New Student Orientation Leader Application - Elon

2016 New Student Orientation Leader Application
Name: _________________________________
Datatel Number: _______________________
Campus Box: _________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Cell Phone: ____________________________
T-Shirt Size: ____________________________
Major(s): ______________________________
Cumulative GPA: ______________________
Minors(s): _____________________________
Year of Graduation: ____________________
Please list one reference from the Elon University campus community. This reference must be completed by an Elon
faculty or staff member. Note: The applicant has the responsibility of giving the recommendation form to their
reference. A recommendation form is included in this application.
Reference Name: _________________________________
Extension: ___________________
List the organizations and/or activities at Elon in which you have participated or are currently involved. Please
include any offices you have held and the year(s) you held the position(s) with the organization/activities.
On a separate piece of paper, please type your responses to the following questions. Your answers
should be comprehensive and answer the questions completely. Your responses should be answered
separately totaling 2 – 3 pages typed, double-spaced.
1. What specific accomplishments or experiences have prepared you to be an Orientation Leader?
2. What were some of the issues you faced during your transition to college and how could you
mentor others through a similar transition?
3. What does it mean to be an Elon Student? How will you instill these values in new students?
I acknowledge the information contained in this application is factual and is a realistic assessment of my abilities.
Because I recognize that being an Orientation Leader carries with it both privileges and responsibilities, I hereby
give permission to the Office of New Student & Transition Programs to obtain information on my academic and
conduct status. This information will be used in determining my qualifications for the Orientation Leader position.
Signature: _______________________________________________
Date: _____________________________
Return your completed application to the New Student Orientation Office, Moseley 218.
Application, essays, and a letter of recommendation must be returned and your interview completed on one
of these dates (all interviews held in the Student Professional Development Center):
November 17-19, 2015; 5:00-7:00 PM
January 12-14, 2016; 5:00-7:00 PM
February 8-10, 2016; 5:00-7:00 PM
You will sign up for your interview when turning in your completed application.
Applicants are highly encouraged to submit their application prior to Winter Break.