DEPARTMENT OF ECE TWO MARKS DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING UNIT I 1. Define DFT of a discrete time sequence. The DFT is used to convert a finite discrete time sequence x (n) to an N point frequency domain sequence denoted by X (K). The N point DFT of a finite duration sequence x (n) is defined as N-1 X (K) = ∑ x (n) e-j2הnk/N for K=0, 1, 2,…N-1 n=0 2. Define IDFT. The IDFT is used to convert the N point frequency domain sequence X (K) to an N point time sequence. The IDFT of the sequence X (K) of length N is defined as N-1 x (n) =1/N ∑X (K) e+j2הnk/N for n=0, 1,2,……N-1 K=0 3. List any four properties of DFT. Let DFT{x (n)} =X (K), DFT{x1 (n)} =X1 (K), DFT{x2 (n)} =X 2(K) i) ii) iii) iv) Periodicity: X (K+N) =X (K) for all K. Linearity: DFT[a1 x1 (n)+a2 x2(n)]=a1 X1 (K)+a2 X2 (K) DFT of time reversed sequence: DFT[ x(N-n)]=X(N-K) Circular convolution :DFT[x1(n)*x2(n)]=X1(K) X2(K) 4. What is the relation between Z transform and DFT? Let N point DFT of x (n) be X (K) and z transform of x (n) be X (Z) The N point sequence X(K) can be obtained from X(Z) by evaluating X(Z) at N equally spaced points around the unit circle .i.e X(K)=X(Z)/Z=ej 2 k ה/N for K=0,1,2….(N-1) 5. State the shifting property of DFT If DFT {x (n)} =X (K), then DFT{x (n-no)} =X (K) e -j2הno k/N 6. What is FFT? The FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is a method for computing the DFT with reduced number of calculations. The computational efficiency is achieved by employing divide and conquers approach. This is based on the decomposition of an N point DFT into successively smaller DFT. In an N point sequence if N can be expressed as N= r m then the sequence can be decimated into r- point sequences. For each r- point sequence, r point DFT is computed. From the results of r- point DFTs the r 2 - point DFTs are computed. From the results of r 2- point DFT the r3- point DFT are computed and so on, until we get r m point DFT. Hence the number of stage of computation is m. The number r is called the radix of the FFT algorithm. 7. What is radix- 2 FFT? The radix- 2 FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing N point DFT of an N point sequence. In radix- 2 FFT the N point sequence is decimated into 2 -point sequence and the 2 point DFT for each decimated sequence is computed. From the result of 2point DFT the 4- point DFT are computed. From the result of 4- point DFT the 8- point DFT are computed. From the result of 4- point DFT, the 8 point DFT are computed and so on until we get N point DFT. 8. How many multiplication and addition are involved in radix- 2 FFT? The total number of complex addition is N log N and the total numbers of complex multiplication are N/2log N. 9. How many multiplication and addition are involved in DFT? The total numbers of complex additions are N (N-1) and the total number of complex multiplications are N 2 10. What is twiddle factor (or) phase factor? The complex number WN is called phase factor or twiddle factor. WN=e-j2ח/N 11. Draw and explain the basic butterfly diagram (or) flow graph of DIT radix-2 FFT? The basic butterfly diagram of DIT radix-2 FFT is shown below. It performs the following operations .Here a & b are the input complex number and A&B are output complex number. i) Input complex number b is multiplied by the phase factor WN K. ii) The product bWNK is added to the input complex number a to from a new complex number A. iii) The product bWNK is subtracted to the input complex number a to from a new complex number B. 12. What is DIT radix-2 FFT? The DIT (Decimal in Time) radix-2 FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing DFT. In DIT radix-2 FFT, the decimal N-point sequence is decimated into 2-point sequences. The results of 2-point DFT are used to compute 4-point DFTs. Two numbers of 2-point DFT are combined to get a 4-point DFT. The results of 4-point DFTs are used to compute 8-point DFTs. Two numbers of 4-point DFTs are combined to get an 8-point DFT. This process is continued until we get N-point DFT. 13. What is DIF radix-2 FFT? The DIF radix -2 FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing DFT. In this algorithm the N point time domain sequence is converted to two numbers of N/2 point sequences. Then each N/2 point sequence is converted to two number of N/4 point sequences. This process continued until we get N/2 numbers of 2 point sequences. Now the 2 point DFT of N/2 number of 2 point sequence will give N samples, which is the N point DFT of time domain sequence .Here the equation for forming N/2 point sequences,N/4 sequences etc., are obtained by decimation of frequency domain sequences. Hence this method is called DIF. 14. Draw and explain the basic butterfly diagram or flow graph of dif radix2 FFT? The basic butterfly diagram of DIF radix2 FFT is shown below. It performs the following operations .Here a & b are the input complex number and A&B are output complex number. i) The sum of the complex number a and b are computed to form a new complex number A. ii) The complex number b is subtracted from a to get the difference a-b. iii) The difference term a-b is multiplied with phase factor WNK to from a new complex number B. 15. Compare the DIT and DIF. DIT radix-2 FFT 1.When the input is bit reversed order, the output will be in normal order . 