mary Lusk, for Treasurer. Ann

Rose made a motion to accept the ballot. Michelle Holso made a second motion to accept the ballot.

The ballot was approved by unanimous vote. There was no vote needed. The members present unanimously agreed to accept the officers for the PTSA Board for the 2012-2013 school years.

Hornet Culture Day

Andrea is seeking more recommendations for next year. There were several things that Andrea noticed that we could improve on next year. All food will be placed indoors after 9:00 am. Next year, there will be stations for student volunteer sign in at several locations. There were over 220 students that volunteered their time for the event. Kohl’s donated $1500 and sent volunteers for the event (Kohl’s cares). The donation will be sent after the event. Next year, we will donate a bench for Kohl’s in appreciation. There may be a bench donated in honor of Hornet Culture Day Committee members. All of the trees in the back parking lot are dead and must be replaced. That is our main goal for next year’s event. The event was a great success.

Teacher Appreciation Week- May 7-11, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Week is this week. Dr. Lee has donated Orbit gum for the staff to receive in their mailbox on Monday. The Blue Wind Gourmet will sponsor a wine tasting with Cake Pops on Tuesday.

We have more snacks and candy donations for the staff on Wednesday. Chick-Fil-A will also be provided during lunchtime for the staff. On Thursday, Panera Bread will sponsor breakfast for the staff. On

Friday, The Blue Wind Gourmet will sponsor a luncheon for the staff.

Open Floor

Flower Sale- Last year, the PTSA took over the flower sale at Graduation. Great Mills High is still under contract with an organization that will deliver the flowers for the sale. We are scheduled to sell flowers at this year’s Graduation, June 1, 2012. The starter kit has arrived. Once the starter kit is processed, the flowers will be delivered by the end of May 31, 2012. We will receive 20% of the profit of the sales.

Crystal, Mary, Michelle, and Nancy have volunteered to sell flowers at the event from 4:00-6:30 pm.

PTSA Officer Materials- Andrea received PTSA Officer materials if anyone is interested.

Southern Maryland Mission of Mercy-Ann announced that the Mission of Mercy will have opportunities for low income families to receive free dental services.

Fundraising Efforts

Chick-Fil-A- the next Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night is scheduled for May 9, 2012. If you are available to volunteer, please let Mary know.

Instructional Leadership Team-Ideas

The Instructional Leadership Team is scheduled to have meetings once every month (Thursdays). The meetings are located in the Media Center at 3:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in representing the PTSA at the meeting, please contact Mary Lusk.

Next Steps

Andrea will work on getting Hornet Culture Day on the calendar for next school year. Ann suggested that a PTSA member get involved with the Freshman Transition Committee. The Committee

Chairperson is Mrs. Contina Quick-McQueen, Assistant Principal (GMHS).


+ New officers were elected.

+ Thank you to Sue Myers for her service. Her son is graduating this year.

Too many side conversations

The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Crystal Frederick May, 10, 2012.
