January 28

Interfraternity Council Meeting
28 January 2013
Call to Order: 6:00pm
Gabe Christie, President: Here
Adam “Bubba” Gardner, Vice President for Recruitment: Here
Alex Wojcik, Vice President for Academic Affairs: Here
Patrick Foxx, Vice President for Greek Affairs: Here
Patrick DiLoreto, Vice President for Internal Affairs: Here
James Brown, Director of Risk Management: Here
Ramon Garcia, Director of Marketing: Here
Panhellenic Liaison: Here
Multicultural Greek Council Liaison: Here
Kate Bowdle, Greek Advisor: Here
Alpha Kappa Lambda: Here
Delta Chi : Here
Delta Sigma Phi: Here
Delta Tau Delta: Here
Kappa Sigma: Here
Lambda Chi Alpha: Here
Nu Alpha Kappa: Here
Pi Kappa Phi: Here
Sigma Lambda Beta: Here
Sigma Chi: Here
Guest Speakers
Jason Colman Phi Sigma Pi: I am trying to get my organization involved with you guys and
we are trying to do a penny event. We feel we have a lot to offer you guys and the
sororities. We are going to have a quick meeting at Thursday at 6 pm to discuss this. We
are thinking we can have people in the UC and compete to raise the most amount of money.
We feel like this is a event that we can all get to know each other. Any questions? (none)
Approval of Agenda/Minutes
A. Executive Council Reports
Vice President for Recruitment Gardner (AdamJ.Gardner@unco.edu): Its Rush week next week.
We should be pumped for this because we are getting more guys. We all have our own ways to
recruit such as free stuff/food. Make sure to tell everyone what Greek Life has done for you. Be
sure to introduce yourself. We can’t be afraid to recruit. Don’t get angry with your brothers that
can’t step out of their comfort zone just encourage them. Go back to your chapters and tell them
how to recruit. Tomorrow from 10-2 is Meet the Greeks on the Patio outside. We have a limit of 4
people per table. You can decorate your table with stuff so don’t be afraid of that. We are looking
for people to recruit at the dinning halls. Please email me if you have any questions. We are only
allowed to bring a desert item to the carnival and please tell me by this Friday. House tours will
start at 5 which means there will be no IFC meeting next week. If anyone is interested in being a
Greek Ambassadors for that please let me know. These people will have to be disaffiliated from
their chapters. I will be getting nametags for the PNM’s so we can remember their names. Get
pumped and good luck.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Wojcik (Alex.Wojcik@unco.edu): I have meet with almost
Vice President for Greek Affairs Foxx (Patrick.Foxx@unco.edu): Blood Drive is Feb 28 from 9 in
Colombine B to 2:30 and we have 40 slots that need to be filled. I am working on incentives and a
raffle to win something pretty big. Please sign up for this and make sure that you are able to give
blood. We are having a Greek week informational meeting here soon so I will be contacting the
chapters to come to that. We will decide the theme for that. The meeting will be at Spruce C
Vice President for Internal Affairs DiLoreto (Patrick.DiLoreto@unco.edu): You will be
Director of Risk Management Brown (James.Brown@unco.edu): We are getting resources together
to give talks to people. I am sending around a paper. I need to get the contact info for all the
Chapter Presidents and the Risk Manager’s as well.
Director of Marketing Garcia (Ramon.Garcia@unco.edu): We went public with Spring recruitment
and we are printing some flyers for that
President Christie (Gabriel.Christie@unco.edu): We have applications for Phanilinic council liaison
and we encourage people to sign up for that.
Cabinet Reports
Panhellenic Liaison: AOP is having AOpizza pi on Feb 21st and carticat care week on Feb 26th Eat
Your heart out and the chapter that participtates the most will be getting $50 is Alpha sweets is
MGC Liaison: None
Greek Advisor:
Kate Bowdle (Katryn.Bowdle@unco.edu): Don’t party to much during the Super Bowl! DO NOT
know who is going into your houses. State Law will kick you out of school. Don’t burn anything.
Chapter Reports
Alpha Kappa Lambda: None
Delta Chi: None
Delta Sigma Phi: Thursday will be an event at Gunther and Turner Green from 3-6 for Football.
Delta Tau Delta: None
Kappa Sigma: We will paring up with the Vet Center we are helping combat vets find counseling
Lambda Chi Alpha: none
Nu Alpha Kappa: none
Pi Kappa Phi: none
Sigma Lambda Beta: we are doing a krispy Kream fundraiser on Valientines and I going to give
flyers to every chapter
Sigma Chi: none
Old Business
New Business
Announcements/Open Forum
Gabe: Be safe
Motion for Adjournment
Motion for Adjournment at 6:26pm by: Gabe
Seconded by: DiLoreto