Ancient Egypt PowerPoint Nile River/Geography

Team 4:Kari Donovan, Graham
Gaines, Sam Smith, Joy Cooper
Uses for the Nile
The river’s resources helped the Egyptians
The land became fertile when the Nile
The Egyptians used the Nile for death
Climate of the Nile
In the day the temperature is 110 F.
In the night the temperature is 20 F, almost
The temperatures get either to hot or to cold
there is never usually balanced.
Culture of the Nile
• The river was considered a god.
• It was a giver and taker of life.
• The river was worshiped by the people.
• The Nile was a main source for the Egyptians.
How the Nile Flows
 The Nile flows through Egypt, Sudan,
 The river Nile is 4,160 mi. long.
 There are 6 cataracts along the Nile River.
 The Nile Delta is in lower Egypt.
Nile Vocab
 Nahal - river valley.
 Confluence -The point where two rivers
 River course - The path followed by a
river from source to mouth.
 Source - The starting point of a river.