2.In each stage of computation the phase factor are multiplied before add and subtract operation 3.The value of N should be expressed such that N=2 m and this algorithm consists of m stage of computation. 4.Total number of arthemetric operations is N log N complex addition and N/2logN complex multiplications. DIF radix-2 FFT 1.When the input is normal order, the output will be in bit reversed order . 2.In each stage of computation the phase factor are multiplied after add and subtract operation 3.The value of N should be expressed such that N=2 m and this algorithm consists of m stage of computation. 4.Total number of arithmetic operations is N log N complex addition and N/2logN complex multiplications 16. What are the applications of FFT algorithm? i) Linear filtering. ii) Correlation. iii)Spectrum analysis. 17. Calculate the number of multiplications needed in calculation of DFT and FFT with 64 point Sequence. DFT The number of complex multiplications required using direct computation is N2=642=4096 FFT The number of complex multiplication required using FFT is N/2logN=64/2log64=192 18. Calculate the number of addition needed in calculation of DFT and FFT with 16 point Sequence. DFT The number of complex addition required using direct computation is N(N-1)=16(16-1)=240 FFT The number of complex addition required using FFT is N log N=16log16=64 19. What is main advantage of FFT? FFT reduces the computation time required to compute Discrete Fourier Transform. 20. How we can calculate IDFT using FFT algorithm? The inverse DFT of an N point sequence X (K); K=0, 1…N-1 is defined as N-1 x (n) =1/N ∑ X (K) e+j2הnk/N for n=0, 1,2,…N-1 K=0 Take complex conjugate and multiply by N, we get N-1 Nx *(n) = ∑X *(K) e+j2הnk/N for n=0, 1, 2 …N-1 K=0 The desired output sequence x (n) can then be obtained by complex conjugating the DFT and divided by N N-1 x (n) =1/N [ ∑X* (K) e+j2הnk/N ]* K=0 21. Find the DFT of the following signal:x(n)=δ(n) N-1 X (K) = ∑ x (n) e-j2הnk/N for K=0, 1, 2….,N-1 n=0 N-1 X (K) = ∑ δ (n)e-j2הnk/N for K=0, 1, 2,…N-1 n=0 =1 22. What are the properties of convolution? i) Commutative law: x(n)*h(n)=h(n)*x(n) ii) Associative law:[x(n)*h1(n)]*h2(n)=x(n)*[h1(n)*h2(n)] iii)Distributive law :x(n)*[h1(n)+h2(n)] =x(n)*h1(n)+x(n)*h2(n) 23. The first five DFT coefficients of a sequence x(n) are X(0)=20,X(1)=5+2j,X(2)=0,X(3)=0.2+0.4j,x(4)=0.Determining the remaining DFT coefficients. X(5)=X*(3)=0.2-0.4j X(6)=X*(2)=0 X(7)=X*(1)=5-2j UNIT II 1. What are the types of digital filter according to their impulse response? i)IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) filter ii)FIR ( Finite Impulse Response) filter 2. What are the advantages of FIR filter? 1. FIR filter have exact linear phase. 2. FIR filters are always stable. 3. FIR filter can be realized in both recursive and recursive structures. 4. Excellent design methods are available for various kinds of FIR filter. 5. FIR filter are free of limit cycle oscillation, when implemented on a finite word length digital system. 3. What are the disadvantages of FIR filter? i) Memory requirement and execution time are very high. ii The implementation of narrow transition band fir filters is very costly, as it requires considerably more arithmetic operation and hardware components such as multipliers, adders and delay elements. 4. What is the necessary and sufficient condition for the linear phase characteristic of a FIR filter? The phase function should be a linear function of w, in which requires constant group delay and phase delay. θ(w)=-ζw for satisfying above condition h (n)=h(N-1-n) i.e. The impulse response must be symmetrical about ζ =(N-1)/2 If only constant group delay is desired then θ(w)=β-ζw for satisfying above condition h (n)=-h(N-1-n) i.e. The impulse response must be symmetrical about ζ =(N-1)/2 5. Distinguish IIR and FIR filters FIR IIR Impulse response is finite Impulse Response is infinite They have perfect linear phase Non recursive They do not have perfect linear phase Recursive Greater flexibility to control the shape of magnitude response Less flexibility, usually limited to specific kinds of filters. 6. List the well known design technique for linear phase FIR filter design? 1. Fourier series method 2. Window method 3. Frequency sampling method. 7. What is Gibbs phenomenon? OR What are Gibbs oscillations? One possible way of finding an FIR filter that approximates H d(e j)would be to truncate the infinite Fourier series at n= (N-1/2).Abrupt truncation of the series will lead to oscillation both in pass band and is stop band .This phenomenon is known as Gibbs phenomenon. 8. What are the desirable characteristics of the windows? The desirable characteristics of the window are 1. The central lobe of the frequency response of the window should contain most of the energy and should be narrow. 2. The highest side lobe level of the frequency response should be small. 