January 2015 Newsletter Welcome back to everyone associated

Commercial Road, Strathaven ML10 6JW
Tel 01357 521317 Fax 01357 529225
Head Teacher: Mr Iain M McGuire
January 2015 Newsletter
Welcome back to everyone associated with the school and I hope you have a very happy and prosperous
New Year.
Primary 1 Registration
As previously communicated, Parents/carers of children who are 5 years of age between 1st March
2015 and the end of February 2016 are required to register their child for starting school.
Registration will take place in St. Patrick’s Primary on Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th
January 2015.
Please contact the school office for an appointment time.
Please bring your child’s full Birth Certificate (not the Abbreviated Extract of Birth) and Baptismal certificates
(where appropriate) as well as two pieces of recent official documentation both containing the parent’s* (or
person who has parental responsibility for the child) permanent home address to clarify proof of residency
(e.g. utility bill, council tax statement, housing rent card, child benefit documentation). Additional proof of
residency of the child may be required.
All children should enrol in their catchment school even if they intend to submit a placing request.
Adverse Weather Conditions
In the event that we face challenges over the winter, can I reiterate the following points:
 If weather conditions deteriorate during the day, do not hesitate in coming to collect your child from
school or nursery class, especially if you are travelling from outwith Strathaven.
 If you have any doubts about the weather conditions, please contact the school prior to setting out
on your journey.
 Please take great care with underfoot conditions on the access roads to and from the school.
Although pathways have been created within the school grounds, underfoot conditions require
greater care.
 Although the school and Education Resources will make every effort to provide normal services,
weather and road conditions, for buses and taxis, may dictate changes to service.
 Please check the school website: www.st-patricks-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk and the South Lanarkshire
website: www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk where updates will be posted if the school has to close.
 Please ensure that the school has current landline, mobile and emergency phone numbers in case
we have an emergency closure or need to provide important updates.
Hopefully the weather will dictate that the above points do not need to be implemented.
Secondary Transfer Arrangements
Documentation relating to transfer arrangements from primary to secondary education has been sent to
parents of children in primary 7. Paperwork should be returned to the school by Monday 12 January 2015
at the latest.
Those parents who are making a placing request for a school other than Holy Cross should contact the
school office or Education Resources Support Services helpdesk on 01698 454102 to request a placing
request application form.
The staff and pupils would like to thank the PTA for all their hard work over the Christmas period,
especially in relation to the Christmas parties and their assistance at the Christmas Shows.
The school, as always, is indebted to the PTA for their continued industry, support and dedication to
improving the resources and opportunities available to our pupils in St. Patrick’s – they do a
fantastic job!
The next meeting of the PTA will take place in the Strathaven Hotel on Monday 19th January at
A Coffee Morning will be held in the school hall from 10.00-11.30am on Friday 23 January.
A Spring Disco for all pupils will be held in the school hall on the evening of Thursday 12th February.
Parent Council
The Parent Council will meet in the school on Monday 2nd February at 7.00pm. This meeting replaces
the meeting planned for 12th January which has been cancelled.
Can I remind all parents/carers that these meetings are open to all members of the Parent Forum.
Textile Bins
As you are aware, in our effort to promote sustainability issues, support our eco-agenda (and enhance our
school funds) a St. Patrick’s Primary School and Nursery Class Textile Bin can be located in the car park
of Scotmid in Strathaven (now located next to the Mother and Toddler car parking spaces). This bin is a
receptacle for the following items: clothes, belts, shoes, bedding, bags and curtains (no duvets or pillows).
In addition to this, a smaller ‘blue bin’ has been placed in the main corridor of the school for pupils to bring,
in tied bags, clothes and textiles which are no longer used. The bin will be emptied each Friday.
So, if you are having a ‘post-Christmas clearout’ – the St. Patrick’s bins will be willing recipients.
The school will benefit financially every time the bins are emptied for recycling.
My thanks to Mrs Keenan for her continued time and efforts in this area.
Christmas Festivities
Thank you to everyone who helped in any way during the period leading up to Christmas. The Christmas
parties and the visit from The Baldy Bane Theatre Group were thoroughly enjoyed by all the children.
The primary 7 pupils have asked me to thank parents who kindly donated foodstuffs for the ‘goodie bags’
and Christmas gifts for our friends in the Sheltered Housing Complex. Your thoughtfulness is greatly
Ronald McDonald House
Thank you to everyone (including staff) who donated money at the Christmas Shows.
As a result of your generosity, a cheque for £250.45 has been sent to The Ronald McDonald House at
Yorkhill Hospital.
School Uniforms
If you have any enquires regarding the ordering of our school uniforms please contact the school office. An
order form can be downloaded from the school website for the annual school order. Uniform items can also
be purchased directly from Alston’s in Hamilton.
Sacramental Preparation
Parents Meetings for those families who wish to request that their children be included in preparation work
for the sacraments will be held in St. Patrick’s Church on Wednesday 21st January:
7.00pm .... Reconciliation and First Communion
7.45pm .... Confirmation
Father Tom and staff look forward to meeting with you at this time.
A Confirmation Retreat at the Pastoral Centre in Newmains has been arranged for Wednesday 25th
February 2015.
A First Communion Retreat at the Pastoral Centre in Newmains has been arranged for Monday 2nd
March 2015.
Staff Development Day
Friday 6th February 2015 is a Staff Development Day. Pupils should not come to school on this day.
February Holiday
The school will be closed on Monday 9th and Tuesday 10th February 2015.
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week will be celebrated in schools and parishes from Sunday 8th February to
Saturday 14 February 2015.
