QUESTION BANK Introduction to Signals & Systems 1. What are the major classifications of the signal? 2. Define discrete time signals and classify them. 3. Define continuous time signals and classify them. 4. Define discrete time unit step &unit impulse. 5. Define continuous time unit step and unit impulse. 6. Define unit ramp signal. 7. Define periodic signal and non-periodic signal. 8. Define even and odd signal? 9. Define Energy and power signal. 10. Define unit pulse function. 11. Define continuous time complex exponential signal. 12. What is continuous time real exponential signal. 13. What is continuous time growing exponential signal? 14. State the BIBO criterion for stability. 15. Find whether the signal given by x (n) = 5cos (6 πn) is periodic . 16. For the systems represented by the following functions. 17. Determine whether every system is (1) stable (2) Causal (3) linear (4) Shift invariant T[x(n)]= ex(n) (ii) T[x(n)]=ax(n)+6 18. Write down an expression in the z-domain for Y (z) in terms of X(z) and H(z). 19. Write down an expression for X(z) in terms of x(n) . 20. Write down an expression for y( n) in terms of x( n) and h(n) . 21. Differentiate analog and digital signal processing. 22. Give an example for discrete time signal. 23. Name any four elementary time domain operations for discrete time Domain 24. Write short notes on system and signals? 25. Distinguish between a causal and non causal system, 26. Define even and odd signals. 27. Distinguish between deterministic and random signals. 28. What are multichannel signals? 29. What are the disadvantages of analog signal processing? 30. What are the advantages of digital signal processing? 31. Draw the basic block diagram of DSP system. 32. Differentiate among analog, quantized and digital signal. z –transform 33. Find the inverse z –transform of X(z), where a is constant 34. Determine H(z) using impulse invariance method for the given transfer function, Assume T=1 Sec 35. Find the convolution of X(n) and h(n) 36. Find the z-transform of x (n), 37. Find the inverse Z- transform of X(z), Where a constant. 38. State and prove important properties of the z-transforms. 39. Find the inverse z-transform of the system Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier transform 40. Differentiate DTFT and DFT. 41. Differentiate between DIT and DIF algorithm. 42. How many stages are there for 8 point DFT? 43. Define about DFT and IDFT. 44. What is DIT radix –2 FFT? 45. What is radix-2 FFT? 46. How many multiplications and additions are involved in radix-2 FFT? 47. Give any two applications of DFT (or Mention the importance of DFT) 48. Write the properties of linear convolution? 49. What is the drawback in Fourier Transform and how it is overcome? 50. State any two DFT properties. 51. How many multiplication terms are required for doing DFT by expressional method and FFT method? 52. Find the values of WNk When N=8, k=2 and also for k=3. 53. Compare DIT radix-2 FFT and DIF radix -2 FFT. 54. Draw the radix-2 FFT–DIF butterfly diagram. 55. Draw the radix-2 FFT–DIT butterfly diagram. 56. What is the necessity of sectioned convolution in signal processing? 57. Define Correlation of the sequence. 58. State any two DFT properties. 59. Why impulse invariant transformation is not a one-to-one mapping? 60. State and prove shifting property of DFT. 61. Derive and draw the radix -2 DIT algorithms for FFT of 8 points. 62. Compute the DFT for the sequence {1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 1}. Using radix -2 DIF FFT and radix -2 DIT- FFT algorithm. Sampling 63. Draw and explain the operation of a sample and hold circuit. 64. Name any two type of ADCS. 65. For a A/D converter circuit why Vref should be stabilized supply. 66. Which is the fastest ADC and why? 67. What do you mean by Quantization error? 68. What is the difference between A/D and D/A converters? 69. What is the difference between recursive and non recursive system 70. Define realization structure. 71. What are the different types of structure realization. 72. What is meant by sampling. 73. State Sampling theorem. 74. What is meant by aliasing. 75. What are the effects aliasing. 76. How the aliasing process is eliminated. 77. Define Nyquist rate. and Nyquist interval. 78. Define sampling of band pass signals. FIR & IIR Filters 79. Distinguish IIR and FIR filters. 80. Distinguish analog and digital filters. 81. Write the expression for order of Butterworth filter? 82. Write the expression for the order of chebyshev filter? 83. Write the various frequency transformations in analog domain? 84. Write the steps in designing chebyshev filter? 85. Write down the steps for designing a Butterworth filter? 86. State the equation for finding the poles in chebyshev filter. 87. Write the steps involved in FIR filter design. 88. What are advantages of FIR filter? 89. What are the disadvantages of FIR FILTER? 90. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of a FIR filter? 91. List the well known design technique for linear phase FIR filter design? 92. For what kind of application, the antisymmetrical impulse response can be used? 93. For what kind of application, the symmetrical impulse response can be used? 94. What is the reason that FIR filter is always stable? 95. What condition on the FIR sequence h(n) are to be imposed n order that this filtercan be called a liner phase filter? 96. Under what conditions a finite duration sequence h(n) will yield constant group delay in its frequency response characteristics and not the phase delay? 97. State the condition for a digital filter to be causal and stable? 98. What are the properties of FIR filter? 99. When cascade from realization is preferred in FIR filters? 100. What are the disadvantages of Fourier series method? 101. What are the desirable characteristics of the windows? 102. Compare Hamming window with Kaiser Window. 103. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for linear phase characteristics in FIR filter? 104. Differentiate IIR filters and FIR filters? 105. Write the characteristics features of Hanning window? 106. Define pre-warping effect? Why it is employed? 107. Give any two properties of Butterworth filter. 108. When a FIR filter is said to be a linear phase FIR filter? 109. Write the characteristics features of rectangular window. 110. Write the expression for Kaiser window function. 111. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR filters? 112. Write the characteristics features of Hamming window? 113. Why mapping is needed in the design of digital filters? 114. Explain the procedural steps the design of low pass digital Butterworth filter and list its properties. 115. List the three well known methods of design technique for IIR filters and explain any one. 116. Using frequency sampling method, design a band pass FIR filter with the following specification. Sampling frequency Fs =8000 Hz, Cutoff frequency fc1 =1000Hz, fc2 =3000Hz.Determine the filter coefficients for N =7. 117. What condition on the FIR sequence h(n) are to be imposed n order that this filtercan be called a liner phase filter? 118. Design a causal linear phase FIR filter with 8 taps and a cut-off frequency of /4 using the frequency sampling method with a rectangular window. 119. Find an expression for the d.c. gain of the first order lowpass filter (FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECT) 120. Define white noise? 121. What do you understand by a fixed-point number? 122. What is the objective of spectrum estimation? 123. List out the addressing modes supported by C5X processors? 124. What is meant by block floating point representation? What are its advantages? 125. What are the advantages of floating point arithmetic? 126. How the multiplication & addition are carried out in floating point arithmetic? 127. What do you understand by input quantization error? 128. List the on-chip peripherals in 5X. 129. What is the relationship between truncation error e and the bits b for representing a decimal into binary? 130. What is meant rounding? Discuss its effect on all types of number representation? 131. What is meant by A/D conversion noise? 132. What is the effect of quantization on pole location? 133. What is meant by quantization step size? 134. How would you relate the steady-state noise power due to quantization and the b bits representing the binary sequence? 135. What is overflow oscillation? 136. What are the methods used to prevent overflow? 137. What are the two kinds of limit cycle behavior in DSP? 138. Determine "dead band" of the filter. 139. Explain briefly the need for scaling in the digital filter implementation. 140. What are the different buses of TMS320C5X and their functions? 141. Under what conditions a finite duration sequence h(n) will yield constant group delay in its frequency response characteristics and not the phase delay?