- Oakdale High School PTSA

OHS PTSA General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
The general membership meeting of the OHS PTSA was held on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. The
meeting was called to order by President Kimberly Widdup at 6:35 p.m. There were 12 people, including
1 administrator, present. The meeting took place in the front office and opened with the Pledge of
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the June 9, 2015 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made to
approve the minutes by Amy DiRocco and seconded by Elly Basile. Motion Carried.
President’s Report: Kimberly Widdup
Will contact Wendy Jump about an awards ceremony specifically for academic achievement
(recognize kids who come to school daily, take hard classes, and do well)
Went to PNC with Lora Rzepka
Took Wendy Jump, Lora Rzepka and Joe Rzepka off the PNC account and added Kimberly
Widdup and Amy DiRocco to it
New Frederick County PTA President didn’t have Oakdale listed on her spreadsheet so Kimberly
filled out paperwork and submitted it to both the Frederick County and MD State offices so OHS
PTSA will be officially recognized
Membership card distribution changed from last year and delayed arrival of our cards
Got the new membership cards on Friday
Created account and filled out new online facilities use forms and Coach Krivos approved all the
meetings for the rest of the year and they are now listed on the community calendar (meetings
will now be in the media center)
Breakfast for the staff last Friday with fruit, danishes, bagels, donut holes, muffins and flavored
Received several thank you notes and messages from staff
Vice President’s Report: Gabriella Basile
Nothing to report at this time
Treasurer’s Report: Amy DiRocco
Just got the paperwork tonight
Will have a financial report for the next meeting
Administrator’s Report: Jeffrey Marker
Staff raved about the breakfast
Finished all of the food on Monday
“We have never hit our stride this quickly” (Mr. Marker’s quote about the start of our 2015-16
school year in regards to attendance, upper classmen leadership, and freshmen acclimation)
Phenomenal upper classmen paired with the freshmen
Best freshman class in 3 years as principal
Some kids who had graduated were here yesterday and were smoking marijuana in the car
Traffic stops once buses start moving, and then the parents are allowed out
Almost 10 minutes between when the bell rings and when the buses leave
Staff directing the flow of traffic are inside the building within 15 minutes (empty parking lot)
½ the kids are gone before the buses, and the rest wait until after the parents leave
Potential awards night for this year
Several staff have offered to work with the PTSA to get the awards ceremony set up
Mr. Marker can help with purchasing the pins/awards
Ms. McGraw, Ms. Smith, Ms. Murdoch (none of these 3 were involved in the first awards
ceremony) have reached out to help
Redistributed students between classes because of increased registration over the summer (too
many kids in one class/wanted to make smaller classes)
Committee Reports:
Membership: Kimberly Widdup
2 staff members have joined so far
76 total members ($1150 will be deposited)
At this point last year, we had 145 members
Increased membership dues from last year to this year ($1500 deposited last year at this time)
Membership form on the PTSA website
Everyone got the membership form in the mail with the schedule
Might try to see if we can set up a system to pay/sign up for the PTSA electronically
Highest enrollment in the PTSA at elementary schools
Chromebook will hopefully get more people to join (and scholarship at the end of the year)
Will send out a Find Out First with a link to the website
Hospitality: Heidi Riordan
Not present
$400 worth of receipts from the breakfast last Friday
Fundraising: Elly Basile
Restaurant fundraising
Chipotle fundraiser on October 5 from 5-8
Will print off fliers and send out Find Out First
People going must show flier/show email
Only one Chipotle fundraiser a year (give 50%)
Will check into Chic Fil A
Scheduling some dates at Pie Five
Sept 20 (Sunday), Nov 5 (Thursday), Dec 6 (Sunday), Jan 28 (Thursday) for Pie Five - give 20%
Pie Five sends out emails to Circle of Crust members/put fundraiser info on their Facebook page
Fundraiser runs 11am-9pm at Pie Five
Salads and pizzas are $6.99
Will try to schedule a fundraiser in September at Rita’s and one at Ledo’s sometime soon
Looking into Mama Lucia’s, Panda Express and California Tortilla
Communications: Layla Basile
New email database that is more user friendly/less potential for error
Will choose easiest email database to use/maintain
Can send out volunteer specific emails from the database
Scholarship: no current leader
Not present
Will try to get a PTSA faculty member involved in this
Old Business:
Reached out to Ms. Bernard about sponsoring the Community Night this year but a student
might do it as a leadership project
Mrs. Caple might head the Holiday Bazaar (she sells Scentsy) with Gabriella
Will have contacts in professional world and student body
Will have to make the Holiday Bazaar earlier in the year (late Nov/early Dec)
New Business/Nominations:
Can set up a Survey Monkey and send a survey out at designated intervals to PTSA members to
try to get their feedback/opinions on events
Will try to contact the leaders of SGA to combine our efforts on some of our/their projects
Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 8:05pm by Kimberly Widdup. Motion carried.