The purpose of Catholic Education Week is to highlight the significance of education, not only for young
people but for society as a whole. Students, parents, teachers and others are asked to reflect on their own
roles in the education process - at home, in school, in the local parish and in other educational settings.
This year’s theme - “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel” - is inspired by ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, the
Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis. The theme provides a good opportunity for parents, schools and
parishes to consider how we are all “Proclaiming the Joy of the Gospel” in word and action in our daily
lives. This year there will be a particular appeal to all parish communities to encourage young people to
consider aspiring towards Teaching as a profession which is so important to the formation of young people.
Staff and pupils from St. Patrick’s Primary and Holy Cross High will participate in the liturgy at the 11.00am
mass at St. Patrick’s Church on Sunday 8th February.
Gastrointestinal Infection
Children who suffer gastrointestinal infection are at increased risk of spreading the infection to others.
Therefore the advice given from Lanarkshire NHS Board and Education Resources is that children should
remain off school or nursery for 48 hours after symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting have resolved. This is
especially important at this time of year when bugs and viruses are more prevalent.
Communicable diseases are common in children of nursery and school age. Can I request that if your child
is suffering from chickenpox or mumps that you inform a member of staff as soon as possible as these
illnesses can have very serious repercussions for members of the school community.
I thank you in advance for your assistance in these matters.
Attendance at School
It is important for the school to work with parents in encouraging all children to attend school. All absences
from school are required by law to be recorded. Absences will normally fall under two categories –
authorised or unauthorised absence. In cases where your child is unable to attend school, or will be late for
school, parents are asked to:
 Inform the school by letter or telephone, if your child is likely to be absent and to give your child a
note on his/her return to school, telling of the reason for absence.
 Notify the school by 9.15am if your child is going to be absent or late. Let the school know the likely
date of return and keep them informed if the date changes.
 Inform the school of any change to the following:
home telephone number
mobile number
emergency contact details
School Buses
Please inform the school office if the travel arrangements for your child at the end of the school day are
subject to change e.g. if they are not using their place on the school bus or going to the after-school club or
being collected by a new childminder, relative etc.
School Safety Procedures
All visitors should enter the school by the doors at the main entrance and report to the office, where they
can sign the visitors’ log book.
A continuing number of adults are coming into the main building in the morning (often accompanying their
children) via the doors at the bottom end of the school. This entrance is for members of staff and pupils
Can I also courteously request that parents/carers attending the Nursery Class enter and exit the site via
the Nursery gate and do not cross the school yard.
I thank you in advance for your assistance in these important security matters.
Lenten Fundraising
Members of the Pupil Council are in the process of deciding which charities will be the beneficiaries of our
Lenten Appeal this session. They will deliver a presentation to inform staff and pupils at a forthcoming
Assembly and notify parents in the near future.
As in previous years these will be the only charitable groups we will be supporting in the coming months
and recognising formally within the school.
Our senior pupils are currently organising a programme of activities for lunchtimes and these will be
supplemented by other activities during the school day.
As always, the Nursery Class will be fully involved.
We once again ask for the co-operation of parents in ensuring that pupils complete all homework tasks set.
Homework is given each night from Monday to Thursday. Parents whose child is experiencing difficulty
with homework activities should contact the school office to arrange an appointment with their child’s
teacher, who will be pleased to assist with any problems.
Vehicles Entering the School Playground
 Parents/Carers/Visitors should not to bring their cars into the school grounds, unless by prior
agreement. Adults collecting children for appointments etc should park outwith the school grounds.
This rule has to be strictly enforced as children in the hutted accommodation have to cross the yard
throughout the day to access facilities in the main building.
 Parents/carers who are parking/dropping off children at the Commercial Road and Cochrane Street
entrances are respectfully asked to exercise the greatest care and attention and (once again) not to
encroach on the zig-zig markings.
I thank you in advance for your co-operation in these important safety matters which affect all of our
Park Smart Campaign
The Park Smart campaign was Launched by the West of Scotland Road Safety Forum to address the
problems created by irresponsible parking outside schools and has been successfully implemented within
South Lanarkshire Council since its conception in 2003.
Walk with your child to and from school and show them how to cross carefully.
If you really have to drive your child to and from school, park well away from the school entrance
and never on the zig-zag markings.
Remember to consider other children who are walking to and from school. Always look out for
Always remember to park smart.
Our Junior Road Safety Officers have organised, in conjunction with South Lanarkshire Council, a Park
Smart event for Friday 23 January.
Family Holidays During Term Time
Every effort should be taken to avoid family holidays during term time as this both disrupts the child’s
education and reduces learning time. If holidays are taken during times when the school is open parents
should inform the Head Teacher in advance by letter.
If your child is to be taken on a family holiday during term time then in line with the Scottish Executive
Education Department advice this will be classified as an unauthorised absence. However, in exceptional
circumstances schools may authorise a family holiday during term time as an authorised absence when for
example, parents are unable to obtain leave during the school holiday period.
Clearly, absence with no explanation from parents will mean that the absence will be recorded as
Every effort should be made to ensure that your child attends school during term time. Please contact the
school should your child be unable to attend school.
In our approach to raising achievement it is recognised that attendance at school is something that should
be continuously encouraged. Parents, children and the school all have a part to play in encouraging
children to attend school.
Head Lice
Can I remind parents that it is recommended to check your child’s head at least once a week with a
detection comb? If you require further information or guidance please contact Nurse Guy at Red Deer
Centre, Alberta Avenue, Westwood, East Kilbride (01355 593450). Please note the change of contact
address/phone number.
Iain M McGuire
Head Teacher