THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA Through KENYA NATIONAL HIGHWAYS AUTHORITY Regional Mombasa Port Road Access Project MOMBASA – MARIAKANI (A109) HIGHWAY PROJECT LOT 2:KWA JOMVU – MARIAKANI (30.4 KM) INVITATION FOR PRE - QUALIFICATION Consulting Services for Design Review, Tender Documentation, Construction Supervision and Contract Administration Financed through EIB, ITF, KfW Tender No. KeNHA/1111/2015 July 2015 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor P. O. Box 49712 NAIROBI, KENYA INVITATION FOR PRE - QUALIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND............................................................................................................ 2 2 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK ......................................................................... 2 3 PROJECT AREA .......................................................................................................... 3 4 APPLICANTS AND PERSONNEL ............................................................................... 4 5 SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS .............................................................................. 6 6 EVALUATION............................................................................................................... 9 ANNEXURES ........................................................................................................................ 11 KeNHA July 2015 1 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 BACKGROUND 1.01 The Project-Executing Agency hereby invites qualified independent consultants to submit a pre-qualification document for consulting services. Funds have been earmarked for this project by the German Development Bank (KfW), the European Union Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (ITF) and the European Investment Bank (EIB), hereinafter called the Banks. The financing and loan agreements are currently still in preparation. 1.02 The Project-Executing Agency (PEA) is theKenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) of the Republic of Kenya, Address: Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor, P.O. Box 49712, NAIROBI, KENYA, who intends to sign a Lump-Sum all-inclusive agreement with the successful bidder. 1.03 The Government of Kenya has received loan funding from KfW, ITF and EIBfor the rehabilitation and upgrading to four lanes of the Mombasa – Mariakani (A109) Road, Lot 2 between Kwa Jomvu and Mariakani (30.4 km) and intends to apply part of the loan for Consultancy Services for the Design Review, Tender Documentation, and ConstructionSupervision and Contract Administration. 2 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK 2.01 The purpose of this assignment is therefore to review the detailed engineering design, compile the tender documentation, and support the tender process and award and to conduct the Construction Supervision and contract administration. 2.02 The requested services to be provided by the Consultantshould aim at achieving the following results: (i) Design Review: Review all aspects of the detailed engineering design report including but not limited to; Confirmation of reported borrow and quarry sites and investigation of additional ones, where possible. Confirm the suitability of the available material sources and critically review Confirm or propose revision of the pavement design for each section of Lot 2. Revise cost estimate, based on findings of the reviews. (ii) Tender Documentation: Compile the complete request for tenders in accordance with KeNHA’s and the Banks’ guidelines as two-envelope procedurefor international competitive bidding with prequalification. The documentation shall include but not be limited to Letter of Invitation, KeNHA July 2015 2 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Tender Rules, Particular Conditions of Contract, Project Specifications, Environmental and Social Management Plan, Schedule of Quantities and Engineering Drawings. (iii) Tender Phase and Award: Assist the Executing Agency with the pre-qualification process, short-listing of bidders, the tender process and tender evaluation, as well as the contract negotiations and compilation of the contract documents. (iv) Construction Supervision and Contract Administration: To provide full-time staff for Construction Supervision staff as well as experts for parttime support and project management staff for contract administration services in order to ensure that the road is constructed within budget, programme and that all quality standards are met at all times and measurements and payments are in accordance with the actually achieved progress. 2.03 The Consultants shall study all the relevant design and cost information available on the project and perform such review tasks, field investigations, documentations and related works deemed necessary for attainment of the objective stipulated above. 