3. The side lobes of the frequency response should decrease in energy rapidly as w tends to П 9. Under what conditions a finite duration sequence h(n) will yield constant group delay in its frequency response characteristics and not the phase delay? If the impulse response is anti symmetrical, satisfying the condition h (n)=-h(N-1-n) The frequency response of FIR filter will have constant group delay and not the phase delay . 10. Give the equation specifying rectangular window function. The weighing function for the rectangular window is given by WR (n) = {1 0 -(N-1)/2≤n≤(N-1)/2 otherwise 11. Give the equation specifying hamming window function. The weighing function for the rectangular window is given by WH (n) = { 0.54+0.46cos (2 П n /N-1) 0 - (N-1)/2≤n≤ (N-1)/2 otherwise 12. Compare Hamming window with Rectangular Window. Hamming window Rectangular Window 1.The main lobe width is equal to 8/N and the peak side lobe level is –41dB. 1.The main lobe width is equal to 4/N and the peak side lobe level is –13dB. 2.The low pass FIR filter designed will have minimum stop band attenuation of –53 dB 2.The low pass FIR filter designed will have minimum stop band attenuation of –21dB 13. Compare Hamming window with Kaiser Window. Hamming window Kaiser window 1.The main lobe width is equal to 8/N and the peak side lobe level is –41dB. The main lobe width, the peak side lobe level can be varied by varying the parameter and N. 2.The low pass FIR filter designed will have first side lobe peak of –53 dB The side lobe peak can be varied by varying the parameter . 14. Write the steps involved in FIR filter design. i) Choose the desired frequency response H d(w). ii) Take the inverse Fourier transform and obtain hd(n) iii) Convert the infinite duration sequence hd(n) to h(n) h(n)=hd(n)*w(n) iv) Take Z transform of h (n) to get H (Z). v) Substitute z=e-jw, find the frequency response H (e-jw) 15. What is the reason that FIR filter is always stable? FIR filter is always stable because all its poles are at the origin. 16. What condition on the FIR sequence h (n) are to be imposed N order that this filter can be called a liner phase filter? The conditions are (i) Symmetric condition h(n)=h(N-1-n) (ii) Anti symmetric condition h(n)=-h(N-1-n) 17. What are the advantages of Kaiser Window? 1. It provides flexibility for the designer to select the side lobe level and N. 2. It has the attractive property that the side lobe level can be varied continuously from the low value in the Blackman window to the high value in the rectangle Window. 18. What is the principle of designing FIR filter using frequency sampling method? In frequency sampling method, a set of sample is determined from the desired frequency response and are identified as discrete Fourier transform coefficients. The inverse discrete Fourier transform of this set of samples then gives the filter coefficients. The set of sample points used in this procedure can be determined by sampling a desired frequency response Hd (ejw) at N points wk, k=0,1,….N-1 uniformly spaced around the unit circle. 19. How to design an FIR filter? To design a filter means to select the coefficients such that the system has specific characteristics. The required characteristics are stated in filter specifications. Most of the time filter specifications refer to the frequency response of the filter. There are different methods to find the coefficients from frequency specifications: Window design method Frequency Sampling method 20. How to characterize digital FIR filters There are a few terms used to describe the behavior and performance of FIR filter including the following: Filter Coefficients - The set of constants, also called tap weights, used to multiply against delayed sample values. For an FIR filter, the filter coefficients are, by definition, the impulse response of the filter. Impulse Response – A filter’s time domain output sequence when the input is an impulse. An impulse is a single unity-valued sample followed and preceded by zero-valued samples. For an FIR filter the impulse response of a FIR filter is the set of filter coefficients. Tap – The number of FIR taps, typically N, tells us a couple things about the filter. Most importantly it tells us the amount of memory needed, the number of calculations required, and the amount of "filtering" that it can do. Basically, the more taps in a filter results in better stopband attenuation (less of the part we want filtered out), less rippling (less variations in the passband), and steeper rolloff (a shorter transition between the passband and the stopband). Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) – In the context of FIR Filters, a "MAC" is the operation of multiplying a coefficient by the corresponding delayed data sample and accumulating the result. There is usually one MAC per tap. 21. What are "FIR filters"? FIR filters are one of two primary types of digital filters used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications (the other type being IIR). 22. What does "FIR" mean? "FIR" means "Finite Impulse Response". 