Supporting Information Evolution in the Oxidation Valences and Sensitization Effect of Copper through Modifying Glass Structure and Sn2+/Si Co-Doping Tian-Shuai Lv †, Xu-Hui Xu *,†, Xue Yu †, and Jian-Bei Qiu *,† † School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Xuefu RD, Kunming 650093, PR China *Corresponding author: (J.-B. Qiu), (X.-Xu. Xu) Experimental Synthesis High-purity B2O3 (99.99%), Li2CO3 (99.99%), Al2O3 (99.99%), CaCO3 (99.99%), Cu2O (99.9%), TbF3 (99.99%), SnO (99.9%), and Si powder (5N) were employed as the raw chemicals, which were first mixed homogeneously with a pestle and agate mortar, and then melted at 1250 oC for 25 min under an ambient atmosphere. The glass melts were cast onto a stainless-steel mold maintained at 300 oC, and then annealed at 400 oC for 2 h to relieve the internal stress. The as-prepared samples were mechanically polished into mirror surfaces with mixed aqueous diamond slurries before subjecting to subsequent measurements. Measurements and Characterization. Absorption (ABS) and transmittance (TRA) spectra were recorded on a HITACHI U-4100 spectrophotometer with a PMT voltage of 400 V. The photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and photoluminescence (PL) spectra were performed on a HITACHI F-7000 fluorescence spectrophotometer equipped with a Xe (150 W) lamp as the excitation source. The Commission International de I’Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates were obtained by using PMS-60 Plus UV-vis-near IR Spectrophotometer (EVERINE, China). The decay curves were measured with an Edinburgh Instruments FLS980 time-resolved fluorescence spectrophotometer using a microsecond flashlamp (F920) as excitation source. To identify the micro appearance of Cu NPs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEOL2100) with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV was utilized. The powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were measured on D8 Focus diffractometer (Bruker). X-ray Supporting Information Page S1 Supporting Information photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) was measured by a PHI VersaProbe II, which are utilized to identify the valences of Sn. All of the above optical measurements were performed under room temperature. Fig S1. Dependence of IS0/IS of Cu+ on doped Tb3+ concentration of C3/3 (a), C6/3 (b), C8/3 (c), and C10/3 (d) for G-4CuTbm (m=0-10). Fig S2. Decay curve tests of G-4CuTbm (m=0-10) monitored at 438 nm for Sn2+ emission under an excitation of 298 nm. Supporting Information Page S2 Supporting Information Fig S3. (a) PLE and PL spectra of G-1.6Sn. (b) Transmission spectra, (c) PL and (d) PLE spectra of Tb3+/Cu+/Sn2+-doped glasses. Fig. S3(b) gives TRA spectra of multi-activators doped glasses, aiming to testify the effect of Sn2+ doping on states of copper. Typical bands peaked at 560 nm cannot be observed, which suggests that there are not Cu NPs in Sn2+-doped glasses. Compared with G-1.6SnTb4.5, the absorption edge of G-4CuTb4.5Sn1.6 experiences a considerable red shift due to the introduction of Cu+ cations.17 Interestingly, a remarkable drop in the absorption intensity of Cu2+ at 800 nm was observed in G-4CuTb4.5Sn1.6 because of the potential chemical reduction of Cu2+ by SnO, which could be described as Sn2++2Cu2+→Sn4++2Cu+. Herein, the Sn4+ and Cu2+ make no contribution to the photoluminescence, and the Cu+ and Sn2+ are the emission centers. To prove the above deduction, Fig. S3(c) shows the PL spectra of Tb3+/Cu+/Sn2+ doped glasses. Upon 298 nm excitation, the emission originated from Tb3+ in G-4.5Tb is very weak. In contrast, a stronger green light was observed in G-1.6SnTb4.5, demonstrating the ET of Sn2+→Tb3+. In addition, compared with G-1.6SnTb4.5 and G-4CuTb4.5, a continued rise in the PL intensity of Tb3+ is detected in G-4CuTb4.5Sn1.6, which could be ascribed to the dual potential ETs of Cu+→Tb3+ and Sn2+→Tb3+. Supporting Information Page S3 Supporting Information The above observation can be further certified by the PLE spectra in the inset of Fig. S3(c). The