Commonly Used Mapping Terms - Elon University Technology Wiki

Commonly Used Mapping Terms (Files) used in Entrinsik Informer
1. Applicants
o Description
 This is the data of all student applicants and prospects
that may become enrolled at the institution.
*Cofiles (all have the same reference number):
 Person - not enrolled at Elon
 Students - applicants who become students
 Faculty - students who become faculty
2. Applications
o Description
 These are the applications that have been recorded for a
person, or that are in progress for a prospect. Each
person may have multiple applications.
3. Buildings
o Description
 Contains information about campus buildings.
4. Campus Org Members
o Description
 This is a file containing campus organization membership information. There is one
record per organization/person combination.
5. Campus Orgs
o Description
 This is a file of campus organizations.
6. Course Sections
o Description
 Contains a record for each course section taught at the university.
7. Depts
o Description
 File containing a listing of departments.
8. Faculty
o Description
 This file contains the department(s) that an instructor is associated with and a list of
course sections they have taught.
*Cofiles (all have the same reference number):
 Applicants - not employed by nor a student at Elon
 Person - not a student at Elon
 Students - not Faculty at Elon
Commonly Used Mapping Terms (Files) used in Entrinsik Informer
9. Institutions
o Description
 Contains information about institutions (high
school or college).
10. Institutions Attend
o Description
 This is a record of the institutions that an individual has attended.
11. Interests
o Description
 Contains the interests that a person may be associated with.
12. Majors
o Description
 Abbreviations or codes for majors offered by
this institution, with full name as
13. Person
o Description
 Contains demographic data on an individual.
o *Cofiles
 Applicants
 Faculty
 Person.St
 Students
14. Room Assignment
o Description
 This shows the assignment of people to rooms.
15. Rooms
o Description
 Contains information about either classrooms or dorm
rooms on campus.
16. Secsch Transcripts
o Description
 These are the secondary school transcripts of an individual.
17. Student Standings
o Description
 This is the history of the student's academic standing
at the institution.
Commonly Used Mapping Terms (Files) used in Entrinsik Informer
18. Student Acad Cred
o Description
 This file contains transcript information for both Elon University and transfer work.
19. Student Programs
o Description
 This file contains the academic programs in which the
student has enrolled or the applicant intends to enroll.
20. Student Terms
o Description
 This is a group of fields that is kept for a
student for a term for an academic level.
21. Students
o Description
 The file of students in the system
o *Cofiles (all have the same reference number):
 Applicants
 Faculty
 Person
 Person.St
22. Terms
o Term naming convention
 Fall (10/01)
 Winter (11/02)
 Spring (11/03)
 Summer I (11/04)
 Summer II (11/05)
o Description
 This file describes the time periods used
by Elon that describes the year/term
Cofiles – These are files that use the exact same key to name their records. For example student
1234567 also has a record in the person file named 1234567. If that student graduates and later
becomes a faculty member then their faculty record will also be named 1234567.
The files described in this document are only a partial listing of all of the available files. Your
access to these files is controlled by your security settings within Informer. If you find that you
need access to additional files please contact Curtis Way at extension 5061.