Panhellenic Council Meeting March 25, 2013 Kansas State Student Union Big XII Room 7:00 pm CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm READING OF NPC CREED We, as Undergraduate Members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities. We, as Fraternity Women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet by which we strive to live. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Minutes were approved. ROLL CALL All chapters were in attendance ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SPEAKERS • • • Austin Anderson - K-State Athletics, speaking about student athletic passes went on sale this morning, under the marketplace on isis Russell Harp - Delta Upsilon Spring philanthropy, miss kstate competition, looking for talented all around girl, 20 girls can enter - one representation per sorority, applications due april 5th, 4 rounds - wildcat round( show creativity wearing k-state pride, second round talent, third round have a cut will be personality, fourth round questions and formal wear, proceeds to GSI Global Service Initiative, have tickets available for $3, t-shirt will also be ticket in, talk to chapters on the 5th, sponsored by UPC) David Schall - Greek Week - April 8th-12th, coming around to chapters, Greek Tweet everyday 3-5 pm - go to a place with pairings and get points, Mon. all greek photo 3:30 (signs, posters) 4pm greek games at old stadium - wear greek week shirt or team colors, Tues. baseball game - spirit competition, Wed. 8:30 pm ballroom- greeks got talent, can good or $1 and then announcing homecoming pairings, sign-ups this week for greeks got talent by 5pm on Friday, 3 auditions per pairing to sign-up, Thurs. philanthropy event at noodles - partners dance marathon, Fri. in Townhall - Leadership building for Greek awards BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS Presidents: Sarah Smith ( • • Survey Feedback ◦ Working on educational programming to begin next fall Meeting about the budget on Wednesday and it will be presented at the next council meeting Vice President: Sydney Sewell ( • • Will be emailing to see if any Chapter leaders are interested in meeting with Greek Core. (One representative from each chapter only.) AFLV awards packet Risk Management: Emily Relph ( • New event reflection form in the works- if your Social/Risk Management chairs have questions or comments please have them e-mail me Community & Internal Relations: Mary Beth Gottsch ( • • • putting together the sign-in sheets and an excel sheet community service hours Service opportunity called Operation Gift the Gown ◦ Event April 6th in Junction City, looking for volunteers ◦ Need volunteers to: ■ donate dresses ■ help set up ■ shop for and fit dresses ■ hair and makeup ◦ More information can be found at or email Public Relations: Hannah Henning ( • • Greek Life slogan survey results - “Elevate Your Potential” New questions for Greek Spotlight in the Weekly Greek Recruitment: Ellen Bergkamp, Nicole Wasserman, Liz Lawless ( ( ( • • 1st recruitment guide workshop April 2nd at 6:30pm Please continue to send outfit plans but remember to get final approval before presenting to your chapter due May 1st • • New sisterhood exchange form in the works. Please continue to notify me of events (dinner exchanges etc.). New Member Education roundtable on April 18th. Advisor’s Report: Andrea Brown ( • • • Fraternal Excellence Awards ceremony is Friday, April 12th. Each chapter will have a number they will be able to invite. Formal (email) invitation will be out this week. Second billing invoices now in mailboxes. Due April 8th. April is Advisor Appreciation Month Old Business • voting on Judicial Policy and Bylaw changes. motion to discuss KD motions to discuss Pi Beta Phi Seconded - Alpha Chi Omega - concerned about bylaws, section 3.4 (concerns both fraternity and sorority) fraternity should never have a say in sororities, offense occurred togetherwork together, women would decide, two separate process - Kappa Kappa Gamma - concerned about where headquarters need to be involved, not any discretion, if something violates bylaws (any rule), your headquarters are just notified so no one is kept in the dark Voting motion to vote judicial policy Judicial policy was passed motion to pass bylaws Bylaws were passes New Business none For the Good of the Order/Announcements Alpha Chi Omega: Wednesday after chapter conversation workshop with Alpha Delta Pi, reminder (Alpha Kappa Lambda) Fraternity Alpha Delta Pi: new philanthropy, Powercat Paint Run is on April 6th 10am at Warner Park, and online registration is now open Alpha Xi Delta: This week is our inspiration week Spring initiation week, April 1st and 2nd Light it up Blue for Autism Speaks Chi Omega: Moms weekend April 6-7th, set the date for Chi O Casino April 23rd Delta Delta Delta: MSMR Sam Spady story last Wednesday, initiation Tuesday and Wednesday, moms weekend 6th and 7th, Gamma Phi Beta: Chapter day of Service tomorrow - cleaning up parks, Thursday function with Pi Beta Phi Gamma Rho Lambda: collecting for Helping Homes (toiletries,household items, baby supplies) ends March 8th, put boxes at chapter houses Kappa Alpha Theta: moms weekend 6-7th, working on spring philanthropy with Pi Kappa Alpha Kappa Delta: function with Alpha Delta Pi on the 26th a easter egg hunt and decorating cookies, raised over $12,000 from Shamrock for Prevent Child Abuse America and the MHK women's Crisis Center - Gave Panhellenic award goes Gamma Phi Beta Kappa Kappa Gamma: getting ready for a desert executive board swap with Gamma Phi Beta on April 24th and a dinner swap with FarmHouse on April 18th Pi Beta Phi: Function with Gamma Phi Beta on the 26th, moms weekend 6-7th, and Speedo Read is on April 11th Sigma Kappa: I-week this week and Initiation on Wednesday, moms weekend is April 57th, Glow Run April 19th Zeta Tau Alpha: Service project at Boys and Girls club - easter egg hunt on March 26th, Zeta Days in Lawrence, KS- April 6th, Initiation April 7th Important Dates to Remember • • • • • Recruitment Guide Workshop is on April 2nd at 6:30pm New Member Education roundtable is on April 18th Fraternal Excellence Awards ceremony is Friday, April 12th Second Billing is due April 8th Next meeting is April 8th in the Union Big XII Room Meeting was adjourned