March/April 2015 - St. Patrick`s Primary School, Strathaven

Commercial Road, Strathaven ML10 6JW
Tel 01357 521317 Fax 01357 529225
Head Teacher: Mr Iain M McGuire
March/April 2015 Newsletter
Lenten Fundraising
Lenten Fundraising began on Monday 16 February.
The school is very proud of its charitable efforts each session and has gained an admirable reputation as a
caring community.
Throughout Lent our Primary 7 pupils (with the help of P6) will be selflessly giving of their time during
intervals and lunchtimes to host a variety of fundraising activities. Their commitment to others less
fortunate than themselves is worthy of the highest praise. Grateful thanks to parents who have donated
prizes. Further donations will be most welcome. Pupils may be looking out for some extra pocket-money
earning opportunities – so you may wish to capitalise on this to ensure tidy bedrooms and finished chores
at home!
A Sponsored Readathon/Storytelling/Out of Uniform Day will take place in the school on Thursday 5 March.
This is the main source of revenue for our Lenten Fundraising. Please encourage the children to collect
sponsor money promptly and return it to the teacher.
Remaining events on the calendar include:
 Out of Uniform/Sponsored Readathon/Storytelling ……………Thursday 5 March
 Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day …………………………………… Tuesday 17 March
 Recycle Bin uplift (old clothes) ………………………………… Thursday 19 March
 Sunday Cafe at St. Patrick’s Church………………………….. Sunday 22 March
 Pancake Day 2 – The Sequel! ………………………………… Tuesday 24 March
 Easter Egg Hunt …. ………….................................................. Thursday 26 March
 Coffee Morning ........................................................................ Friday 27 March
 Bring and Buy Sale/St. Patrick’s Got Talent ………………….. Tuesday 31 March
 Out of Uniform/Food Technologies .......................................... Wednesday 1 April
 Presentation of all prizes………………………………………… Thursday 2 April (pm)
A timetable detailing all events has already been issued from the Pupil Council.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will take place in St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday 1 April.
First Communion
 Pupils who are receiving the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time in May 2014 will attend a
retreat at the Pastoral Centre in Newmains on Monday 2 March.
 An Enrolment Mass for families whose children are being presented for the Sacrament Eucharist will
be held in St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday 4 March at 7.00pm.
 The Confirmandi attended a retreat at The Pastoral Centre on Wednesday 25 February.
 An Enrolment Mass for families of The Confirmandi will be held in St. Patrick’s Church on
Wednesday 18 March at 7.00pm.
 As previously communicated the Sacrament of Confirmation will now take place in St. Mary’s
Church, Larkhall on Wednesday 20 May 2015.
Education Sunday
I would like to complement the pupils of St. Patrick’s Primary and Holy Cross High School who represented
their schools with distinction at the masses for Education Sunday on 15th February.
Well done!
Holy Cross High School
Primary 7 pupils will travel to Holy Cross High School on Friday 20 March to engage with other pupils within
the Learning Community in a Team Building Day. This is an important part of the transition programme for
all primary 7 pupils.
Nursery Registration
The process for applying for a pre-school place in a nursery is as follows:
Parents of children born between 1 March 2012 and 28 February 2013 should complete an application at
the nursery they want their child to go to by 30th April 2015. Places will be allocated in May, even though
the children attending may not be eligible to attend until January or March. This method of allocating places
means that children eligible for intakes 2 and 3 (i.e. born between September and February) have the same
opportunity of being allocated a place in their first choice nursery as children eligible for intake 1. Parents
will be advised of the outcome of their application in May/June with a start date at the relevant intake,
allowing them to plan ahead.
Please spread the word to friends or neighbours to whom this may be of interest.
St. Patrick’s Day
Father Tom will celebrate mass in the school to honour our patronal feast day on Tuesday 17 March.
Parents Evening
As previously communicated the Parent Interviews will now take place on Thursday 21 May 2015.
PTA News
 The Spring Disco was held in the school hall on Thursday 12 February and as always was
thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended.
 Thank you to everyone who supported the Race Night on Friday 20 February.
 The next meeting of the PTA will take place on Monday 9 March in the Strathaven Hotel at 6.30pm.
Parent Council
 The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Monday 23 March at 7.00pm. As always,
this meeting is open to members of the Parent Forum.
 The Parent Council Constitution states:
The Parent Council is accountable to the Parent Forum for St. Patrick’s Primary School and will
make a report to it at least once each year on its activities on behalf of all the parents. A Report will
be issued annually each February.
This report is now available on the Parent Council’s page of the school’s website.
PE / Drama
Could I ask that you ensure that your child brings their PE kit and trainers on the relevant days for Physical
Education and Drama.
Park Smart
Our Junior Road Safety Officers, accompanied by Marion Shearer, a South Lanarkshire Road Safety
Officer, were on duty in Commercial Road on the morning of Friday 27 February carrying out a speed
survey and monitoring parking on the zig-zag lines at the main entrance to the school.
Our JRSOs will continue to encourage our parents/carers and visitors to the school and nursery to ‘Park
I would again courteously ask for your assistance in ensuring that pupils do not bring mobile
phones to school, or bring expensive items e.g. iPods, or wear heavy rings or dangling earings.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers
Once again we are collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids vouchers.
Vouchers are available from Sainsbury’s stores, petrol stations and with online groceries until 5 May 2015
inclusive. The voucher collection box is situated in the reception area.
Please encourage everyone you know to support us this year. Thank you.
If your child is going to be absent or late for school, on any occasion, please phone the school office, prior
to 9.15am, to alert the class teacher. Parents/guardians who have not informed the school of an absence
will be contacted by the school.
An explanatory letter should also be sent with the child on their return, for our records.
I would remind parents that it is vital that Parental Consent Forms are completed before pupils can
participate in any outing. This is a legal requirement and pupils who do not return consent forms will
unfortunately have to remain in school.
Head Lice
Can I remind parents that it is recommended to check your child’s head at least once a week with a
detection comb? If you require further information or guidance please contact Nurse Guy at Red Deer
Centre, Alberta Avenue, Westwood, East Kilbride (01355 593450). Please note the change of contact
address/phone number.
Easter Holidays
 School will close on Thursday 2 April at 2.30pm.
 School will re-open at 9.00am on Monday 20 April.
We wish you all a happy and holy Easter break.
Iain M McGuire
Head Teacher