Expansion Of The Reformation

Expansion Of The
Holy Roman Empire
My Religion is the Only Right
• People of the 16th century could not
comprehend the concept of religious
toleration or the existence of numerous
religions within the same country. The
ruler determined the religion of the region
would be. Any other religious beliefs were
seen as a political threat to the security of
the nation.
Lutheranism and the German
• 1520 Luther ' s Appeal to the Christian
Nobility of the German Nation encouraged
German patriotism and resistance to
Roman control. German princes supported
Luther not only out of religious faith but
also because it enabled them to confiscate
wealthy church holdings.
Lutheranism and the German
• 1. A series of 5 wars between Holy
Roman Emperor Charles V and
France occurred 1521-1555 and
are called the Hapsburg-Valois
• 2. These ended in 1555 with the
Peace of Augsburg which said that
the religion of each German state
would be decided by its ruler; the
only choices were Lutheranism or
Catholicism; Calvinism or any
others were banned.
Lutheranism in Sweden, Norway,
and Denmark
• The monarchs in each state established
Lutheranism as the state religion.
• members of a variety of 16thcentury religious groups that
rejected infant baptism. Since
they believed that only after an
adult had come to faith in Christ
should he or she be baptized,
they taught that converts who
had been baptized in infancy
must be re-baptized. The first
adult baptism was performed on
Jan. 21, 1525 in Zurich
Thomas Muntzer
1. The Anabaptists refused to take oaths, opposed
capital punishment, and rejected military
service and public office. They believed in
separation of Church and State, religious
tolerance, women as ministers. They also
claimed direct inspiration by the Holy spirit.
2. Their beliefs made them appear subversive and
provoked persecution.
3. Anabaptists numbered less than 1 percent of
the population. Modern followers included the
Mennonites, the Hutterian Brethren, and the
The English Reformation –
Henry VIII
• Great supporter of the
Catholic Church. He wrote a
pamphlet that showed his
allegiance and castigated
Luther, calling him "a limb of
the devil". For these the pope
gave him the title Defender
of the Faith.
The English Reformation –
Henry VIII
• The Quest for a Son and Heir:
Marriage story. Act of Succession:
Edward, Mary, Elizabeth.
• Pope Clement VII refused to annul
Henry's marriage to Catherine for two
reasons. First, to overturn a
dispensation granted by Pope Julius II
would admit that a pope could be
wrong. In light of the ongoing
problems with Luther, Clement VII
could not do that.
The English Reformation –
Henry VIII
• Second, in 1527 Rome was captured
and sacked by Emperor Charles V,
Queen Catherine's nephew. The
pope in Rome was loath to risk the
wrath of the conqueror of Rome. In
1533 Thomas Cramner was named
archbishop of Canterbury and
immediately pronounced Henry's
marriage to Catherine annulled and
his marriage to Anne legal.
The English Reformation –
Henry VIII
• Act of Supremacy: passed by Parliament in
1534, it declared the king to be the head of the
Church of England (Anglican Church) English
monasteries were closed and their property
seized by the state and distributed to supporters
under Chief Minister Thomas Cromwell, 15351539. Basic Catholic rituals and doctrines were
retained during Henry VIII's reign. Cramner
opposed Henry VIII"s Six Articles. in 1539, in
which the King reasserted such catholic
doctrines as transubstantiation in to Eucharist
and the enforced celibacy of the clergy.
The English Reformation –
Henry VIII
• Sir Thomas More: would not meet the
requirement to agree to the Act of
Supremacy and was beheaded as was
John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester.
The English Reformation –
King Edward VI
• Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cramner
promoted the Book of Common Prayer
(1549). When Edward died in 1553, Cramner
supported the succession on the protestant
Lady Jane Grey. However, the throne
passed to the Roman Catholic Mary I, who
sent Cramner to the Tower of London for
treason and heresy. He recanted, but whole
being burned at the stake he held his right
hand in the fire first for having signed the
The English Reformation –
Mary I
return of Catholicism;
marriage to Philip of Spain;
persecutions of Protestants;
Bloody Mary
The English Reformation –
Elizabeth I
• beginning of religious stability;
growth of Puritanism Elizabethan
Settlement - outward conformity
to the Church of England and
uniformity in all ceremonies.
Everyone had to attend Church
of England services or be fined;
1563 Thirty-Nine Articles.
Irish Reformation
• In1536 the Irish Parliament approved
English reformation laws;
• Church of Ireland established;
• most Irish people remained Roman
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
• studied in Paris ( 1521-1525 ) and was imbued
with humanist philosophy. He then studied law at
his father's bidding (1525-1530). Dad died 1531
had Calvin returned to the study of the classics
and theology. Sometime between 1526 and
1531 he had a conversion experience. He wrote
numerous commentaries on books of the Bible.
His reformist ideas were suspect and he was
forced to flee, in 1535, to Basel, Switzerland.
