Chapter 19 Section 3 The Reformation of Christianity

You live in a small town in Germany in the 1500s.
The Catholic Church has a lot of influence here.
Often, church officials clash with local nobles over
who has the final say in certain political issues. The
church also demands that the nobles pay high
taxes. Lately, however, a local priest has been
openly criticizing church leaders. He wants to make
some changes.
How do you think the nobles will respond to him?
Big Idea: Efforts to reform the Roman Catholic Church led
to changes in society & the creation of new churches.
By the late Renaissance, Church leaders were corrupt
 Leaders called to lead a Reformation
 priest & bishops no longer religious
 Pope too involved in politics
 Church too rich (& didn’t have to pay taxes)
 Sale of indulgences (buy way to heaven)
Priest, on Oct 31st, 1517 called for reform
Nailed a list of complaints onto Church door
 Wittenberg, Germany state of Saxony
 Called 95 Theses
 Excommunicated for his actions
 Ideas led to a split in the Catholic Church
▪ Protestants
▪ Taught anyone could have direct relationship with God
William Tyndale- translated Bible to English
 In response, Church executed him
John Calvin-taught live good life & obey laws
 Preached “still go to heaven if you pursued profits”.
▪ Help lead to the growth of capitalism
Please answer the following questions in your notebook
(remember restate):
1.) What was the Catholic Reformation?
2.) What was the new order of Jesus? Why were they
3.) What was the importance of the Council of Trent?
4.) How did the Reformation lead to the growth of
Page 575 #1-3 & pg.
569 vocabulary