2.04 Consultancy services are preliminarily planned as follows: (i) Design Review, tender documentation and consultant pre-qualification: 5 months; (ii) Tender period, tender evaluation and contract negotiations: 4 months; and (iii) Construction Supervision and contract administration: 36 months construction period, 12 months defects liability period and five years 3 PROJECT AREA 3.01 The project road forms part of the 500 km Mombasa-Nairobi highway. The part of the road, which is planned to be upgraded starts at the junction of Kenyatta Avenue (A109) and Digo Road (A14) within Mombasa City. It runs in a northerly direction through Changamwe, Miritini, Mazeras, Mariakani, before ending at Mariakani Weighbridge. 3.02 Lot 1 (km 0.0 to km 11.3) starts at the junction of Kenyatta Avenue (A109) and Digo Road (A14) and ends at the Kwa Jomvu intersection, where Lot 2 (km 11.3 to km 41.7), which is subject to this contract, starts. Lot 2 ends at the Mariakani Weighbridge. 3.03 The road project is duallingand upgrading of an existing road and not a new road, which would need a new right of way, but resettlement will be required in several sections of the road. KeNHA July 2015 3 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.04 Under Lot 2a weighbridge and weigh-in-motion facilities will be constructed. Lot 2 is divided into sections as follows: I. Kwa Jomvu – Miritini (3.5 km): This section is a two-way single-lane carriageway in very bad conditions with an inadequate drainage system. Resting and parking areas for trucks are not existent, which leads to an additional reduction of road width. In general, this section is characterized by high traffic, lots of pedestrian movements and economic activities (linkages with industrial zones). Urban and industrial setting. II. Miritini – Mazeras (4.9 km): This section is a two-way double-lane carriageway, recently constructed and therefore generally in good condition, apart from the block paving on the Nairobi-bound lane at km 19, which is showing signs of failure. A continuous concrete pavement may be considered for this section and reinforced concrete separators as median were recommended. The section through Mazeras has separate service roads. Peri-urban setting. III. Mazeras – Mariakani (20.1 km): This section is a two-way single-lane carriageway, also recently constructed and in good condition. The Nairobi – Mombasa railway runs on the left hand side parallel to the project road. Therefore, the additional carriageway will be provided on the right hand side of the existing carriageway. Only limited land acquisition may be required in order to allow for the additional carriageway. On the approach to Mariakani weighbridge, a new lane is currently being constructed in order to separate the through traffic from trucks turning into the weighbridge. Peri-urban setting. 4 APPLICANTS AND PERSONNEL 4.01 The Consultant must always be neutral and independent vis-à-vis potential suppliers for the project in question. Members of associated firms may participate in a project only as either Consultant or manufacturer/supplier/construction firm. 4.02 When submitting proposals, Consultants must disclose any links with other firms and give a binding declaration that, should they be awarded the Contract, the firms, with which they are associated, do not intend to take part in the project in any other form. In a joint venture, this also applies to participating professionals and other consultancy firms. 4.03 Consultancy firms that belong to the same group, or are linked in another way financially, organisationally or through personnel, can participate in the competitive tendering procedure individually only if none of the other consultancy firms, with which they are associated, participate. KeNHA July 2015 4 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.04 Consultants can participate in the competitive tendering procedure as companies in any legal form, and in conjunction with other Consultants to ensure that all required know-how and experience are available to them. After the completion of the prequalification procedure, cooperation between the prequalified Consultants is permitted only with the approval of the Executing Agency and the Banks, and only if sufficient competition continues to be guaranteed. 4.05 Major importance is attached to cooperation with experts or companies with a background of local experience and those with international experience. The listing and selection of the experts and consultancy firms concerned is solely at the discretion of the applicant. It is however strongly recommended to associate with local consultants who can provide relevant local knowledge. 4.06 If the applicant intends to use subcontractors, then where such are subcontracted it shall bear full responsibility for the services they perform. The assignment of all activities to one or several subcontractors is not permissible. 4.07 Should a cooperation be proposed the documents submitted for the prequalification process must contain the necessary information on all the intended partners. In particular, they must include a description of their competencies, fields of work, and the form the cooperation will take. 4.08 The documents must include a Declaration of Intent signed by all the partners and naming the consultancy firm that will direct the work. If they are awarded the contract, the partners undertake to take all the steps necessary to perform the work described in the documents as stated and in the form of cooperation as stated. 4.09 Groups of applicants (i.e. joint ventures, consortia, etc.) are required to enter into an agreement with joint and several liability. 4.10 Services are to be provided by a core team of experts with experience in projects of similar size and nature, comprising at least of the following: 1Team Leader (Senior Roads Engineer/Project Manager) 1 Resident Engineer 1 Materials/Pavement Engineer, with asphalt and concrete roads experience 1 Highway Engineer Manager. 4.11 In addition, the Consultant is expected to assign further international and local experts,to provide special expertise and support the core team as and when required to cover the entire bandwidth of expertise required. KeNHA July 2015 5 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.12 Efficient management and backstopping services shall also be made available from the Consultant’s head office. 4.13 In view of the fact that other large-scale construction/upgrading projects are being undertaken in the project area simultaneously, KeNHA will appoint a Project Coordinator under a separate contract, who will coordinate and the individual projects in order to avoid conflicts. 5 SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS 5.01 The prequalification document in metric A4 size and in English shall have the following structure and content and shall be presented in the same sequence as shown below: 1. Application Letter, comprising the applicant’s name, address, contact person, telephone, fax and email, if applicable,state the association for this Project. 2. Presentations of firms (maximum 10 pages), inclusive clear statements of type, property and key task of the association, if applicable. 3. Statements and Declarations (i) Authority for the signatory to sign the submission (resolution from the board of directors of the firm and the association, if applicable); (ii) Declaration of submitting a proposal in case of being short-listed; (iii) Statement on affiliations of any kind with other firms, which may present a conflict of interest in providing the envisaged services; (iv) In case of an association, the intended contractual arrangement with international and local firms, nominating the lead consultant and including original of legally binding signed Letters of Intent fromeach participating firm/expert (cp. Annexure 1). (v) Original of legally binding signed Declaration of Undertaking (cp. Annexure 2) from each participating firm/expert, to observe the highest standard of ethics during execution of the Project. Applicants must be aware that any fraudulent or corrupt activities disqualify them immediately from participation in the selection process and will be subject to further legal investigation. Failure to submit this Declaration of Undertaking or to comply with the requirements contained in it shall lead to exclusion from the tender process. KeNHA July 2015 6 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (vi) Proof of the applicant’s financial status shall be presented in the format as presented in Annexure 3A, duly signed and stamped by the applicant’s auditors. In the Appendix to the submission the following shall be presented: a) Confirmation of a guarantee limit from the applicant’s bank, which is available for this Project, which must not be more than 6 months old, and which is appropriate for the Project (in case of doubt, the Client reserves the right to verify this). b) The Annual turnover of more than EUR 5,000,000 (five million Euro) shall be confirmed by presenting certified balance sheets or profit and loss accounts for the last 3 years; for applicants who are not obliged to produce balance sheets, by presenting net income statements. For joint ventures, the cumulative annual turnover of the partners (each partner shall provide the Form as per Annexures3A and 3B) will be taken into consideration, however, the lead partner shall account for at least 50% thereof, i.e. at least EUR 2,500,000 (two comma five million Euro). Applicants who submit no documentation or largely incomplete documentation, on this will not be included in the prequalification. (vii) Evidence of the Consultant’s experience in handling similar projects,from the last 8 years (2007-2014) in the format provided in Annexure 4. The applicant must produce relevant project references (max. 10 references) proving that it has acquired sufficient experience in similar projects during this period. The presentation of the project references should indicate the Client (and Financier, if different), the country, the full volume and scope of each project (financial, human resources (i.e. name of applicant’s key personnel)), what role the applicant performed in the project, how it was contractually integrated into the project (main consultant, sub-consultant, partner, etc.)and, if appropriate, what share of the total it was responsible for producing. Further, the contact person and contact detail (telephone, email) of the relevant Client shall be entered. The best 5 references will be used for the evaluation. (viii) List of available personnel for the envisaged services with information about education, professional experience, regional experience, years with the firm, specific project-related experience and experience in similar posts in accordance with the Forms in Annexure 5(Key Personnel, cp. 4.10) and Annexure 6 (Additional Experts). This list shall allow a profound judgement on KeNHA July 2015 7 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ the consultants’ general ability to provide the required personnel having the specific experience for the project in case of an offer. The submission of CVsis not required,except for backstopping personnel. (ix) Brief CVs (max. 3 pages) on at least 2 staff members proposed for backstopping and home office support. 