Transformations in Europe

Transformations in Europe
Chapter 16
Culture and Ideas
 How did the interplay of traditional beliefs and
revolutionary ideas influence the cultural history of
early modern Europe?
 Vocabulary
 Papacy
 Indulgences
 Reformation
Early Reformation
 Protests against the Catholic
 Martin Luther = Protestant
 95 Thesis
 John Calvin = Calvinism
 Counter Reformation
Scientific Revolution
 Use science to reinforce religion
 Church leaders viewed new ideas as challenges
to religious teachings
 Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galilei, Descartes,
Boyle, Newton
Early Enlightenment
 New scientific ideas + Religious conflict between
Catholics & Protestant = calls for social changes
 Political leaders looked to gain power
 Questioned the authority, wealth, power of
Social & Economic Life
 What factors contributed to the wealth of some
Europeans and the great poverty of others from
 Vocabulary
 Bourgeoisie
 Gentry
 Urban wealth came largely from foreign trade
 Wealthy commoners dominated economy
 Transatlantic trade increased a nations wealth
 Netherlands
 Amsterdam Exchange
 Dutch East & West India Companies
Peasants & Laborers
 Warfare, environmental
degradation, and
economic contractions
 Little Ice Age
 Coal Production
 Pervasive poverty
 Led to Rebellion
*Prices of wheat expressed in Dutch guilders per 100 kg. in various countries
vs. time.
Women & Family
 Status tied to husband
 Choose spouse or arranged marriage?
 Delayed marriage
Political Innovations
 How did differing policies in the areas of religion,
foreign relations, and economics determine the very
different experiences of early modern European
 Vocabulary
 Holy Roman Empire
 English Civil War
Development of States
 Western Europe monarchs helped develop
national identities
 Habsburg’s
 Ottoman Empire
 German Unification
 Spanish Expansion
 Thirty-Years War
 Depopulation and economic decline
 Size of Army v. Navy
 Formation of alliances
 National debt, taxation
Horrible Histories - English Monarchs
England & France
 1642 – English Civil War
 King executed
 Led to religious conflict
 Glorious Revolution
 English Bill or Rights
 King Louis XIV
 Worked with nobility and civil authority
 Absolute Monarch