23. Why is the impulse response "finite"? The impulse response is "finite" because there is no feedback in the filter; if you put in an impulse (that is, a single "1" sample followed by many "0" samples), zeroes will eventually come out after the "1" sample has made its way in the delay line past all the coefficients. 24. How do I pronounce "FIR"? Some people say the letters F-I-R; other people pronounce as if it were a type of tree. We prefer the tree. (The difference is whether you talk about an F-I-R filter or a FIR filter.) 25. What is the alternative to FIR filters? DSP filters can also be "Infinite Impulse Response" (IIR). (See dspGuru's IIR FAQ.) IIR filters use feedback, so when you input an impulse the output theoretically rings indefinitely. 26. How do FIR filters compare to IIR filters? Each has advantages and disadvantages. Overall, though, the advantages of FIR filters outweigh the disadvantages, so they are used much more than IIRs. UNIT III 1.. How can you design a digital filter from analog filter? Digital filter can de designed from analog filter using the following methods 1. Impulse invariant method 2. Bilinear transformation 2. State the steps to design digital IIR filter using bilinear method. Substitute s by 2/T (z-1/z+1), where T=2/Ώ (tan (w/2) in H(s) to get H (z). 3. Give the bilinear transform equation between s plane and z plane s=2/T (1-z-1/1-z+1) 4. What is bilinear transformation? Bilinear transformation is a one to one mapping from the s-domain to the zdomain. That is, the bilinear transformation is a conformal mapping that transforms the j Ω axis into the unit circle in the z plane only once, thus avoiding the aliasing of frequency components. Also the transformation of a stable analog filter result in a stable digital filter as all the poles in the left half of the s plane are mapped inside the unit circle of the z plane. 5. What is warping effect? The relation between the analog and digital frequencies in bilinear transformation is given by Ω=2/T tan w/2 For smaller values of w there exist linear relationship between w and Ω.but for larger values of w the relationship is nonlinear. This introduces distortion in the frequency axis. This effect compresses the magnitude and phase response. This effect is called warping effect 6. Write a note on pre warping. The effect of the non linear compression at high frequencies can be compensated. When the desired magnitude response is piecewise constant over frequency, this compression can be compensated by introducing a suitable rescaling or prewarping the critical frequencies by using the formula Ω=2/T tan w/2 7. Why impulse invariant method is not preferred in the design of IIR filters other than low pass filter? In this method the mapping from s plane to z plane is many to one. i.e. ,all the poles in the s plane between the intervals (2k-1)∏/T to (2k+1)∏/T .Thus there are an infinite number of poles that map to the same location in the z plane, producing an aliasing effect. Due to spectrum aliasing the impulse invariant method is inappropriate in designing high pass filters. That is why the impulse method is not much preferred. in the design of IIR filters other than low pass filter 8. By impulse invariant method obtain the digital filter transfer function and the differential equation of the analog filter H(s) =1/s+1 S- pK=1-epKTz-1 S+1=0 S= -1= pK Substitude the value of pK H (z) =1/1-e-Tz-1 9. What is meant by impulse invariant method? In this method of digitizing an analog filter, the impulse response of the resulting digital filter is a sampled version of the impulse response of the analog filter. For e.g. if the transfer function is of the form, N H(S)=∑ 1/s-pk, then K=1 N H (z) =∑1/1-epKTz-1 K=1 10. Give the magnitude function of Butterworth filter. What is the effect of varying order N on magnitude and phase response? The magnitude function of Butterworth filter is |H(jΏ)=1/[1+(Ώ/Ώc)2N]1/2 ,N=1,2,3,4,…. Where N is the order of the filter and Ώc is the cutoff frequency. The magnitude response of Butterworth filter closely approximates the ideal response as the order N increases. The phase response becomes more non linear as N increases. 11. Give any properties of butterworth filters. i)The magnitude response of butterworth filter closely approximates the ideal response as the order N increases ii) The magnitude response of butterworth filter decreases monotonically as the frequency Ώ increases from 0 to ∞ iii)the Poles of the butterworth filter lies on a unit circle. 12. Write the expression for order of Butterworth filter? The expression is N=log (λ /€) /log (1/k) Where k= Ώp/ Ώs λ= (100.1αs-1)0.5 €= (100.1αp-1)0.5 13. What are IIR filters? What does "IIR" mean? IIR filters are one of two primary types of digital filters used in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications (the other type being FIR). "IIR" means "Infinite Impulse Response". 14. Why is the impulse response "infinite"? The impulse response is "infinite" because there is feedback in the filter; if you put in an impulse (a single "1" sample followed by many "0" samples), an infinite number of nonzero values will come out (theoretically). 