Tuesday Telegram October 20, 2009 “Where Only The Best Is Good Enough” Word from our Principal Greetings! The teachers, staff, and students are working hard as we see the frost start to settle on the pumpkins. You are truly blessed to have such a caring, nurturing staff to work with your children. The staff strives everyday to make sure your children are getting all the attention and work they need. Please be reminded that teachers will be contacting you about scheduling a time for parent/teacher conferences which will take place on Tues. Oct. 27th. I hope to see you tonight at McDonald’s for Hiseville Night. Come by and bring your family for a quick dinner. Remember counter sales only. Have a great week, Mr. Murphy Here are a couple of dates to remember: October 27th - Parent/Teacher Conferences begin October 28th Coke Delivery October 30th – Awards Day We will be sending out more information about these events very soon. Have a great week. Calendar of Events 10/20- Hiseville Night at McDonalds 5:00 – 8:00 pm 10-26 thru-29th- Red Ribbon Week 10-27- Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:00 -7:00 pm 10-30- Book Character Dress Up Day Halloween Parties 1:30 pm Awards Program 8:00 am - 4,5th and 6th 10:00 am - 2nd and 3rd 12:30 pm - K and 1st Food Drive AmeriCorps will coordinate a can food drive beginning October 19th thru October 23rd. Food will support our local community food pantries. Winning homeroom will receive homework passes, movie, popcorn and drinks. The homeroom bringing in the most ounces of can foods will be the winner! A chart will be placed in the front hallway so everyone can see how the race is progressing. Parent Teacher Conferences Our parent teacher conferences will be October 27th 3:00 to 7:00 pm. Individual student test scores will be available from your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will send a note home regarding scheduling appointments. Appointments will be scheduled thru teachers. Red Ribbon Week Activities Monday- Red Day- (Wear Red) Red Ribbons to all Tuesday- Turn Drugs Inside Out (Wear your favorite top/shirt inside out) Wednesday- Put a Cap On Drugs (Wear your favorite Hat) Magic Show Assembly 1:00 pm (all students) Thursday- Dress Alike Day Dress Like a Friend ASAP Tobacco Presentation for 4,5, 6th Reminder from Mr. Bunch Great American Fundraiser money and forms are due to school by November 3rd. * Little League Basketball forms are due November 3rd. Hiseville Student News To get students excited about writing and to help them identify just one of the many needs for writing as well as assisting with obtaining items for fall festival auction; teachers at Hiseville Elementary created an on-demand writing assignment that asked their students to pick one celebrity, whom they have never met in person and write them a letter. Students have been writing to their heroes, favorite athletes and movie stars from all over the world. Sixth grade students then researched and located address of the celebrities and mailed the actual letters. 3 students have already heard back from their person and were sent an autographed picture, license plates and other items. Students were astonished and overjoyed at the responses. Students that have already received items are Kristina Byrd from Country Singer Josh Turner; Katie Blakley from Patrick Dempsey; Karen Crist from Tim McGraw and Faith Hill. More items are continuing to roll in. The autographed items will be auctioned off at Hiseville Elementary’s Fall Festival that will be held on Friday, November 13, 2009 from 5-8 pm. Proceeds from Fall Festival will be used to purchase Smartboards and Projectors for every classroom. Just another great thing that is going on here at Hiseville Elementary!