Central Tender No.(99/2013)
Invitation For Expression Of Interest
For Consulting Services
For Investment Measures For Improving Sewage Sludge Treatment And Disposal
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Ref.-No.: BMZ ID 2011 66 594
Prequalification for Consulting Services
Ref.: International Open Tender for Climate Change Mitigation Measures in the
Wastewater Sector in Jordan (Conceptual and Investment Study), Central Tender
Tenderer: Water Authority of Jordan through the Government Tender Directorate (GTD)
Financing: German Financial Cooperation through KfW
Project Measures:
The objective of the Climate Change Mitigation Measures Program in the Jordanian Wastewater
Sector is the reduction of carbon emissions through the implementation of advanced sewage sludge treatment and disposal improvement measures for the major wastewater treatment plants in the country. The envisaged improvement measures, comprising options among others such as sludge digestion, rehabilitation of drying beds, mechanical sludge dewatering and potentially mono-landfill, sludge reed beds, solar drying need to be environmentally, energetically and economically optimised and justified. The task of the Program Phase 1 consultancy comprises the elaboration of a detailed implementation and investment concept under full consideration of justified techno-economic criteria. Note: The consecutive Program
Phase 2 - separate PQ and tender - shall comprise the preparation of detailed design and tender documents, tendering of work and supply contracts and construction supervision services for identified, prioritised and approved program related improvement measures.
Requested Consultant Services:
The Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), through the Government Tender Directorate (GTD) hereby invites independent international qualified consulting firms, experienced in the wastewater sector and in the region, to submit their pre-qualification documents for consulting services supporting and facilitating the implementation of investment measures for climate change mitigation projects in the Jordanian wastewater sector. The required minimum annual turnover of the lead consultant shall be above two million EUR as average of the last 3 years. It is recommended that the Consultant shall perform the services in association with a Grade A listed Jordanian Consultant in the field of water and sewerage projects, as classified by the
Government Tender Directorate (GTD).
The prequalification of experienced consultants will follow the latest version of the "Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Cooperation Projects" (refer to website: www.kfwentwicklungsbank.de).
Further information concerning the prequalification are compiled in the PQ Information Note.
The invitation of Expression of Interest (EOI) will be distributed electronically. EOI documents have to be submitted in hard copy at the stated addresses by courier, or in person. E-mail or fax copies will not be accepted.
Tender Document can be downloaded free of charge from GTD website( www.gtd.gov.jo
Starting Wednesday July 17
,2013 .
Intent to participate in this tender must be confirmed in writing, fax or e-mail to GTD address listed below upon downloading the Pre-qualification documents
The Pre-qualification Proposals will be opened at 13:00 hours Jordan Local Time on Aug
17 th
, 2013 in the presence of bidder or their representatives and it will be transmitted live(audio
& video) on GTD website.
Prequalification for Consulting Services
Deadline for Receipt:
Program Implementation
Ref. No.:
Envisaged Services:
17. August 2013, 12:00 CET
Water Authority of Jordan
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
BMZ ID 2011 66 594
The programme aims to identify and implement climate change related mitigation measures in the Jordanian wastewater sector, comprising mainly the implementation of advanced and optimised sewage sludge treatment and disposal measures for the major wastewater treatment plants in the country.
Consulting Services for the elaboration of a conclusive implementation and investment concept for sewage sludge related mitigation measures.
KfW Financing: