School [recycling, compost, or waste reduction] case study [School district and county] [Project title or description] Type of project (check those that apply) Waste Reduction Recycling Food/Source Separated Organic School description (Fill out for each school participating) School name: Grade levels: Number of students: Number of staff: Year School was built: Communities served: Project purpose/goals [Provide a paragraph containing a brief description of project outlining goals, purpose, and target audience] Materials targeted [List the materials that were collected or reduced because of this project] Accomplishments [Provide a short description of results or notable features.] Project team [List the titles and responsibilities of people on your project team, including staff and outside volunteers] Partnerships [List the names of community members, county or state agency, groups, organizations, businesses, etc that you partnered with on the project.] Process [In one paragraph, describe the process your project team used to reach your project goals, including measuring current waste, modifying your waste hauling contract, buying bins and labels, etc. What was the source of your signage? How did you tell staff and students about the new recycling or composting system?] Classroom connections [Did any teachers use lessons or projects about recycling or waste in their classroom, in conjunction with your project?] Project timeline [Provide start date and any other notable dates, such as a program roll-out date] Cost/budget [Comment on your initial investment, where the money came from, and any money saved because of the project] Measurable Results [How did your team measure results? Provide data about the increase in recycling or compost collected, decrease in trash, or volume of waste prevented because of your project.] Lessons Learned [Please share any knowledge you gained with others who might be starting a similar project. What did not work, or what would you do differently to streamline or make the process more efficient? Provide information on the communications that created effective results.] Further Information [A website reference or who to contact to get more specifics on this project] Photos [Pictures are worth a thousand words, so if you have a couple that illustrate your project, please include them. ]