Just to keep you informed, as of May 30, 2014 here is a brief syn

Just to keep you informed, as of May 30, 2014 here is a brief synopsis of things being worked on/or
accomplished in your City.
City Manager’s Office
 Met with Finance and Department Heads to review their budget requests.
 Attended, with the Mayor, the 2014 Distinguished Entrepreneur Event at the Hyatt for
Outstanding Business Owners in Southwest Florida.
 Attended the Memorial Day Services at Riverside Park.
 Met with a concerned citizen about a neighbor dispute. Discussed the situation with Captain
Ramsey who has agreed to facilitate a mediation meeting with both parties in an effort to
resolve their differences.
 Attended the Florida City and County Management Association (FCCMA) Conference in
 Reviewed the status of the Technology Advisory Board’s recommendations with various
department heads after approval by City Council so that we could now move on to final
evaluation and implementation stage of the many ideas they developed and suggested.
 I T Department (Jose and Jelek) attended an I T symposium in Cape Coral in order to further
their interaction with other government I T professionals.
 Attended the Annual Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Hurricane Season Briefing, and
participated in the EOC Orientation and Training program hosted by Lee County in advance
of the upcoming storm season.
 Attended, along with Dr. Steve and members of our Community Development Staff, the
Sheriff’s Office and the CEO and Board Members of Habitat for Humanity, a Home Owners
Association meeting for residents of Forest Mere in order to address concerns over the
upcoming construction of the Habitat for Humanity 26 family development in a nearby
 Attended the State of the Schools Partners in Education Breakfast and Award Event at the
Broadway Palm Dinner Theater where Vice Mayor Stephen McIntosh was the recipient of
the Lee County School System’s Business Partner of the Year. Congratulations to Dr. Steve!
Code Enforcement:
 Attended a meeting between Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Bonita Springs Fire Control
District in order to discuss mutual issues and provide assistance.
 Sweep conducted in the Rosemary subdivision, in conjunction with Animal Control and Lee
County Sheriff’s Office.
 Continued patrols of the major corridors, addressing sign violations.
 Code Enforcement Officer Thomas Grey has completed his training program with success
and will be assigned to the North West patrol zone of the City.
Invasive Exotic Vegetation on Maiden Ln. removed.
Exterior siding repaired/replaced on a residence Mora Rd.
City Clerk:
 The front desk/reception staff greeted 228 guests and directed 103 calls to various
departments from May 15, 2014 through May 29, 2014.
 The City Clerk’s office responded to 12 public records requests through May 29, 2014.
 City Clerk staff met to discuss their role and recommendations regarding the City’s
emergency management plan.
 The City Clerk and City Attorney have been working with Municipal Code Corporation on
finalizing the codification of the Land Development Code and Code of Ordinances.
 The City Clerk attended a webinar on post-legislative updates and how the cities fared
during this legislative session.
 Letters have been sent to Lee County providing notification of annexations in progress.
Notices of Hearings have been advertised providing notification of the upcoming annexation
Communications Department:
 Working with LCSO, Bonita Fire Control and Rescue, Rotary & YMCA to coordinate activities
on 4th of July. (Parade, Bed Races, Rotary Run).
 Held Memorial Day Event.
 Working on coordination for the Catholic Charities summer camp kids tour of City Hall on
June 18th.
 Attended a Veterans Sub-Committee Meeting.
 Attended Special Events Committee Meeting.
 Planning Coastal Clean-up.
 Bulletin Board updating and BTV98 monitoring observed daily.
 Memorial Day Service Filmed.
Press releases/Media:
 Memorial Day Service.
 Sea Turtle Season May 1st –October 31st.
 Updates made to City Web & Social Media.
 Public Information Sliders created for the Website & Social Media for Hurricane & Sea Turtle
Nesting Seasons.
 Veterans Committee directed staff to design a flyer to promote the Veterans Memorial Brick
Program for Father’s Day. The slider below was distributed on social media and website.
Development Services:
 The Community Development Department transitioned to a new and improved telephone
system on Thursday, May 29. The system uses high fiber-optics and will better serve our
residents, valued customers and welcomed guests.
 American House – Site drainage infrastructure (Phase 1 and 2) nears completion. Grading
and drainage work in the Longfellow right of way begins next week. Developer plans to
amend Phase 3 plans and accelerate the completion schedule to early 2015.
 RaceTrac Fuel – Contractor is working aggressively to complete and open this station in July.
The westbound turn lane construction on Bonita Beach Road will be completed soon.
Concrete parking and fueling areas should be completed next week.
 Comedy Club - Permits for the site development have been reviewed additional information
requested prior to approval. Preliminary building renovation plans are under review.
 Bonita National – Final grading of the golf course continues. Development Order plans for
Phase 1 homes are under review by staff. Lennar hopes to opens the golf course in
November and open models by the end of the year.
 Starbucks and Tides – Building permits have been issued and site development continues. A
late summer opening is anticipated.
 Ceilo in the Colony - Construction is near completion and site inspections underway. Several
units should be completed early next month.
 Center of Bonita – Publix plans to open June 19th. Final punch-list items have been provided
to the contractor and the water meter provided to in Phase 1. Phase 2 work in the vicinity of
the Old Publix will continue through the summer.
 D.R. Horton – Clearing and grading is underway in the Cordera Community on Imperial
Parkway. The Developer hopes to have models open by the end of the year.
 Lake renovation in Bonita Bay continues to proceed on schedule. Sea walls and slope
stabilization nears completion.