15. What is the alternative to IIR filters? DSP filters can also be "Finite Impulse Response" (FIR). FIR filters do not use feedback, so for a FIR filter with N coefficients, the output always becomes zero after putting in N samples of an impulse response. 16. What are the advantages of IIR filters (compared to FIR filters)? IIR filters can achieve a given filtering characteristic using less memory and calculations than a similar FIR filter. 17. What are the disadvantages of IIR filters (compared to FIR filters)? They are more susceptable to problems of finite-length arithmetic, such as noise generated by calculations, and limit cycles. (This is a direct consequence of feedback: when the output isn't computed perfectly and is fed back, the imperfection can compound.) They are harder (slower) to implement using fixed-point arithmetic. They don't offer the computational advantages of FIR filters for multirate (decimation and interpolation) applications. 18. Butterworth filter – no gain ripple in pass band and stop band, slow cutoff 19. Chebyshev filter(Type I) – no gain ripple in stop band, moderate cutoff 20. Chebyshev filter(Type II) – no gain ripple in pass band, moderate cutoff 21. Bessel filter - no group delay ripple, no gain ripple in both bands, slow gain cutoff 22. Elliptic filter – gain ripple in pass and stop band, fast cutoff 23. How do I skip needless calculations? First, if your filter has zero-valued coefficients, you don't actually have to calculate those taps; you can leave them out. A common case of this is "half-band" filter, which have the property that every-other coefficient is zero. Second, if your filter is "symmetric" (linear phase), you can "pre-add" the samples which will be multiplied by the same coefficient value, prior to doing the multiply. Since this technique essentially trades an add for a multiply, it isn't really useful in DSP microprocessors which can do a multiply in a single instruction cycle. However, it is useful in ASIC implementations (in which addition is usually much less expensive than multiplication); also, some newer DSP processors now offer special hardware and instructions to make use of this trick. 24. What is Impulse response ? The impulse response is a mathematical concept that can be approximated in the real world. It is the output of a circuit when an ideal impulse (zero width pulse with unit area) is applied to the input. The Laplace transform deals with this. The spectrum of an ideal impulse is flat and so the frequency shape of the resulting output of the network is the frequency response of the network UNIT IV 1. What are the different types of arithmetic in digital systems? There are three types of arithmetic used in digital system 1. Fixed point arithmetic 2. Floating point arithmetic 3. Block floating arithmetic. 2. What do you understand by a fixed-point number? In fixed point arithmetic the position of the binary point is fixed. The bit to the right represents the fractional part of the number & those to the left represent the integer part. For example, the binary number 01.1100 has the value 1.75 in decimal. 3. What are the different types in fixed-point number representation? Depending on the way negative number is represented, there are three different forms of fixed-point arithmetic. They are 1. Sign-magnitude 2.1's complement 3. 2's complement 4. What do you understand by 2's complement representation? In two's complement representation positive number are represented as in sign magnitude & 1's complement. The negative number is obtained by complementing all the bits of the positive number & adding one to the least significant bit. For example (0.5625)10 = (0.100100)2 (-0.5625)10 = 1.011011 0.000001 ------------(1.011100)2 5. What is meant by block floating point representation? What are its advantages? In block point arithmetic the set of signals to be handled is divided into blocks. Each block has the same value for the exponent. The arithmetic operations with in the block uses fixed point arithmetic & only one exponent per block is stored thus saving memory. This representation of numbers is more suitable in certain FFT flow graph & in digital audio applications. 6. What are the advantages of floating point arithmetic? 1. Large dynamic range 2. Over flow in floating point representation is unlikely. 7. What are the three-quantization errors to finite word length registers in digital filters? 1. Input quantization error 2. Coefficient quantization error 3. Product quantization error 8. How the multiplication & addition are carried out in floating point arithmetic? In floating point arithmetic, multiplication are carried out as follows, Let f1 = M1*2c1 and f2 = M2*2c2. Then f3 = f1*f2 = (M1*M2) 2(c1+c2) That is, mantissa is multiplied using fixed-point arithmetic and the exponents are added. The sum of two floating-point numbers is carried out by shifting the bits of the mantissa of the smaller number to the right until the exponents of the two numbers are equal and then adding the mantissas. 