Adult - Rigside Primary School

Leeanne Gladstone, Susan Smith, Lyn Muir, Linda Ferguson, Carol Ann Fitzgerald, Michelle Melville ,
Louise Johnstone, Kym Mulligan, Margo Thomson
Leeann Yuill, Nicola McAllister
Members were welcomed to the fourth meeting of the Parent Council for session 2014/2015 and thank for
for their attendance.
A draft agenda had been prepared and members agreed to proceed in that order.
Treasurers Report
The current bank balance of Parent Council funds is £1184.60.
A cheque for £100 which was the Parent Council contribution to the transport costs for the Panto is still to
be handed into the school office.
Matters Arising
Update from Clyde Windfarm funding bid – Feedback had been received from John Archibald that Clyde
Windfarm were supportive of a community event and felt that the ideas for the Poem, Presentation,
Picture, Pie and Pint project would align with their Development Fund criteria. The part of the bid that was
not supported was the P6/7 children residential trip to Lockerbie, on the grounds that a small number of
children required a relatively high level of personal investment from the Development Fund. After
discussion at this meeting, it was agreed that a revised bid would be submitted which would include the P1
to P5 trip to Wiston Lodge and an enhanced community Poem, Presentation, Picture, Pie and Pint event.
The total of this bid is likely to be in the region of £2500, and it is hoped it will be successful, although there
is no guarantee. Action LF
The thread of this topic prompted a further discussion on fundraising given that the Lockerbie portion
would have to be funded by parents of P6/7 pupils. One suggestion was that the Parent Council try to
match the amount applied for from the Clyde Windfarm. This will need to be assessed going forward
because it wouldn’t be sensible to spend all of the amounts raised on one group of children attending one
trip, especially when the funding of future years residential trips was not likely to come from external
In the meantime fundraising ideas suggested were:
 A Burns day / Scottish Afternoon fundraising event
 A Valentines childrens disco
 Another prize bingo at Easter time
 Approach local businesses in the New Year to ask for their support
 Bag packing at Tesco (Contact is via Nora – Community Champion at Tesco to arrange a date).
There are transport logistics that have to be reviewed for this to be realised. We could ask to use
the Community Bus, but would still need a driver. Mr Purton is going through the final part of his
PCV test on 29th January 2015, so may be able to help with this if and when arrangements are
No specific arrangements for any of these suggestions were confirmed at this meeting.
All members agreed that the ideal position for the future is that regular fundraising is a key priority for the
Parent Council and that the efforts should be as sustainable as possible so that funding for future trips is
Prize Bingo – The current significant bank balance was mainly due to the takings from the Prize Bingo on
29th October which amounted to £909.05. The bingo night fundraiser was a great achievement and
demonstrable team effort from the Parent Council members.
Election of Chairperson
and Treasurer
Gail Nield (Chair) had left the village and Camille Kerlin (Treasurer) has resigned her post due to a change in
family circumstances therefore the Chair and Treasurer posts were vacant at this time.
We want to try to fill the posts as it is important to have a fully constituted group in order to be eligible for
grant funding.
Following discussion among members present, the postholders were elected:
Leeanne Gladstone
Carol Ann Fitzgerald
Kym Mulligan
Leeanne Gladstone
Carol Ann Fitzgerald
Louise Johnstone
Thanks were offered to both Gail and Camille for their previous efforts and to all members for their input
and support in securing the new post holders at this time.
Christmas Show / Fayre
The Christmas Show and fayre will be held on 15th December. The fayre will be in the lesser hall from 6:00
to 6:30 and then at the interval of the show (for a further 30 minutes).
The staff and children will have up to three stalls at the fayre selling crafts made by the children.
The Parent Council will arrange
 Tombola (LM, SS)
 Christmas gifts and crafts (KM)
 Santas grotto, picture with Santa (LG, MM)
 Homebaking and tea / coffee (LF, Roberta Wilson)
 Raffle for Christmas Hamper and Kids Hamper (CAF)
 Santa grid square (CAF)
MT will send a letter to parents asking for donations for items that could be included in the tombola, or
either of the two hampers.
KM will ask local resident Mrs Elliot if she would make some items for the homebaking stall
LG will try to locate background of Santa’s grotto from last year (in the school) and if it cant be found,
create a new one.
LF will prepare the Santa grid square
Rehearsals are progressing well. The children and staff are putting a lot of effort into the production.
Help is needed with the backgrounds and scenes and KM and LG have agreed to be involved in that
preparatory work.
Christmas Party
The Christmas Party will be held on 17th December 2014. The agreed catering and other provisions will be
funded by the parent council largely due to the generous donation of £100 from local resident Maggie
LF will shop for the party food and the other surprises. MT will identify someone to prepare the party food
(that needs to be heated) before serving on the day.
School Grounds
Parent helpers made great progress in the school grounds on 4th November but there is still a lot to do.
Jim Ferguson and Sandy Gladstone are planning to complete some of the weeding and also felt the roof of
the learning lodge in the coming weeks.
All parent helpers are welcome to help with these outdoor maintenance jobs whenever the weather allows
and should contact Laura Mitchell if they are unsure of the priority jobs.
Update from School
The news of MT departure had been received on 24th November. MT will take up the Acting Headteacher
post at Biggar Primary School as a maternity cover on 5th January 2015 initially for 6 months. MT advised
that the replacement advertisement for her post had been placed on 25 th November with a closing date of
1st December so efforts are ongoing to ensure a replacement is identified as soon as possible. The advert is
for a full time post, with interviews possibly being conducted as early as w/b 8th December.
The number of potential applicants is difficult to determine, the full recruitment and selection processes
will be adhered to.
If a current member of staff from Rigside Primary secures the post, the longer term impact of the change
and the imminent class reorganisation adjustments will have to be assessed.
The forthcoming events reported at this meeting are updated on the website. Particular activities are listed
27th November – P6/7 Swimming starts for 12 weeks. These weekly lessons mean that the Credit Union
tellers and supervisors would be out of the school at the regular collection time. It was therefore agreed to
change the day of the Credit Union to a Tuesday.
5th December – Class configuration changes come into force. The changes are to ensure that the best
educational interests and support needs of all children can be met. The maths and language groups will be
set. The groups will be reduced in size, therefore allowing the children more support from staff. The timing
might seem unusual given there is only 1 full week of term left, but the staff felt this was the best way
forward and means the changes can bed in before the Christmas break.
15th December – Christmas Show and Fayre. Show starts at 6:30 pm. Ticket sales will be advertised.
17th December – End of term festive service at 11:00 am
17th December – Christmas Party in afternoon
18th December – Spectacular 2
19th December – School closes at 2:30 pm
School Photos
Members asked when the proofs of the school photographs will be available to parents. MT advised that
the photographer normally works to a 7 to 10 day turnaround, and that these should be available soon.
Bulb Planting
The Secretary of the Residents and Tenants Association had approached LF to ask if the school children
could help with daffodil bulb planting in the playpark surrounds preferably before Christmas. MT indicated
that the afternoon of 16th December was the best option and plans would be put in place for the children to
support this community venture. Help from other community volunteers and parent helpers would be
gratefully received.
The date of the next parent council meeting is scheduled for 14th January 2015 at 1:30 pm, but this is
dependent on the Headteacher position at that time. Any change of date / time will be notified by the
school. All parent members are welcome.