We had one venue incorrectly named hence we

We had one venue incorrectly named hence we are re-sending this newsletter.
Dear Year 12 Parents,
It is with some disbelief that I say to you that it is only 5 weeks until Year 12 students commence their Mock
Exams (Semester 2 exams) and one group of Year 12 actually FINISH their schooling!
Where has the time gone? I can tell you now, that already there is some sadness amongst the staff as the
time to say goodbye to our Year 12 students draws nearer.
The period leading to the final College and WACE Examinations requires all of us to work together to ensure
the teaching and learning environment at Shenton College continues to deliver important academic support to
the students as well as allowing them to celebrate the end of twelve years of schooling.
This email communicates the philosophy that underpins the way we manage our final revision week and
confirms the conduct we expect from our students.
This information can be seen below. Please can you read through the information and discuss it with your
child? We will discuss this at an assembly and every Year 12 Mentor teacher will discuss it with their
class. However we need your support as well so that as a community we all give the same consistent
Also a word about Scholarships. Many of the Year 12 students are applying for Scholarships, which is very
enterprising of them and we strongly encourage it. It would be appreciated if they hand the paperwork that the
school has to complete to Ms Robyn Kane at least a week before the due date. Robyn is very enthusiastic in
helping the students complete the documentation as long as she can plan for these. Robyn can be found
working on up to five at a time.
Thanks for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely,
Suzanne Pendlebury
Head, Senior School
Shenton College
Follow all school rules;
Attendance as usual;
No covering of faces or heads with masks;
Modest and appropriate attire e.g. no g-strings under short skirts (for either gender!); no more flesh
showing than usual although sleeveless tops will be allowed; if you can’t wear it while using public transport,
then you should not be wearing it at school;
Appropriate footwear MUST be worn in Science, Health & Physical Education, Home Economics and
Design & Technology classrooms, e.g. no thongs/sandals, no high heels;
No foreign objects are to be brought to school e.g. flour, paint, water pistols, water balloons, eggs,
crackers or confetti;
No vandalism of any sort with temporary or permanent material;
No behaviour that may interrupt the normal flow of any lesson in the school to be undertaken;
Wear school uniform if requested.
Discuss the philosophy behind this document with their children;
Discuss the students’ responsibilities with their child(ren) now and closer to the events;
Discuss the possible consequences for non-compliance.
Reinforce stated requirements.
Students kept on task at all times and the usual high standards maintained within classroom;
Rigorous revision program followed;
Additional supervision required before and after school; during break times; on school premises and at
the railway station;
Consistent approach using the School Code of behaviour when dealing with students, both
academically and behaviourally;
Student non-compliance reported;
Confiscate banned objects;
Attendance and active participation at special assemblies.
Please note that any student who does not comply with these conditions which are just an addendum of the
School Code of Conduct, will be dealt with by the College, with one or more of the following:
Directed to change into school dress from dress-up;
Suspended for one or more days;
Attendance at Breakfast denied;
Attendance at the Presentation Night denied;
Directed to sit WACE exams at another venue;
Student Reference to be modified to reflect non-compliance.
Note: We cannot guarantee that monies can be refunded if a student loses the privilege of attending
the Breakfast or Presentation Night.
We feel that it is important that students are able to acknowledge and celebrate the end of their compulsory
schooling. As in all transition times, certain rites of passage allow individuals to properly accept the changes
and challenges of life and enable them to move forward with focused anticipation and goals.
It has been a Shenton College tradition to provide some supervised school events, where the College is able
to acknowledge the significance of the end of Year 12. The most important and public event is of course the
Year 12 Presentation Night, which will be held at Winthrop Hall in December. Other occasions are the Year
12 Breakfast which will be held at Patersons Stadium; the final Senior School Assembly; and then there are
the three (3) Charity Dress-Up days in the final revision week, that only Year Twelve students participate in.
Such celebrations must comply with protocols such as the School Code of Conduct and as such have to
ensure that the Teaching and Learning program is able to continue without interruption for ALL 1350 of our
students. The College: Staff, Student Council and Board do not condone any activities which may have a
negative effect on other students. No one has the right to upset, humiliate or hurt other students or interfere
with other students’ education. Any senior school student will be dealt with severely if they engage in or
promote inappropriate/anti-social behaviour such as bullying or vandalism.
One of the College’s strengths is the strong sense of respect and understanding that exists between our staff
and our students. All staff acknowledge the final days of the Year Twelve’s. However as it is the final
revision week for Year 12’s (Week 9) before students commence the Semester two exams in Week 10, it is
important that students take the opportunity during Week 9 to undertake the necessary completion of tasks
while commencing a revision program, to ensure they are optimally prepared for the WACE examinations.