POWRA Poster

Point Of Work Risk Assessment Procedure.
These must be completed for every task, every day. Failure to complete a
PoWRA will result in a work suspension notice being issued.
Step 1
The task Supervisor fills out PoWRA book daily and/or when the
task/conditions alter. whilst physically standing in the area of works that
are due to take place.
Step 2
Contents of PoWRA are then communicated to all those doing the
task, all of who sign the PoWRA.
Step 3
White Copy of PoWRA is torn out of the book and handed to the
operatives undertaking the task, who should reassess the task at regular
intervals, white copy to be returned to site office upon completion of the
task / day.
Step 4
The Weekly Tick sheet for PoWRA, Which is displayed in the site
office is then completed by the supervisor.
Step 5
Duplicate copies of all PoWRAs are held on the yellow sheet in the
PoWRA books with the supervisors in the office and are available for
inspection upon request
Step 6
Completed PoWRA books are handed to Carillion for records, along
with completed Weekly Tick sheets at the end of each week.