5.02 Applicants that are part of a group of firms, and as such submit project or personnel references from other sections of the firm or sister companies, can only be recognised, if they can convincingly demonstrate that if awarded the contract they would have unrestricted access to these resources (e.g. joint venture, subcontractors, secondments). 5.03 This also applies to the proof of financial resources. In this case the applicant must demonstrate that the parent company or holding company is liable for it with legal effect (e.g. guarantee or a “hard" letter of comfort). 5.04 Interested consultants are requested to submit concise and clear, but substantial documents and to adhere to the above structure.Non-compliance with this invitation or faulty information shall lead to non-qualification. Any surplus of information not specific to the material requested will be penalized. 5.05 The prequalification proposal shall be submitted in one (1) original and Two(2) copies to the ProjectExecuting Agency, KeNHA,at the address stated below on or before the time and the date statedbelow. Secretary/Tender Committee Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor P. O. Box 49712 NAIROBI, KENYA The envelope shall be clearly marked with the following: Tender No. KeNHA/1111/2015 - Expression of Interest for consultancy services for: Regional Mombasa Port Road Access Project MOMBASA – MARIAKANI (A109) HIGHWAY PROJECT, LOT 2 Consulting Services for Design Review, Tender Documentation, Construction Supervision and Contract Administration for the Upgrading of the Mombasa – Mariakani (A109) Highway, Lot 2: Kwa Jomvu – Mariakani Section (30.4 km)” KeNHA July 2015 8 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.07 The Tender closesonFriday, 21st August 2015, 1100hrsEast African Time, when the applications will be opened in public at the KeNHA offices, at the address stated above. Late submissions will be disqualified and not considered for evaluation. 5.08 All cost for a site visit, obtaining information/data and preparation/submission of the prequalification document, meetings, negotiations, etc. in relation with the prequalification or the subsequent proposal shall be borne by the consultants. 5.09 At any time, The Executing Agencymay clarify this invitation, either at its own initiative or in response to written clarification requested by an interested consultant by email. Such information shall be sent in writing by e-mail to all parties, which have informed the Executing Agency about their participation. 5.10 It is envisaged to establish a short-list of not more than five prequalified consultants not later than four weeks after the closing date and to invite technical and financial proposals from these consultants. 6 EVALUATION 6.01 The evaluation procedure for the prequalification process will follow the ”Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Co-operation Projects“ (cp. www.kfw-, as amended and presented below. 6.02 Applicants will firstly be scrutinized, if the documents specified in Clause 5.01 (3) (i)-(v) have been provided satisfactorily. Incomplete or largely insufficiently provided documentation may lead to the exclusion from further evaluation. 6.03 Secondly, the financialcapacity of the firms/associations will be evaluated. Only applicants, which have submitted the statements, as detailed in Clause 5.01 (3) (vi), and satisfying the set conditions, will be evaluated further. 6.03 Thirdly, the evaluation criteria and their individual weights are presented in the tableoverleaf will be used to complete the evaluation. 6.04 Following the evaluation, a short-list of the highest scoring applicants will be compiled. Only those applicants will be selected who achieve at least 70% of the points to be allocated. If more than five applicants achieve that total the five applicants with the highest number of points will be selected. Short-listed firms will subsequently be invited to submit a technical and financial proposal. KeNHA July 2015 9 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Evaluation Criteria Maximum Score 1. Relevant experienceof the firm (past 8 years) (cp. Clause 5.01 (3) (vii), Annexure 4) 45 1.1 Experience in handling projects of similar size and nature, i.e. rural road projects (max 10 projects, best 5 projects are scored) 25 1.2 Experience in developing countries (from the projects listed under 1.1) 10 1.3 Experience with workingconditions in KenyaandEast Africa(from the projects listed under 1.1) 10 2. Suitability of staff for this specific project (past 8 years) 55 2.1 Assessment of available technical expertise of KEY PERSONNEL, relevantfor this project (cp. Clause 4.10; 5.01 (3) (viii), Annexure 5) 25 2.2 Assessment of the personnel structure with regard to the servicesto be performed (additional personnel) (cp. Clause 4.11; 5.01 (3) (viii), Annexure 6) 10 2.3 Assessment of the key personnel in permanent employment and always available to monitor the team and provide back-up services from the home office (cp. Clause 4.12; 5.01 (3) (ix)) 10 Form of the application documents: Complete, specific and project related (cp. 5.04 and 5.05) 10 Total 100 2.4 6.05 The Executing Agency is under no obligation to shortlist any consultant who expresses interest. Should the Tender be cancelled, the tenderers are not entitled to any compensation, nor will any reasons be given for the cancellation. 