9. What do you understand by input quantization error? In digital signal processing, the continuous time input signals are converted into digital using a b-bit ACD. The representation of continuous signal amplitude by a fixed digit produce an error, which is known as input quantization error. 10. What is product quantization error? Product quantization error arises at the output of a multiplier. Multiplication of b bit data with a b bit coefficient result a product having 2b bits. Since b bit register is used the multiplier output must be rounded or truncated to b bits, which produce an error. This error is known as quantization error. 11. What is coefficient quantization error? The filter coefficient is computed to infinite precision theory. But in digital computation the filter coefficient are represented in binary and are stored in registers. If b bit register is used the filter coefficient must be rounded or truncated to b bit which produce an error. Due to quantization of coefficient the frequency response of filter may differ appreciably from the desired response and some time the filter may actually fail to meet the desired specifications. If the poles of desired filter are close to the unit circle, then those of the filter with quantized coefficients may lie just outside the unit circle leading to unstability. 12. What are the different quantization methods? The common methods of quantization are 1. Truncation 2. Rounding 13. What is the relationship between truncation error e(n) and the bits b for representing a decimal into binary? For a 2's complement representation, the error due to truncation for both positive and negative values of x is -2-b≤ e (n) ≤0 Where b is the number of bits 14. What is meant rounding? Discuss its effect on all types of number representation? Rounding a number to b bits is accomplished by choosing the rounded result as the b bit number closest to the original number unrounded. For fixed point arithmetic, the error made by rounding a number to b bits satisfy the inequality -2-b 2-b ----- ≤ e (n) ≤ -------2 2 for all three types of number systems, i.e., 2's complement, 1's complement & sign magnitude. For floating point number the error made by rounding a number to b bits satisfy the inequality -2-b≤e (n) ≤ 2-b where e (n) =xT-x 15. What is truncation? Truncation is a process of discarding all bits less significant than least significant than least significant bit that is retained. 0.00110011 to 4 bit 0.0011. 16. What is meant by A/D conversion noise? A DSP contains a device, A/D converter that operates on the analog input x (n) to produce xq(n) which is binary sequence of 0s and 1s. At first the signal x(t) is sampled at regular intervals to produce a sequence x(n) is of infinite precision. Each sample x(n) is expressed in terms of a finite number of bits given the sequence xq(n). The difference signal e (n)=xq(n)-x(n) is called A/D conversion noise. 17. What is the effect of quantization on pole location? Quantization of coefficients in digital filters lead to slight changes in their value. This change in value of filter coefficients modify the pole-zero locations. Some times the pole locations will be changed in such a way that the system may drive into instability. 18. Which realization is less sensitive to the process of quantization? Cascade form. 19. What is meant by quantization step size? Let us assume a sinusoidal signal varying between +1 and -1 having a dynamic range 2. If the ADC used to convert the sinusoidal signal employs b+1 bits including sign bit, the number of levels available for quantizing x(n) is 2 b+1. Thus the interval between successive levels q = 2 / 2 b+1 =2-b Where q is known as quantization step size. 20. How would you relate the steady-state noise power due to quantization and the b bits representing the binary sequence? Steady state noise power σe 2 =2-2b/12 Where b is the number of bits excluding sign bit. 21. What are the two kinds of limit cycle behavior in DSP? 1. Zero input limit cycle oscillations 2. Overflow limit cycle oscillations 22. What is overflow oscillation? The addition of two fixed-point arithmetic numbers cause over flow the sum exceeds the word size available to store the sum. This overflow caused by adder make the filter output to oscillate between maximum amplitude limits. Such limit cycles have been referred to as over flow oscillations. 23. What is meant by limit cycle oscillation? For an IIR filter, implemented with infinite precision arithmetic the output should approach zero in the steady state if the input is zero .however the non linearity due to the finite precision arithmetic operation often cause periodic oscillations to occur in the output. Such oscillation in recursive systems are called zero input limit cycle oscillations. 24. What are the methods used to prevent overflow? There are two methods used to prevent overflow 1. Saturation arithmetic 2. Scaling 25. Define "dead band" of the filter The limit cycle occur as a result of quantization effect in multiplication. The amplitudes of the output during a limit cycle are confined to a range of values called the dead band of the filter. 