 Eagle season is winding down. We had three eagle nests this season, October 2013 to May
2014. Riverside Park, Beaumont Road and Old Cottage Lane in Pelican’s Nest. Each nest had
one chick that did fledge. A very slow nesting season, last year we had 6 nests with 7
Eagle Nest Monitoring for Bonita Springs, FL, 2013-2014 Season
 Sea Turtle Nesting Season is gearing up. We have sea turtles nesting on our beaches and the
Community Development/Code Enforcement lighting compliance has started. In about 60
days the sea turtles will be hatching.
 As of December 2013, we have another endangered species in South Florida, the Bonneted
Bat or the Mastiff Bat. It occurs in a variety of habitats in Bonita Springs and are the largest
bats in Florida.
 Finance is working in the new software to complete set up before Go Live on August 4th.
 Staff is developing reports with existing third party applications, Activenet and ADP, to
import Parks & Rec and Payroll data into the new accounting software.
 We are designing new procedures for recurring tasking in the new software.
 Staff is converting our vendor data for the new accounting software.
 Staff is developing the preliminary revenue estimates for the 2014-2015 budget cycle.
 Staff met with the City Manager and department heads to review 2014-2015 budget
 We are working with several staff to obtain final expenditure estimates.
 Staff is drafting the debt service schedules and the 10 year capital improvement plan for the
2014-2015 budget.
 Staff is building a Design-Build template for Public Works.
Human Resources:
 Draft Copies of the Employee Handbook documents have been delivered to Council
members for their review and the first items are scheduled for the June 18 th Council
 Senior Management will be meeting on June 10th for a Benefits/HR Planning meeting.
 We are currently recruiting for 1 full-time Senior Recreation Specialist.
 Assisted with apprehension of Bank Robbery Suspect.
 Traffic Operation E. Terry St./ Villanova Ct.
 Traffic Operation S. Tamiami Trail/ Bay Landing Dr.
 Traffic Operation Old US 41 Rd./ Rosemary Dr.
 Attended City Council Meeting.
 Traffic Operation S. Tamiami Trail/ W. Terry St.
 Traffic Operation on Imperial Pkwy. at Red Rock Dr.
 Attended monthly Code Enforcement/Fire meeting.
 Attended meeting with AANR reference nude sunbathing on Hickory Island.
 Conducted beach operation reference Memorial Day.
 Attended Memorial Day event in Riverside Park.
Parks & Rec:
 Met with Carl, Lisa Pace and Kristina Baller for review of next year’s Parks and Recreation
Department Budget.
 Mayhood Dog Park Bid Opening was held on Thursday of last week with all 3 bids coming in
above budget. Staff is working with our consultant Stantec on suggestions and options to
move forward and will bring to City Council.
 Met with Sports Club President Lane Beatty and staff on upcoming Summer Camp schedules
and activities. Summer Camp began on May 28th.
 Parks and Recreation Staff worked with Lora Taylor and her team on the Memorial Day
event at Riverside Park.
 Put together a short summary of the Old Recreation Center renovation/remediation project
to present to City Council on June 4th.
 Held interviews for the Part-time Recreation Center Attendant open position. Brittany
Campbell was selected and began working on Wednesday of this week. Justin Paulauskis has
now moved to Part-time Recreation Center Attendant creating an open Full-Time Senior
Recreation Specialist position.
 Staff working with Communications Manager Lora Taylor on a summer seminar series for the
community. One of the seminars in the series is Hurricane preparedness and awareness to
be held at the Recreation Center on July 10, 2014.
 John Paeno has sent a letter of request for negotiations for a vendor agreement at Bay Park
 Worked with City Attorney on the renewal for Victor Darai, Artist Cottage # 3.
 Met with City Attorney, Code Enforcement, City Manager and Law Assistant Justin Diner on a
Canoe/Kayak ordinance.
 Worked with City Attorney on artist cottage contract renewal for John Paeno (Calusa Ghost
Tours) for Artist Cottage # 6 as well as the renewal of Canoe/Kayak vending contract at
Riverside and River Park.
 The Community Pool will be closed May 29, 30 & 31st for the annual recertification training
for all City lifeguards and swim instructors.
 Toured with City Manager, Carl Schwing and Law Assistant, Justin Diner, our existing City of
Bonita Springs Park water accesses and looked at locations for additional water access for
recreational purposes, particularly Spring Creek and the Bay/Gulf areas.
Public Works:
 Shangri-La Road: Construction Continues, Roadway Sub-grade was mixed on Shangri-La Rd,
East of Tropic Acres Drive. (See Photo)
 Palm Street Drainage: Removed 320’ of badly corroded 18” Steel corrugated Pipe (See
Photo) replaced pipe and storm water inlets with 24” ADS piping (See Photo).
 Downtown Improvements: Sent project to the newspapers for advertisement in the Naples
Daily News and the Fort Myers News Press, Monday and Tuesday next week respectively.
 Spring Creek Mangrove Trimming: Drafted, with the help of Justin Diner, Legal intern, a right
of entry agreement for the upland property owners; that upon execution will allow the City
to apply for a DEP mangrove trimming permit for Spring Creek. Reached out to Bay Creek
CDD to request considering approval of the above mentioned right of entry.
 Unpaved Roads Phase II: Held bid opening, scheduled award recommendation for Council’s
4 June meeting.
As always, should you have questions regarding this, please let us know!