6.06 The responsibility for the preparation, completeness and submission of the prequalification documents on or before the closing date and time to the required addresses lies solely with the applicant and no relief or consideration can be given for errors, omissions or late submission. 6.07 After opening the prequalification documents until preparation of the short-list of the qualified consultants, no communication of any type shall be entertained unless called for by the Executing Agency. The Director General Kenya National Highways Authority KeNHA July 2015 10 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNEXURES KeNHA Annexure 1 Letter of Intent Annexure 2 Declaration of Undertaking Annexure 3A Financial Capabilities Annexure 3B Financial Capabilities: Joint Venture Summary Annexure 4 Company Project Experience Annexure 5 List of Key Staff Annexure 6 List of Additional Staff July 2015 11 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY LETTER HEAD Annexure 1 The Director General Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor P. O. Box 49712 NAIROBI, KENYA Dear Sir, Subject: Regional Mombasa Port Road Access Project: MOMBASA – MARIAKANI HIGHWAY PROJECT, LOT 2: KWA JOMVU – MARIAKANI Pre-Qualification for Consulting Services forDesign Review, Tender Documentation, Construction Supervisionand Contract Administration Letter of Intent Herewith, I ......................................................... (Name), as ...................................................... (Position) of .......................................................................................... (Company), unequivocally state on behalf of ................................................................... (Company) and hereby being authorized to do so provide my commitment to the delivery of the required outcomes for the above project for which part the said firm is responsible as part of the professional team of ............................................................ (Lead Consultant). I am committed to provide the resources and the time to complete the required activities and deliverables for the duration of the project and will ensure achievement to milestones and delivery of the products and reports, as required. If staff changes are to be made during the course of the project, this shall be done only with prior approval and to the satisfaction of the Client. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any further information. .................................................... ........................... ............................................................... (Place) (Date) (Name of company) ................................................... (Signature(s)) KeNHA July 2015 12 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY LETTER HEAD Annexure 2 The Director General Kenya National Highways Authority Blue Shield Towers, Upper Hill, 1st Floor P. O. Box 49712 NAIROBI, KENYA Dear Sir, Subject: Regional Mombasa Port Road Access Project: MOMBASA – MARIAKANI HIGHWAY PROJECT, LOT 2: KWA JOMVU – MARIAKANI Pre-Qualification for Consulting Services for Design Review, Tender Documentation, Construction Supervisionand Contract Administration Declaration of Undertaking We underscore the importance of a free, fair and competitive contracting procedure that precludes abusive practices. In this respect we have neither offered nor granted directly or indirectly any inadmissible advantages to any public servant or other person nor accepted such advantages in connection with our bid, nor will we offer or grant or accept any such incentives or conditions in the present tendering process or, in the event that we are awarded the contract, in the subsequent execution of the contract. We also declare that no conflict of interest exists in the meaning of the kind described in the ”Guidelines for Assignment of Consultants in Financial Co-operation Projects“. We also underscore the importance of adhering to minimum social standards (core labour standards) in the implementation of the project. We undertake to comply with the core labour standards ratified by the Republic of Kenya. We will inform our staff of their respective obligations and of their obligation to fulfil this declaration of undertaking and to obey the laws of the Republic of Kenya. We also declare that our company/all members of the consortium has/have not been included in the list of sanctions of the United Nations, nor of the EU, nor of the German Government, nor in any other list of sanctions and affirm that our company/all members of the consortium will immediately inform the Client and KfW if this situation occurs at a later stage. We acknowledge that, in the event that our company (or a member of the consortium) is added to a list of sanctions that is legally binding on the Client and/or KfW, the Client shall be entitled to exclude us/the consortium or, if the