26. Explain briefly the need for scaling in the digital filter implementation. To prevent overflow, the signal level at certain points in the digital filter must be scaled so that no overflow occurs in the adder. 27. Why the limit cycle problem does not exist when FIR digital filter is realized in direct form or cascade form? In case of FIR filter there are no limit cycle oscillations, if the filter is realized in direct form or cascade form since these structures have no feedback. 28. Why rounding is preferred to truncation in realizing digital filter? 1. The quantization error due to rounding is independent of type of arithmetic. 2. The mean of rounding error is zero. 3. The variance of the rounding error signal is low. 29. What is the steady state variance of the noise in the output due to quantization of the input for the first order filter? y(n)=ay(n-1)+x(n) σe 2 =(2-2b/12)(1/1-a2) 30. Compare the fixed point and floating point arithmetic. Fixed point arithmetic. Floating point arithmetic. Fast operation Slow operation Relatively economical More expensive because of costlier hardware. Increased dynamic range Round off error occur with both addition and multiplication. Overflow occur in addition Small dynamic range Round off error occur only for addition Overflow occur in addition 31. Express the fraction 7/8 and -7/8 in sign magnitude, 2’s complement and 1’s complement. Fraction (7/8) = (0.111)2 in sign magnitude, 2’s complement and 1’s complement. Fraction (-7/8)= (1.111)2 in sign magnitude (1.000)2 1’s complement. (1.001)2 2’s complement. 32. Give the expression for signal to quantization noise ratio and calculate the improvement with an increase of 2 bit to the existing bit. SNR=6.02b+10.79+10log10 σx 2 With an increase of 2 bits, increase in SNR is approximately 12 Db UNIT V 1. What is the energy density spectrum? The quantity |X a(F)|2 represent the distribution of signal energy as a function of frequency and hence it is called the energy density spectrum of the signal that is Sxx(F)=|X(F)|2 ∞ Sxx(f)= |∑ x(n)e-j2ПKf |2 n= -∞ 2. What is power density spectrum? Let x(t) be a stationary random process. The statistical autocorrelation function for this signal is γxx(τ)=E[x*(t)x(t+τ)] The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function of a stationary random process gives their power density spectrum γxx(f)=F(γxx(τ)) ∞ =∫ γxx(τ) e-j2Пf τ dτ -∞ 3. Using indirect method, how to find the energy density spectrum? It requires two steps: i) First, the autocorrelation rxx(k) is computed from x(n) ii) The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation is computed. ∞ r xx(k)= ∑x*(n)x(n+k) n= -∞ ∞ Sxx(f)= ∑ r xx(k)e-j2ПKf n= -∞ 4. What is three types of non parametric methods of power spectrum estimation? i). Bartlett methods (Averaging periodogram) ii) Welch method (modified Averaging periodogram) iii) Blackman and tukey methods (smoothing periodogram) 5. What are nonparametric methods? These methods make no assumption about how the data were generated and hence are called nonparametric methods. 6. Define Periodogram. Schuster defined the periodogram as a method to discover the frequencies of the hidden harmonics signal. The estimate Pxx (f) can also be expressed as N-1 Pxx(f)=1/N | ∑ x(n) e-j2Пfn |2 =1/N|X(f)|2 n= 0 Where X(f) is the Fourier transform of the sample sequence x(n).This well known form of the power density spectrum estimate is called the Periodogram. 7. What is a Bartlett method? In this method to reduce the variance of the Periodogram, Three steps i) First divide the N point sequence x (n) into k non overlap subsequence of length M ii) Find the periodogram for each sub sequence. iii) Calculate the average periodogram of k subsequence. 8. What is the advantage of Bartlett window methods? The effect of reducing the length of data from N point to M=N/K, result in a window whose spectral width has been increased by a factor of K. consequently, the frequency resolution has been reduced by a factor K. in return in resolution we reduced the variance. 9. What is the difference between Bartlett and welch’s methods? i) First difference is that welch’s method allows overlapping of data sequence. The overlap 50% or 75%. ii) The second difference is the data with in a sequence are windowed prior to computing the periodogram. 10. What is a Blackman and turkey method? Blackman and turkey proposed a method in which the sampled autocorrelation sequence is windowed first and then Fourier transformed. 11. Define quality of nonparametric methods? The ratio of it’s the square of the mean of power spectrum estimate to variance. Qa=E[Pxx(f)]2/var[Pxx(f)] 12. Define variability. The reciprocal of this quantity called the variability. 