PLE spectrum monitored at 546 nm in 200-340 nm is similar to the excitation bands monitored at 384 (for Sn2+) and 438 (for Cu+) nm in G-4CuTb4.5Sn1.6. The PLE spectra of Tb3+/Cu+/Sn2+ single and co-doped samples were depicted in Fig. S3(d). By comparing the PLE spectrum of G-4.5Tb, an additional excitation band peaked at 286 nm is found in the PLE spectrum (λem=546 nm) of G-1.6SnTb4.5, further reflecting the result of ET of Sn2+→Tb3+. Significantly, compared with the additional excitation band peaked at 298 nm from Cu+ in G-4CuTb4.5, the PLE intensity of the additional band rises dramatically in G-4CuTb4.5Sn1.6, which could be associated with the enhanced ET of Cu+→Tb3+, i.e., the efficient reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ by SnO could lead to increased content of Cu+ and the subsequent enhancement of ET from Cu+ to Tb3+. Fig S4. PLE (λem=377 nm) and PL (λem=288 nm) spectra of G-tSn (t=0.8-2.4) glasses. Fig. S4 shows the dependence of PLE and PL spectra of G-tSn (t=0.8-2.4) on Sn2+ concentration. Monitored at 377 nm, G-tSn presents asymmetric excitation bands in 200-350 nm. The excitation band of G-2.4Sn can be deconvoluted into two symmetric sub-bands peaked at 246.8 and 291.5 nm. Moreover, the excitation band shifts from 282 to 288, and then to 292 nm with the increment of SnO. Excited by 288 nm, G-2.4Sn exhibits an emission band peaked at 388 nm, relating to the T1-S0 relaxation in the Sn2+-activated glasses. The emission band can be deconvoluted into two Gaussian files peaked at 372.6 and 420.3 with an energy difference of 3045.9 cm-1. With rising SnO content, the Supporting Information Page S4 Supporting Information excitation and emission intensities of G-tSn monotonously rise due to the concentration effect of Sn2+. Significantly, the emission band of Sn2+ experiences a red shift from to 372 to 377, and then to 388 nm, which may be ascribed to the decline in the T1 excited levels of the Sn2+ emission centers. The red-shift phenomena can be further affirmed by the red shift of the absorption edge of G-tSn in Fig. S5(a). Fig S5. (a) UV-VIS absorption spectra of G-Host, and G-tSn (t=0.8-2.4). (b) ABS spectra of G-Host, G-4Cu, G-CuSi0.8, G-4CuSn2.4, G-4CuTb4.5, G-4CuTb4.5Si1.8, and G-4CuTb4.5Snz (z=0.8-2.4). The inset depicts the enlarged absorption range between 200 and 400 nm. Fig. S5(b) gives the ABS spectra of Sn2+/Cu+/Tb3+/Si single and co-doped glasses. Compared with G-4Cu, a remarkable drop of the Cu2+ absorption band peaked at 800 nm is found in G-4CuSi0.8 and G-4CuSn2.4, due to the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ by SnO and Si powder. And the absorption intensity of Cu2+ in G-4CuSi0.8 is stronger than that of in G-4CuSn2.4, which indicates that G-4CuSn2.4 may contain more Cu+ cations. Besides, the intensity of Cu2+ band declines greatly in G-4CuTb4.5Sn0.8 comparing with G-4CuTb4.5. With increasing SnO content, further decrease in the absorption band of Cu2+ is not detected in G-4CuTb4.5Snz (z=1.6-2.4), which suggests that the content of Cu+ could be fixed in SnO-rich glasses. Supporting Information Page S5 Supporting Information Fig S6. PLE spectra of G-4Cu, G-4CuSi0.8, G-4CuSn2.4, and G-2.4Sn glass samples. The olive dash-dotted line shows the difference spectrum (λem=438 nm) of G-4Cu and G-4CuSi0.8, and the red dash dot-dotted line is the difference spectrum (λem=438 nm) of G-4CuSn2.4 and G-4Cu. As shown in Fig. S6, it is noticed that the difference spectrum with a peak only can be found in DiffCuSi, indicating that the main role of Si powder is to produce Cu+ from Cu2+. Fig S7. (a) PL spectra, (b) dependence of emission intensity as a function of doped Tb3+ concentration with fixed SnO content, (c) calculated ET efficiencies for Sn2+→Tb3+, (d)PLE spectra, and (e) decay Supporting Information Page S6 Supporting Information curves of G-2.4SnTbn (n=0-9.0). Fig S8. Dependence of calculated IS0/IS of Sn2+ on C3/3 (a), C6/3 (b), C8/3 (c), and C10/3 (d). Energy Transfer from Sn2+ to Tb3+ in Amorphous Borate Glasses. To further confirm the ET of Sn2+→Tb3+, Fig. S7(a) reveals