HT Update Nov 2015 - Park View Primary School

Head Teacher Update November 2015
Tel: 0141 641 1677
Credit Union Club
Our Credit Union Club, in association with Cambuslang Credit Union, is open every Thursday
morning . Please contact the Cambuslang Credit Union for more details. You can email them at or call on 641 0888. The Club is for P1-P7.
Homework and Hot Chocolate
Our Homework and Hot Chocolate Club is on every Thursday at 3pm – 4pm in the
Dining Hall. Parents/Carers are invited to come along to the Club with their child
and work together to complete the ‘Little Bit Extra’ tasks, play some fun Literacy
and Numeracy games or practise reading skills. You don’t need to book a space
...just turn up on the day!
Parent Partnership
The next meeting is on Thursday 12th of November 2015 at 7pm in Room 7.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Halloween Party
Thank you to our Parent Partnership for organising a Halloween Party for all of the children and
to everyone who supported the event. The money raised will go towards helping the Parent
Partnership to raise enough money to purchase an outdoor classroom and extend our trim trail!
Flu Vaccinations
These will take place on 3rd of December 2015. If you have not returned your form, please do so
as soon as possible. Thank you.
Lego and Learning Fun Day
On Friday 30th of October 2015, we had our very first ‘Lego and Learning Fun Day’. The
children took part in lots of fun Lego activities and raised money to buy new Lego
resources that can be used in the Rainbow Corner and across the whole school.
The raffle was a great success! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and to
the children who gave up their own time to sell the tickets too. The sponsored Lego Build was
also well supported and the children had lots of fun trying to reach their targets. Overall, to date
we have raised an amazing £1104!!
Thank you to Mrs. Longmuir for coordinating this event and to everyone who contributed!
Remembrance Day
A group of senior pupils will represent Park View at the Remembrance Day event in
Cambuslang on Wednesday 11th of November 2015 at 10:45am. Two of our parents, Mr.
Black and Mr. Connor have kindly purchased a beautiful wreath which the children will
bring along on the day. Mr. Black and Mr. Connor have also generously donated a small
wooden poppy cross for each child in the school. The children will plant these in the
school grounds on Wednesday.
Book Fayre
This year, the Book Fayre raised an incredible £410 for the school! All of this
commission money was spent on buying library books for the classes and
supplementing our range of topic books. Thank you to Miss Watson and our
Library Group for organising the Book Fayre and to everyone who bought books
and helped us to raise this fantastic amount!
Mrs. Phillips will begin her Maternity Leave on Friday 13th of November and leaves Park View,
temporarily, with our very best wishes! Miss Christina Putland will join the staff on Monday 16th
of November 2015 as the P6/7 Class Teacher and we are looking forward to welcoming her to our
Two Stars and A Wish
Thank you to everyone who completed a ‘Two Stars and A Wish’ sheet. We are now in the
process of collating all the information and we will share the results with everyone in the near
Pantomime Trip
The whole school will go to see the pantomime ‘Sleeping Beauty’ in Hamilton Town House on
Monday 7th of December 2015. The Parent Partnership have donated £660 from the proceeds of
their fundraising efforts to pay for the transport to Hamilton. This means the cost is now only £5
per child. A letter will be sent out with more details next week.
Christmas Celebration and P1 Nativity.
On Monday 14th of December 2015 at 10:30am - 11:30am, the staff and children of Park
View will gather for our Christmas Celebration and P1 Nativity. P1 parents/carers will be
given two priority seating tickets per family and will be admitted to the gym hall at
10am. The doors will open for everyone else at 10:15am and we hope that as many
parents/carers as possible will come along to join us. There is no admission charge,
but we will ask for donations which will be split equally between the School Fund
and the charity organisation ‘Children 1st’. The Christmas Celebration will be led by
our Chaplaincy Team, Rev. Neil Glover and Ross Murray.
Christmas Lunch
On Wednesday 9th of December 2015 we will have our Christmas Lunch in school. The menu and
order form will be distributed at the start of that week.
Christmas Fayre
The Parent Partnership have organised a Christmas Faure on Friday 4th of December 2015 3pm –
5pm. If you would like to get involved, please contact the Parent Partnership via email at
Please remember that if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing or progress, you can
contact the school and make an appointment to speak to a member of staff.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs. M. Speirs