WELCOME TO PRECALCULUS 2015-2016 Class Expectations, Procedures and Grading Mrs. Orr – Rockwall High School Class Website: http://rockwallrhs.ss6.sharpschool.com/staff_directory/misti_orr Textbook Precalculus, by McGraw-Hill Education, 2016. An online version of this book will be used. Each student will have their own textbook login account. Students will be taught how to log into the textbook when they receive their individual licensing information. Until then, students should access the textbook online at: Website: www.connected.mcgraw-hill.com Student Username: txmath2015 Password: studentmath15 General Course Description This course teaches students the topics of traditional precalculus. Topics include a thorough instruction of advanced/college algebra, and introduction to trigonometry, analytic geometry in three dimensions, and key calculus topics such as limits, tangent line and area problems. The goal is to prepare students for post-secondary calculus coursework. The content of this course is on par with college level and therefore a college level textbook is used. High level thinking skills and advanced problem solving are required with the ability to analyze information and apply more than one concept. It is important that students are organized, attend class regularly, and attend tutorials when necessary. Supply List A 1-1/2 inch 3-ring binder (No Spirals) used for organization of class materials and periodic grading Notebook paper Pencils and Erasers Highlighters (several colors) If possible, a graphing calculator like the TI-84+ will be useful with homework. Supplies for the Classroom Box of tissues (2nd period only) Procedures Please remember that school policy will be followed at all times. District dress code is expected every day. No food or drink is allowed in class (except water). Please respect everyone in the classroom – there are no dumb questions. Please be in your seat and prepared to start class when the bell rings. Math Department Policy 1. All work must be done in pencil. 2. Work must be shown that supports all answers to receive credit. Classroom Policy 1. Be in your seat and prepared to start class when the bell rings. 2. Late work will not be accepted. Grading Policy 70% - Major Tests and Projects These grades are eligible for a re-do/re-test. 30% - Daily grades, including Skill Checks, Quizzes and Explorations These grades are not eligible for a re-do/re-test. Tutoring Policy You may attend tutorials with any of the math teachers. I recommend that you see me if possible. My tutoring times are Tuesday and Thursday, 8:10 – 8:40 AM. I can make arrangements to be available at other times by request. Tests There will be two or three test grades each six weeks term. Students who score below 70% will have the opportunity to retest per the district grading policy, for a maximum replacement grade of 70. If a student is absent the day before a test, he or she will be required to take the test with the rest of the class. If a student has been absent more than one day during the period covered by the test, it is his or her responsibility to check with me, prior to test day, to see whether or not a makeup test may be taken. If a chapter exam is not taken on the specified make-up days, it will result in a zero. Everyone taking a test after the day of the test will be given a make-up version. Academic Integrity Academic dishonesty, cheating or copying on a test, quiz, project or other assignment will result in a grade of zero, and disciplinary action per the district grading policy. Be safe; ask questions first! Absences and Make-up Work School policy regarding make-up work will be enforced. You have one day for each day missed to make up daily assignments and five days from the date of your return to make up all exams and quizzes. You are responsible for checking the calendar for daily assignments and test dates. WELCOME TO PRECALCULUS 2015-2016 Class Expectations, Procedures and Grading Parents, I am excited about the school year, and I appreciate your taking the time to read the class expectations. Your student’s success in my class is important to me. If you ever have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. On the return form below, please indicate your preferred method of communication in the event I need to contact you to discuss your student’s progress in my class. Thank you, Misti Orr Math Teacher, Rockwall High School misti.orr@rockwallisd.org 972-771-7339 Please cut and return bottom portion ________________________________________________ I have read and understand the Pre-Calculus class expectations and policies for the school year 20152016. _____________________________ Printed student name ___________________________ Student Signature ___________ Date _____________________________ Printed parent/guardian name ___________________________ Signature __________ Date Preferred method of communication: (If you prefer to be contacted by phone, please indicate what time of day you prefer to be contacted.) Parent/Guardian e-mail address: ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian phone: (indicate day or evening) ________________________________