13. What is the quality of three power spectrum estimate? Estimate Bartlett Welch Blackman-tukey Quality factor 1.11N∆f 1.39N∆f 2.34 N∆f 14. Determine the frequency resolution of Bartlett, Welch, Blackman turkey methods of power spectrum estimate. For quality factor 10.assume that overlaps in Welch method is 50% and length of the sample sequence is 1000. Quality factor=10 Length of sample sequence (N) =1000 Overlap in Welch method=50% Bartlett method QB=1.11N∆f ∆f= (Qbart/1.11N)=0.009 Welch method Qw=1.39N∆f ∆f=0.0072 Blackman-turkey QBT=2.34 N ∆f ∆f=0.0042 15. What is the advantage of Welch methods? i) The Welch periodogram is reasonably computationally efficient due to the use of FFT algorithms. ii) The Welch method the variance of the random process is reduced compared to basic periodogram and Bartlett methods. iii) Welch method allows all the windowing techniques. 16. Limitation of non parametric methods for power spectrum estimation? (What are the disadvantages of non-parametric methods of power spectral estimation?) i) It requires long data sequence to obtain the necessary frequency resolution. ii) Spectral leakage effect because of windowing. iii)The assumption of the autocorrelation estimator x(m) to be zero for m≥N. This assumption limits the frequency resolution and quality of power spectrum estimate. iv)Assumption that the data are periodic with period N. These assumptions may not be realistic. 17. Define mean. The procedure of determining the average weight of a group of objects by summing their individual weights and dividing by the total number of objects gives the average value of x.. Mathematically the discrete sample mean can be described _ n X =1/n ∑xi i=1 For the continuous case that mean value of the random variable X is defined as ∞ X =E[X] =∫xfX(x) dx -∞ where E[X] is read ``the expected value of X''. Other names for the same mean value x or the expected value E[X] are average value and statistical average. 18. What are the two properties of power spectrum estimator? i) Bias ii) Variance 19. Define the bias of estimator? Bias of estimator is defined as the true value of the parameter minus the expected value of the estimator. 20. Define unbiased estimator. An unbiased estimator is one for which the bias is 0. This then means that the expected value of the estimator is the true value so that the probability density is symmetrical then its center would be at the true value. 21. What is consistent estimator? An estimator is said to be consistent if as the number of observation becomes lager, the bias and the variance both tends to zero. If the bias and variance both tend to zero as the limit tends to infinity or the number of observations become large, the estimator is said to be consistent. 22. What is Variance? The variance of an estimator effectively measures the width of the probability density and is defined as σmx=E[(mx)2]-[ E[(mx)]2 In using estimates the mean value estimate of mx, for a Gaussian random process is the sample mean.A good estimator should have a small variance in addition to having a small bias suggesting that the probability density function is concentrated about its mean value. This says that as the number of observations N increase, the variance of the sample mean decreases, and since the bias is zero, the sample mean is a consistent estimator. 23 .What is deterministic and random signals with an example. Deterministic signals are functions that are completely specified in time. The nature and amplitude of such signal at any time can be predicted. The Patten of the signal is a regular and can be characteristics mathematically. Examples i) x (t)=ct this is the ramp whose amplitude of this signal increases linearly with time and slope is c. Random Signal (Non Deterministic Signal) A non deterministic signal is one whose occurrence is random in nature and its Patten is quite irregular. Example: i) A typical example of a non deterministic signal is thermal noise in an electrical circuit. 24. Define the terms: i) auto correlation ii) cross correlation Correlation gives a measure of similarity between two data sequences. Auto correlation For sequence x(n) the auto correction function r xx(k) is defined as ∞ r xx(k)= ∑x*(n)x(n+k) k=0,±1,±2,..... n= -∞ or equivalently, ∞ r xx(k)= ∑x*(n)x(n-k) k=0,±1,±2,..... n= -∞ Cross correlation For two sequence x(n) and y(n),the cross correction function r xy(k) is defined as ∞ r xy(k)= ∑x*(n)y(n+k) n= -∞ or equivalently, ∞ r xy(k)= ∑x*(n)y(n-k) n= -∞ k=0,±1,±2,..... k=0,±1,±2,..... 25. Define auto covariance. Related to the autocorrelation function is the auto covariance function, which is defined as Cxx (t1, t2) =E [xt1-m (t1)] [xt2-m (t2)] =γxx (t1, t2)-m(t1)m(t2) Where m (t1) =E [xt1] and m (t2) =E [xt2] are the mean of x1 and x2 respectively. When the process is stationary Cxx(t1,t2)=Cxx(t1-t2)=Cxx(τ)= γxx (τ)-mx2 Where τ = t1-t2 26. What is zero padding? Does zero padding improve the frequency resolution in Spectral estimate? Zero padding is increase the length of sequence by adding zero to the given sequence. Note that zero padding does not change the resolution but it does have the effect of interpolating the spectrum pxx(f) 27. Define cross power spectral density. The definition of the power density spectrum can be extended to two jointly stationary random process x(t) and y(t),which have a cross correction function γxy(τ) The fourier transform of the γxy(τ) is ∞ γxy(F) =∫ γxy(τ) e-j2ПF τ d τ -∞ Which is called the cross power density spectrum.