Reading Guide chapter 5

Name: ____________________________________________________ Period: ___________
Chapter 5 Section 3 Guided Reading: Electron Configuration
Electron Configurations Reading:
1. The orbit that an electron follows is described in terms of ___________________,
______________ and ___________________. It can also be described in terms of
_______________and _______________.
2. Electron configuration describes how an atom’s ___________________ orbit it’s
3. How is the electron configuration for Hydrogen written? ___________
4. The _________________ indicates that hydrogen’s one electron orbits the nucleus in
an orbital that has a ________________________ (___) shape and is in the
_____________ (___) energy level.
5. The first energy level can hold only _____ electrons.
6. What is the electron configuration for lithium? ______________________ How many
energy levels does lithium occupy? ___________
7. What is the electron configuration for silver? __________________________________
8. How many energy levels do silver’s electrons occupy? ____ How many different orbital
types are there in silver’s electron configuration? __________ What are they?
9. The first rule of electron configuration states that “An electron MUST occupy the
______________ energy level available”.
10. The second rule of electron configuration states that “Each orbital can hold only a
certain number of electrons. The ____ orbital can hold a maximum of ____ electrons,
while the ____ orbital can hold ____ electrons, and the _____ orbital can hold as many
as ______ electrons. Another orbital, known as that __________________, can hold a
maximum of ________ electrons.”
11. The third rule of electron configuration states that “electrons fill __________________
that have the ______________ energy first.”
12. An electron that occupies a higher energy level although a lower energy level is available
is said to in an __________________________.
13. When all the electrons occupy the lowest energy levels available, they are said to be in a
Chapter 5.3 - Ground-State Electron Configuration
1. Why do electrons in an atom tend to assume the arrangement that gives the atom the
lowest energy possible?
2. What are the names of the three rules, or principles, of electron configuration?
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
3. The ____________________________________ states that each electron occupies the
lowest energy orbital available.
4. Electrons in orbitals can be represented by _____________. Each electron has an
associated ____________. An arrow pointing _______(____) represents a spin in one
direction, while an arrow pointing ____________ (_____) represents a spin in the
____________ direction. An empty box, or line, represents an
__________________________ orbital, while a box, or line, containing a single
___________________ (___) represents an orbital with _____ electron, and a box, or
line, containing both an _______ and a __________ down arrow (_______) represents a
______________ orbital.
5. The ______________________________________________________ states that a
maximum of _________ electrons can occupy a single atomic orbital, but only if the
electrons have __________________________ spins. According to this principle, an
atomic orbital containing paired electrons with ___________________ spins is written
6. What type of charged electrons repel each other? _____________________________
7. _____________________________ states that single electrons with the same spin much
occupy each equal-energy orbital before additional electrons with opposite spins can
occupy the same orbitals.
8. Draw Hund’s Rule according to the 2p orbitals:
a. _____ _____ _____
b. _____ ______ ______
c. _____ ______ ______
d. _____ ______ ______ e. _____ ______ ______
f. _____ ______ ______
Chapter 5.3 - Electron Arrangement:
1. What are the boxes, or lines, in the orbital notation labeled with?
_________________________ and ______________________________________.
2. Show carbon’s orbital electron configuration (make sure to label each line):
a. ______ _______
_______ _______ ______
3. The electron configuration notation designates the
________________________________ and __________________________ associated
with each of the atom’s orbitals and includes a _____________________________
representing the number of electrons in the ______________.
4. Electron configuration notation does not usually show the _________________
distributions of electrons related to a sublevel.
5. Noble gases are found in the last __________________ of the periodic table. They have
_____ electrons in their outermost orbital, and are very _________________.
6. How is noble gas configuration beneficial when writing out electron configurations?
Chapter 5.3 - Valence Electrons:
1. Only _______________ electrons determine the _____________________ properties of
an element. They are defined as the electrons in the atom’s __________________
orbitals, the level typically associated with the atom’s ____________________ principle
energy level.