COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND PSYCHOLOGY ANNUAL REPORT ON MD CANDIDATES The MD Degree Board of Studies is responsible for overseeing all MD activities in the School of Medicine. Supervisors of MD candidates are required to meet with the student at the end of each year of registration to discuss progress. An annual report, agreed by all parties, must be completed on the attached forms. This reporting process is essential to enable the MD Degree Board of Studies to monitor MD candidates’ progress. The candidate should complete Section A, the Supervisor(s) should complete Section B and signed by the Postgraduate Tutor of your Department before returning the form to David Parker, College of Medicine, Biology and Psychology, Maurice Shock Medical Sciences Building. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGY ANNUAL REPORT OF MD CANDIDATES This form should be typewritten (Section A by candidate and Section B by Supervisor) and submitted to David Parker, Medical School Office, MSB. A copy can be sent to you electronically by email NAME OF CANDIDATE: ………………………………………………………………. NAME OF SUPERVISOR(S): …………………………………………………….………… DEPARTMENT ……………………………………….Date of Initial Registration ………………. REGISTRATION STATUS (please tick): APG □ MD degree □ REQUESTING APG TRANSFER? (please tick): YES □ NO □ If you are undergoing a Departmental APG Transfer process you can submit the report that you produced for your Thesis Committee, along with the APG-MD Transfer Form, instead of completing this annual report. SECTION A (to be completed by Candidate) 1. Title of thesis: 2. Your research project Give a brief outline of your aims and design of your studies, written so that it can be understood by someone who is not an expert in the field (300-350 words). 3. Training. Please provide details of the research training relevant to your MD that you have undertaken. Such training can be from a variety of sources, and might include attendance on courses provided by the department, College and/or central university services, relevant Master’s course modules, participation in seminars within and outside the university, or attendance at other courses. Please indicate which components were compulsory, which were voluntary but recommended by your supervisor(s), and which ones you sought out independently. You are expected to spend the equivalent of two weeks per year on training though this may be longer if required. 4. Research progress. Give below a summary of your research progress against your original objectives. Indicate if there have been any major deviations or hold-ups and how you have addressed these. In the report at the end of the APG period you are expected to write between 500 and 750 words. Subsequent annual reports you are expected to write between 1,500 and 2,000 words (excluding figures). You may include up to 5 key tables or figures in addition. 5. Dissemination of research. Please give details of any conferences attended or planned, including any presentations you may have given or plan to give. Please also list any publications, including those that are in press or submitted for publication, and any grants you have applied for or been awarded. 6. Supervision. The School of Medicine expects you to have regular formal supervisor’s meetings. Describe the frequency and nature of these meetings. 7. Thesis. Please give a current plan for your thesis: include provisional chapter headings and indicate whether completed, in draft form or yet to be started. Signed ……………………………………………………………….. Please print name …………………………………………………… Date …………………………… Name of student: …………………………………………. SECTION B (to be completed by Supervisor) Recommendation: a) Report on candidate’s progress to date: Please comment on the performance of the student throughout the academic year. The MD Degree Board of Studies expects a short report under each of the following headings: Background reading, preparation Planning/organisation Practical skills Data recording and analysis Presentation of the project (please comment on any spoken or poster presentations the student has made over the course of the project). Writing up the project Name of student: …………………………………………. b) Please tick (Students are expected prepare a training plan with their supervisor(s) and then attend relevant training sessions) I confirm the student has prepared a training plan in consultation with me I confirm the candidate has attended the relevant training identified in the plan I am not satisfied that this candidate has covered the required training If the candidate is requesting an APG transfer: I support / do not support the candidate’s request to transfer from APG status to the MD degree (please delete as applicable) Signed ……………………………………………………………….. Date …………………………… Please print name …………………………………………………… Please pass on to the Postgraduate Tutor in your Department for signature. Signed ……………………………………………………………… Postgraduate Tutor Date ……………………………. Please print name …………………………………………………… Form to be returned to David Parker, Administrative Assistant (Programme Support), Maurice Shock Medical Sciences Building