Student Government Association: Executive Cabinet Minutes Monday September 28, 2015 Lee Hall Room 411, 9:01 PM I. II. Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 9:01 PM Roll Call: Ray Celeste is not here, Sarah Clay 9:15 III. Committee Reports: i. Vice-President (Alex Obolensky): Town hall with Sodexo this week. Rick Pierce was there. Good discussion. Open to allowing freshmen to use their meal swipes in other dining places. Dean Rucker is on board. More gluten free options. Sodexo is working with us ii. JRB – Judicial Review Board (Juliet Narine): Four cases this week with six accused students. Two tonight and two tonight. Homecoming is still in the works, We want sodexo to provide food, but they are not on board iii. Honor Council (Diana Inthavong): One hearing today. iv. LAC – Legislative Action Committee (Sarah Campbell): No Report v. ARH – Association of Residence Halls (Ray Celeste Tanner): Bon Fire time got changed, Res games sign up is on Orgsync. Grand prize 500$. The bon fire changed to 730-10 pm, Wed 10/21 vi. AAC – Academic Affairs Committee (Sarah Clay): No Report vii. ICA – Inter-club Association (Ethan Lane): No Report viii. CSA – Commuting Student Association (Miriam McCue): Canal Walk was a booming success- sarcasm. Going to finance for events. Coffee hours coming up. Bowling is coming up in November. ix. DUCC – Diversity and Unity Coordinating Committee (Zaire Sprowal): Religious Forum has a name. “Get to Know me”. After Fall Break x. Executive Coordinator (Vidya Dawarka): Homecoming budget is in and people should check out Facebook page. Not just for Alumni. xi. Treasurer (Martha Keegan): Quotes for T Shirts, Mugs, and Koozies. Finance meeting tomorrow. Get it together by tomorrow xii. Secretary (Tate Houff): No Raport xiii. Technology Coordinator (Timothy Caish): No Report xiv. Communications Director (Dana Krafft): No Report xv. Involvement and Outreach Coordinator (Rebecca Cain): Into the Streets 10-12, the 3rd of October xvi. President (Hannah Tibbett): Homecoming committee meeting. “huge mess”. Next Wednesday Meeting. Everything is coming together. Tailgate Spot? IV. Special Orders: V. Senate motions: 1st Motion: Building and ground committee work with students to be able to carry portable mace. Siri- “I don’t understand”. We don’t understand why its not allowed either Siri. PASSED. 2nd Motion: Student Senate and Exec Cabinet publicly denounce the instances of biased incidents that target our peers; as this behavior does not “provide a welcoming and inclusive environment of mutual respect...” which are the twin pillars that we pride ourselves on as an institution. All agree that it did not represent this school. PASSED. Zaire could send out a basic OP ED. Mahalo VI. Announcements: VII. Adjournment: 9:29 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Tate Houff SGA Secretary