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
• Institutes of the Christian Religion ( 1536):
In Basel he produced a small book about
his new reformed beliefs. It was designed
to offer a brief summary of essential
Christian belief and to defend French
Protestants, who were then undergoing
serious persecution. This first edition
contained only six brief sections. By the
last edition ( 1559), it had grown to 79 full
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
Basic Beliefs
1. God is omnipotent and has absolute sovereignty.
2. Men and women are totally weak and sinful by nature
3 . The Holy Spirit impart the free gift of faith
4. By God's grace a few people will be saved - they are
called the Elect
• 5. Predestination
• 6. The duty of the Elect is to rule society so as to glorify
God - the Church should dominate the State - Theocracy
• 7. The Bible is the final authority
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
• City of Saints: In July 1536, Calvin was
convinced to stay
• in Geneva, Switzerland and reform the city and
the church. In 1538, Calvin was expelled from
the city.
• 1. Calvin proceeded to Strasbourg where he
spent the most enjoyable years of his life as
pastor of the city's French congregation. When
friends of Calvin gained control of the Geneva
council in 1541, they asked him to return, and he
reluctantly agreed.
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
• 2. During the next 14 years his reforms met stiff
resistant. Some Genevans then, and ,many
critics later, considered Calvin' s morality
absurdly severe, with its banning of plays and its
attempt to introduce religious pamphlets and
psalm singing into Geneva's taverns. By 1555
the city belonged to Calvin.
• 3. During Calvin' s last years, Geneva was home
to many religious refugees who carried away the
desire to implement a Genevan reform in their
own countries
The French Reformation –
John Calvin
• Influence: His influence, which spread
throughout the Western world, was felt
especially in France, where his followers
were called Huguenots, and in Scotland
through the work of John Knox
Calvin’s “Blue Laws” for Inns
• If any one blasphemes the name of God or says,
“By the body, ‘sblood, zounds,” or anything like,
or who gives himself to the devil or uses similar
execrable imprecation, he shall be punished.
• If any one insults any one else the host shall
deliver him up to justice.
• The host shall be obliged to report to the
government any insolent or dissolute acts
committed by the guests.
Calvin’s “Blue Laws” for Inns
• The host shall be obliged to keep in a
public place a French Bible, in which any
one who wishes may read.
• (He) shall not allow any dissoluteness like
dancing, dice or cards, nor receive any
one suspected of being a debauche.
• He shall not allow indecent songs.
• Nobody shall be allowed to sit up after
nine o’clock at night except informers.
The Scottish Reformation
• John Knox ( 1514-1572 ): After serving
briefly as a Roman Catholic priest, he
became a Protestant through the efforts
of the Scottish reformer George Wishart.
After Wishart was burned at the stake at
St. Andrews in 1546 Knox joined other
rebellious Protestants barricaded in St.
Andrews castle. There he was urged to
preach. His zeal and obvious ability
made him an immediate leader of the
Protestant cause. When the castle of St.
Andrews fell to Scottish and French
Roman Catholics in July 1547, Knox was
sentence to serve on French galleys.
The Scottish Reformation
• After 19 months his release was secured by
English Protestant influence. Knox then lived for
four years in England, serving as a parish
preacher in Berwick and Newcastle and
becoming (1551) a chaplain to King Edward VI.
His objections to the Second Book of Common
Prayer in 1552 paved the way for the later
Puritan movement in England.
The Scottish Reformation
• Beyond Calvin: Knox became a
follower of Calvin's in 1553 but
advanced beyond his mentor in
political theory. In 1554: Knox had
begun to justify resistance to
faithless rulers do attack their dutiful
subjects. While in Geneva, Knox
published a notorious work, The
First Blast of the Trumpet against
the Monstrous Regiment of
Women ( 1558), in which he
scathingly denounced rule by
women monarchs.
It was directed at the queen
regent of Scotland, Mary of
Guise, Mary, Queen of Scots
(then also queen of France),
and England's Mary I - all
Catholic monarchs
Mary, Queen of Scots
Mary I of England
Mary of Guise
The Scottish Reformation
• Return to Scotland: May 1559 at the height of
conflict between Catholics and Protestants. His
inspirational preaching and timely aid from
England allowed Protestant forces to triumph.
The return of the widowed Mary, Queen of Scots,
in 1561 led to a famous series of face-to-face
confrontations between the young queen and
Scotland foremost preacher. When Mary was
forced to abdicate in 1567, Protestantism was
secure in Scotland as the Scottish parliament
ends papal authority, abolishes the mass,
attendance at mass punishable by a death; Book
of Common Order 1564
The Scottish Reformation
• Presbyterianism:
• 1. Calvinism;
• 2. each community church was governed
by a small group of elders or presbyters
The Swiss Reformation
• Ulrich Zwingli ( 1484-1531) : rejected
clerical celibacy, the worship of saints,
fasting, transubstantiation, and purgatory. I
He ordered churches to be stripped of all
The Swiss Reformation
• Zurich: In 1523 the governing council
accepted his beliefs and the city became a
center for Protestantism
Theocracy: Zwingli believed in a union of
Church and state. The law required church
attendance: regulated personal behavior,
employed ''snitches" to inform on wayward
The Swiss Reformation
• Differences: Zwingli and Luther differed over the
Eucharist. Luther supported the concept of the
Real Presence while Zwingli supported the
notion of the Eucharist as a remembrance. They
met at Marburg Castle in 1529 to end their
differences but they could not agree.
• E. Swiss Cantons: these political divisions of
Switzerland were divided between Protestant
and Roman Catholics beliefs. During the
resulting civil wars Zwingli was captured and
executed. The treaty ending the civil wars said
each canton should determine its own religion.