Have you used services in Midpark Hospital? Was your experience positive or negative? The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland would like to meet with service users of Midpark Hospital to hear your opinions. Thursday 27th August 1pm Dumfries and Galloway Advocacy Service 107 English Street Dumfries DG1 2DA For further information please contact: Mary Hattie The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland Thistle House 91 Haymarket Terrace Edinburgh EH12 5HE 0131 313 8786 www.mwcscot.org.uk Catherine Vernon Dumfries & Galloway Advocacy Service 107 English Street Dumfries DG1 2DA Fplease 01387 247237 www.dgadvocacy.co.uk Advocacy - Defending your right to be heard - Scottish Charity Registration Number: SC036075