CHIRPED PROBE PULSE FEMTOSECOND COHERENT ANTISTOKES RAMAN SCATTERING FOR TURBULENT COMBUSTION DIAGNOSTICS Claresta Dennis and Robert Lucht Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 69th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy June 16, 2014 INTRODUCTION TURBULENT COMBUSTION DIAGNOSTICS John Zink Ultra Low Emission Burner Mitsubishi 1700 Class Gas Turbine John Zink Hamworthy Combustion ne-applications/ Non-intrusive laser based spectroscopy methods are ideal N. Oshima, T. Tominaga, K. Saito, Proc. Symposium on Power Ener. Engr., 2008; 6. INTRODUCTION COHERENT ANTI-STOKES RAMAN SCATTERING INTRODUCTION CHIRPED PROBE PULSE FEMTOSECOND CARS EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM Ti:Sapphire Laser Output 10.2 W average power 60 fs duration laser pulses 800 nm center wavelength ~400 cm-1 bandwidth CALIBRATION FLAME Hencken burner – stable, uniform, near-adiabatic H2/air flame 25 mm square fine honeycomb structure with protruding hypodermic needles Volumetric flow rates of fuel and oxidizer controlled to produced specific flame temperatures Frequency / cm -1 Frequency / cm-1 Frequency / cm-1 Frequency / cm-1 SPECTRAL MODELING 2000 shots averaged and background subtracted Fix flame temperature Hencken burner spectrum Single Hencken burner spectrum Hencken burner spectrum Hencken burner spectrum Hencken burner spectrum Hencken burner spectrum Laser Parameters Laser Beam Power Spectra Temperature, scaling factors floated Laser Parameters Genetic Algorithm Based Spectral Fitting Code Single Shot Genetic Algorithm Based Spectral Fitting Code Accuracy of temperature measurements is affected by the accuracy of calculated laser parameters and accuracy of the reference flame temperature Vibrational N2 CPP fs-CARS temperature measurements at 5 kHz PRECISION AND ACCURACY Histograms from 2000 single laser shot measurements in Hencken burner Typical values: precision better than 2% accuracy ~ 3% Precision and accuracy improve increasing temperature RESULTS JET DIFFUSION FLAME Jet nozzle exit diameter = 5 mm Co-flow exit diameter = 160 mm 9 SLPM (7.7 m/s) of hydrogen 180 SLPM (0.15 m/s) of laboratory shop-air RESULTS JET DIFFUSION FLAME RESULTS DLR GTMC DUAL SWIRL BURNER Many previous studies: PLIF of OH, CH and H2CO, laser Doppler anemometry (LDA), OH* chemiluminescence imaging, Raman scattering, two-line OH PLIF thermometry, and stereoscopic PIV Operated at “Flame V” condition Global Equivalence Ratio = 0.65 Adiabatic Flame Temperature = 1660 K RESULTS DLR GTMC DUAL SWIRL BURNER RESULTS DLR GTMC DUAL SWIRL BURNER Performed PSD analysis to compare with previous thermo-acoustic measurements 25,000 single-laser-shot fs-CARS measurements used Observed power spectrum peaks at 176, 308, 485, 796-805 Hz 308 Hz = frequency of dominant longitudinal thermo-acoustic pulsation 485 Hz = precessing vortex core Agrees with previous studies where PVC frequency occurred at 515 Hz I. Boxx, M. Stöhr, C. Carter, W. Meier, Combust. Flame, 2010; 157, 1510-1525. CONCLUSIONS Successfully demonstrated CPP fs-CARS in turbulent combustor of practical interest Excellent spatial resolution and improved accuracy/precision over ns-CARS measurements Future work: Improve the technique’s dynamic range by splitting the CARS signal into two detector channels (two spectrometers, two EMCCD cameras) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Isaac Boxx and Dr. Wolfgang Meier from DLR Sttutgart Devashish Bangar, Dr. Carson Slabaugh, Dr. Aman Satija Funding provided by US Department of Energy, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Ultrafast laser system purchased with funding from an AFOSR DURIP grant Naval Air Warfare Center Graduate Research Fellowship QUESTIONS? BACKUP First demonstrated by Lang and Motzkus* Allows single laser shot measurements Chirped Probe Pulse 2-3 psec Probe Beam - 3 800 nm, 60 fs, 90 J Dispersive Rod 60 cm SF11 Delay Line for Probe Stokes Beam - 2 800 nm, 60 fs, 70 J Pump Beam - 1 674 nm, 60 fs, 50 J Raman Coherence CARS Signal Beam - 4 Turbulent Flame or Gas Cell To Spectrometer and EMCCD t D. R. Richardson, R. P. Lucht, W. D. Kulatilaka, S. Roy, J. R. Gord, Appl. Phys. B, 2011, 104. *T. Lang and M. Motzkus, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2002, 19. BACKUP CHIRPED PROBE PULSE FEMTOSECOND COHERENT ANTI-STOKES RAMAN SCATTERING FOR TURBULENT COMBUSTION DIAGNOSTICS Ultrafast lasers are inherently broadband, create stronger Raman coherence in medium Measurements are acquired over timescales faster than molecular collisions occur Solid state laser, excellent spatial mode, no shot-to-shot fluctuations in laser spectrum Nanosecond laser-based Raman excitation J. R. Gord, T. R. Meyer, S. Roy, Ann. Rev. Anal. Chem. 2008 ; 1. Femtosecond laser-based Raman excitation