the PL spectra of G-2.4SnTbn (n=0-9.0) without Cu+ doping. The variation includes the emission bands of both Sn2+ and Tb3+ cations. With ascending Tb3+ content, one finds the PL intensity of Sn2+ (at 388 nm) gradually descends, while PL intensity (at 546 nm) of Tb3+ first greatly rises to a maximum at n=4.5 and then decreases as a result of concentration quenching effect, evidencing the ET from Sn2+ to Tb3+. The above results can be directly observed in Fig. 7S(b). Based on Eq (1), the calculated ET efficiencies are plotted as a function of Tb3+ content and represented in Fig. S7(c). With rising Tb3+, ET ascends and reaches 92.1% at n=9. The dependence of the enhancement times of Tb3+ emission on Tb3+ concentration is shown in inset of Fig. S7(a). Surprisingly, an enhanced emission of Tb3+ by 66 times was observed in G-2.4SnTb4.5 excited by the optimal UV-light of 292 nm. Fig. S7(d) shows the PLE spectra of G-2.4SnTbn by monitoring at 546 nm. The additional bands in 200-340 nm are almost similar to PLE spectrum of G-2.4Sn monitored at 388 nm. Fig. S7(e) gives the decay curves of G-2.4SnTbn. The fluorescence of Sn2+ decays faster with rising Tb3+ content. The decay processes of G-2.4SnTbn are characterized by average decay lifetime, which can be derived by Eq (4). The average lifetime were determined to be 6.828, 5.832, 5.110, 3.670, and 1.218 s for Supporting Information Page S7 Supporting Information G-2.4SnTbn with y=0, 1.5, 3, 6, 9, respectively. These results prove the highly efficient ET of Sn2+→Tb3+ occurs.6 Based on Dexter’s ET formula of multipolar interaction and Reisfeld’s approximation6, 9, 30, ET between Tb3+ and Sn2+ could be processed through electric-multipole interactions and exchange interaction, which both belong to the resonant energy-transfer. Thus, according to the above Eq (2) and Eq (3), plots of IS0/IS of Sn2+ and Cα/3 (α=3, 6, 8, 10) for G-2.4SnTbn (n=0-9.0) are shown in Fig. S8. The best linear behavior with the high goodness of fit (R=99.80%) was observed only when α=8. This result indicates that the nature of multipolar interaction for ET of Sn2+→Tb3+ is principally governed by a dipole-quadruple interaction. A similar observation was also discussed in Fig. S1. Fig S9. XRD patterns of G-4CuTb4.5Sip (p=0-5.2) glasses. Fig S10. (a) Typical TEM micrograph of G-4CuTb4.5Si5.2 glass sample. (b) The HRTEM image for a Supporting Information Page S8 Supporting Information single copper nanoparticle in the synthesized glass. Fig S11. (a) Decay curves (λex=368 nm, λem=546 nm) and (b) variation of calculated average decay lifetimes of Tb3+ in G-4CuTb4.5Sip (p=0-5.2) samples. To further understand the EET between Cu NPs and Tb3+, decay curves of G-4CuTb4.5Sip (p=0-5.2) excited at 368 nm and monitored at 546 nm were given in Fig. S11(a). The decay processes can be well fitted by a single exponential decay mold using the equation:25 I (t) I 0 exp( t/ ) (8) in which the I0 and I(t) represent the PL intensities at time 0 and t, and is decay time. The average decay times are derived to be 1.990, 2.208, 2.594, 2.752, and 2.844 ms for G-4CuTb4.5Sip (p=0-5.2), which can be directly observed in Fig. S11(b). In general, the rise of Tb3+ content can lead to a decrease in the decay lifetime of Tb3+, and both the ion-ion interaction and the cross-relaxation in the excited states of Tb3+ are increased. In our case, the lifetime rise in G-4CuTb4.5Sip suggests that the Supporting Information Page S9 Supporting Information formation of Cu NPs could result in the decline of the Tb3+-Tb3+ interaction. And the effect of SPR absorption of Cu NPs on emission behavior of Tb3+ is similar to the influence of the decrease in Tb3+ doped concentration by deactivating luminous Tb3+ cations through transferring energy transfer to nanoscale metal. Herein, the interband transitions from the excited states of Tb3+ to nanoscale Cu0 particles could be devoted to the PL quenching of Tb3+, instead of the plausible cross-relaxation induced excitation energy transfer between Tb3+-Tb3+. Supporting Information Page S10 Supporting Information