DSES-6070HV2 Class Project Aircraft Windshield Component Failures By Robert A. Charbonneau 14-Aug-2008 1 1. Introduction: Background / Description of the Problem The purpose of this document is to discuss results of data taken from a case study on aircraft windshields, as illustrated in “Illustrated Cases and Data Sets”, Bliske. [Ref. 5.1] As discussed in the referenced document, the eighty-eight points of data were from aircraft windshields, which failed due to de-lamination of the windshield layers, failure of the heating system, and/or some form of external damage. Failure of the windshields does not pose a structural concern, or problem to the airlines. There was a concern with warranty costs. The collected data was documented in x1000 hours of service. [see Fig. 1.1] Also included with the failure data are Service times. Service times will not be discussed in this paper. Fig 1.1 – Aircraft Windshield Failure Data The analysis programs used, prior to the write up of this report, were the following: Minitab-v15, Maple-v10 & 12, and MS Excel. These programs were used to determine: the exponential formula best fitting the data points. Once the formula was selected, two types of data analysis were performed: the use of Maple to execute the formulas, and MS Excel to produce a Monte Carlo curve of the reliability and confirm the reliability curve generated by the selected exponential form. 2 The final output of the data is in the form of graphs generated by Maple, and in addition, Monte-Carlo charts from MS Excel. Also included with the results are recommendations and conclusions based on the failure results. Airplane Windshield Failure Histogram Normal Mean StDev N 20 2.588 1.123 88 Frequency 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 Time (x1000 hr) 4 5 R A Charbonneau Fig. 1.2 – Minitab v15 Histogram of Aircraft Windshield Failure Data The grouping of the data, as shown in Fig. 1.2 – Normal Histogram, shows failure data ranging from 46 to almost 5,000 hours of flight time. The calculated Mean shows a value of 2,588 hours and a Standard Deviation of 1,129 hours. The maximum rate of failures appears to be around 2,000 hours. See section 3.0 – Analysis / Discussion for further results. 3 2. Methodologies: Summary description / Application In order to correctly analyze the situation, here are first a couple assumptions that need to be made. First, the assumption is made that the life distribution of units are right-censored data given there is only a beginning data and no end data with the original data set. Further, to calculate the probability density function, we will assume that the data follows a Weibull distribution. We will begin by validating this assumption and then use this to calculate the MTTF and MRL. 4 3. Results: Analysis / Discussion The data was first loaded into MS Excel, by hand, from the case failure data table [see Fig. 1.1]. From there, it was loaded into Minitab. The first analysis performed was the Histogram (Fig. 1.2), and a Probability Plot [see Fig. 3.1] of the full eighty-eight points of data. Airplane Windshield Failure Probability Plot Normal - 95% CI 99.9 Mean StDev N AD P-Value 99 95 90 2.588 1.123 88 0.581 0.127 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 0.1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Time (x1000 hr) 5 6 7 R A Charbonneau Fig. 3.1 – Failure Probability Plot w/ Probability of 0.127 (p>0.05 – not significant) Aircraft Windshield Probability Plot for Time (x1000 hr) LSXY Estimates-Complete Data C orrelation C oefficient Weibull 0.933 Lognormal 0.861 E xponential * N ormal 0.991 Lognormal 99.9 99.9 90 99 50 90 P er cent P er cent Weibull 10 1 50 10 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 T ime ( x1 0 0 0 hr ) 0.1 10.0 0.1 10.0 N ormal 99.9 99.9 90 99 50 90 P er cent P er cent E xponential 1.0 T ime (x1 0 0 0 hr ) 10 1 50 10 1 0.1 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 T ime ( x1 0 0 0 hr ) 10.000 0.1 0 2 4 T ime (x1 0 0 0 hr ) 6 Fig. 3.2 – Aircraft Windshield Distribution ID Plot (Right Censored) 5 The data results from Fig. 3.1 show the p-value is 0.127. If assuming a hypothesis that the data should agree with 95% Confidence Interval or greater, then the p-value of 0.127 would indicate the data is not significant and does not meet a normal distribution. The next step was to perform a distribution analysis. This was performed in Minitab by opening up Stat > Reliability/Survival > Distribution Analysis (Right Censoring) > Distribution ID Plot. From there, used the default settings and output a fourplot chart with: Weibull, Lognormal, Exponential, and Normal Probability Plots. [See Fig. 3.2] The result was a Normal Probability of 0.991, a Lognormal of 0.861 and a Weibull of 0.933. This would indicate the Normal formulas would work the best for calculating Mid-Time To Failure (MTTF). However, the problem with the Normal formulas, the formula for Cumulative Failure Probability, F(t) doesn’t convert well to calculate t[RAND()] in Monte Carlo. Based on the results from Fig. 3.2, the lowest time point was treated as an outlier (46 hours), and removed from the data set. This done, the Stat >> Distribution ID Plot was redone with the revised dataset. The results (see Fig. 3.3) then became: a Normal Probability of 0.989, a Lognormal Probability of 0.941, and a Weibull Probability of 0.982. Probability Plot for T (Rev) LSXY Estimates-Complete Data C orrelation C oefficient Weibull 0.982 Lognormal 0.941 E xponential * N ormal 0.989 Lognormal 99.9 99.9 90 99 50 90 P er cent P er cent Weibull 10 1 50 10 1 0.1 0.1 1.0 T (Rev) 0.1 0.1 10.0 1.0 T (Rev) N ormal 99.9 99.9 90 99 50 90 P er cent P er cent E xponential 10.0 10 1 50 10 1 0.1 0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 T (Rev) 10.000 0.1 0 2 T (Rev) 4 6 Fig. 3.3 – Revised Aircraft Windshield Distr. ID Plot (Right Censored) 6 By removing one outlier, the probability factor for Weibull was improved. With the Weibull and the Normal Probabilities both in the relative 0.98+ range, it was decided to use the Weibull analysis to best determine MTTF. To find the Shape and Scale of the data set, a Distribution Overview Plot was generated with Weibull selected for the distribution plots for: probability plot, Probability Density Function - f, Survival Function - R and Hazard Function – z. [Ref. Fig. 3.4] Distribution Overview Plot for T (Rev) LSXY Estimates-Complete Data P robability D ensity F unction Table of S tatistics S hape 2.38447 S cale 2.96874 M ean 2.63143 S tDev 1.17473 M edian 2.54576 IQ R 1.64402 F ailure 87 C ensor 0 A D* 0.543 C orrelation 0.982 Weibull 99.9 90 0.3 P er cent P DF 50 0.2 0.1 0.0 10 1 0 2 4 0.1 0.1 6 1.0 T (Rev) T (Rev) S urv iv al F unction H azard F unction 2 Rate 100 P er cent 10.0 50 0 1 0 0 2 4 6 0 2 T (Rev) 4 6 T (Rev) Fig. 3.4 – Aircraft Windshield Weibull Distr. Overview Plot (w/o Outlier) The resultant Shape ( ) and the Scale (1/ ) was [2.38447, 1/2.96874], respectively. Plugging these results into the Weibull formulas produced the following: R(t ) e (t ) e (0.33684t ) 2.38447 F (t ) 1 R(t ) 1 e (0.33684t ) 2.38447 0.33684 t 2.38447 e 0.33684t f (t ) diff ( R(t ), t ) 2.38447 t z (t ) f (t ) 2.38447 0.33684 t t 2.38447 R(t ) By recalculating the formula F(t), solving for t, and replacing RAND() in place of F(t), the resultant formula became: 1 1 t ( RAND ()) ( LN (1 RAND ())) 7 This formula was then used to calculate for “T” with specific time steps from 50 hours to 6,000 hours, and then comparing the randomized ratio steps to Reliability at times, t. See Reference 5.2 for the full results. The resultant Reliability/Survival Monte Carlo chart is illustrated in (Figure 3.5). Reliability (ratio) Airplane Windshield Reliability/Survival Monte Carlo - Failure 1.0000 0.9000 0.8000 0.7000 0.6000 0.5000 0.4000 0.3000 0.2000 0.1000 0.0000 Reliability Monte Carlo 0 2 4 6 Time, t (x1000 hrs) Fig. 3.5 – Aircraft Windshield Monte Carlo Results (Ref. 4.2) The comparison of the Monte Carlo to the Reliability results at times, t confirmed the values for and was relatively correct. With the completion of the Minitab and Excel calculations, the remaining work was performed in Maple v12. In Reference 5.3, the equations for F(t), R(t), f(t), and z(t) were then plugged in, along with the values for and , and numerical results were calculated. [see Fig. 3.6] The resultant formulas were then used to plot Probability Density Function - f, Survival Function - R and Hazard Function – z. [see Figs. 3.7 – 3.9] The typical way of calculating MTTF is with the formula, MTTF : int( Rw, t inf inity ) . However, this didn’t appear to work and an alternative method was used instead: MTTF 1 1 1 . This resulted in a solution number of 2.631427360 for MTTF. 8 Fig. 3.6 – Maple Weibull Calculation Formula Calculations To further confirm the Monte Carlo calculations were correct, Reliability was calculated at a specific times, t. The value for t was input for 1,500 hours with a resultant value of 0.8217, which agrees with the Monte Carlo and R(t) formulas in the Excel spreadsheet. [Ref. 5.2 & 5.3] 9 Fig 3.7 – Plot of Probability Density Function, f(t) as time varies from 0 to 6,000 hours 10 Fig. 3.8 – Combined Plots of Reliability/Survival – R(t) (green) and Failure Functions – F(t) (red) as time varies from 0 to 6,000 hours Fig. 3.9 – Plot of Hazard Function as time, t varies from 0 to 6,000 hours Further calculations to determine a new warranty limit based on cost values were not available with the original data. It could be assumed where the ratio of failures become greater than the ratio of survivors would be an appropriate time to place the warranty limit. This would then be a warranty limit directly connected with Mid Time To Failure (MTTF) value of 2,630 hours. 11 4. Conclusions The decision to use Weibull to calculate for f(t), F(t), R(t), z(t), and MTTF were based on a Hypothesis test where the histogram p-value did not meet test requirements for a Normal histogram; and with one outlier removed, the Weibull was comparable to the Normal probability of greater than 0.98. [see Section 3.0] This resulted in a calculated MTTF of 2,630 hours. From the results of the Minitab, Maple and Monte Carlo results confirmed correlation to the Weibull formulas used, and a Monte Carlo model is now available to predict the rate of surviving aircraft windshields at any time, t. It was also concluded further investigation into warranty cost could not proceed based on the lack of information. It is the recommendation of This Writer to use the MTTF value of 2,630 hours as a warranty limit for those aircraft windshields now in service. 12 5. References 5.1 Bliske, Wallace R.; “Reliability – Modeling, Prediction, and Optimization”; 2000, John Wiley & Sons, INC., Chapter 2 – Illustrative Cases and Data Sets, pp 36. 5.2 Charbonneau, Robert A.; “…/Support Documents/ Monte_Carlo_Weibull.xls”; 14-Aug-08, Excel spreadsheet created to perform Monte Carlo analysis to confirm Weibull formulas agree – from time steps 50 hours through 6,000 hours. 5.3 Charbonneau, Robert A.; “…/Support Documents/ Aircraft_Window_Failures.mw” 14-Aug-08, Maple v12 formula calculations set to determine MTTF. 13