contract is awarded to our company/the consortium, to immediately cancel such contract if the statements made in the Declaration of Undertaking were objectively false or the reason for exclusion from the tender procedure occurs after the Declaration of Undertaking has been issued. .................................................... (Place) ........................... (Date) ............................................................... (Name of company) ................................................... (Signature(s)) KeNHA July 2015 13 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Capabilities Annexure 3A The Applicant shall state in the tables below the value of the total assets, total liabilities and annual turnover of the firm, and their proposed sources of financing for the cash flow demand of the Project (cp. Clause 5.01 (3) (vi)). (Make copies of this page as required) Name of Applicant or Partner of a Joint Venture Separate Forms have to be filled by individual firms and each partner of a joint venture, as well as by named sub-contractors. A certified copy of audited Balance Sheets and Financial Statements shall be attached in the annexure. Auditor Stamp Name of Auditor Address of Auditor Telephone Contact Name and Title Fax e-Mail Summarized actual assets, liabilities and annual turnover in Euro(€) equivalent for the past three (3) years. Actual: Previous three (3) years Financial Information in Euro (€) equivalent Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 1. Total Assets 2. Total Liabilities 3. Annual Turnover Specify proposed sources of financing to meet the cash flow demand of the Project. An original letter from the Bankers stating the available credit limit shall be attached in the annexure. Source of Financing Amount (Euro (€) equivalent) 1. 2. 3. KeNHA July 2015 14 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Capabilities Annexure 3B Joint Venture Summary Names of all Partners in a Joint Venture 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Partner Total value of annual turnover, in terms of services billed to clients. Annual Turnover Data (Construction only, Euro (€) equivalent), previous three (3) years Partner 1. Lead Partner 2. Partner 3. Partner 4. Partner 5. Partner 6. Partner Annexure 3A Page No. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL KeNHA July 2015 15 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relevant Experience of the Firm Annexure 4 Please complete a table using the format below to summarize the major relevant projects similar to this project carried out in the course of the past 8 years by the legal entity or entities making this application. The number of references to be provided must not exceed 10.(Make copies of this page as required) Name and Description of Project KeNHA Location Client Ref. (Name, email, Tel.) / Financier Project Value in EUR million Service Value in EUR million Category of Services provided (Tick as Role in the No. and applicable) Project Year Project Name of Key (main co ns. / Description of the Project Investig., (Duration, Feasibility Design Contract Size / km Staff Services provided lead co ns. / Surveys, Completion) Admin & provided partner / subSpecial Tech Econ Prelim Detail Superv. co ns. / etc.) Services July 2015 16 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List of Key Staff Annexure 5 Please summarize the relevant experience of the proposed key staff together with a brief description of the most relevant projects carried out by the key staff during the last 8 years (thenumber of projects to be provided must not exceed 5 for each expert).(Make copies of this page as required) Proposed Position Nam e and Description of Project KeNHA Location Name Client Ref. (Nam e, em ail, Tel.) / Financier Project Value in EUR m illion Education Service Value in EUR m illion Year (Duration, Com pletion) Project Size / km July 2015 Role in the Project Years working as permanent staff Description of the Services provided Years of Professional Experience Years of Experience in proposed Position Years of Regional Experience (East Africa) Category of Services provided (Tick as applicable) Investig., Feasibility Design Contract Surveys, Adm in & Special Tech Econ Prelim Detail Superv. Services 17 Pre-qualification for Consulting Services Mombasa – Mariakani: Lot 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ List of Additional Staff Annexure 6 Please summarize the relevant experience of the proposed key staff together with a brief description of relevant projects carried out by the key staff during the last 8 years (thenumber of projects to be provided must not exceed 5 for each expert). (Make copies of this page as required) Proposed Position Nam e and Description of Project KeNHA Location Name Client Ref. (Nam e, em ail, Tel.) / Financier Project Value in EUR m illion Education Service Value in EUR m illion Year (Duration, Com pletion) Project Size / km July 2015 Role in the Project Years working as permanent staff Description of the Services provided Years of Professional Experience Years of Experience in proposed Position Years of Regional Experience (East Africa) Category of Services provided (Tick as applicable) Investig., Feasibility Design Contract Surveys, Adm in & Special Tech Econ Prelim Detail Superv. Services 18