MARSHALL ISLANDERS IN NORTHWEST ARKANSAS: HEALTH, ACCESS & WELL-BEING Michael Duke, Ph.D. Department of Anthropology Where are the Marshall Islands? Health Issues Substantial health problems, including: - High infant mortality (5 x US rate) - Tuberculosis - Diabetes - Alcohol-related problems - STIs - Hansen’s Disease - Suicide Ebeye Community Health Center, RMI Health Issues: Possible Causes Inter-Related Factors - Urban centers - High population density, substantial unemployment “Outer islands”- Health care access Nationwide - Poor diet - Physical, ecological, psychological (and genetic?) impact of nuclear weapons testing (1946-1958, 23 tests total) Nuclear weapons test, Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands Where is Springdale, AR? Demographic Characteristics (N=71,397) Pacific Islander 5% Asian 2% AmerInd/ Alaska Native 1% African Amer 2% Latino 32% White 58% Why Springdale? Photo: Steve Hebert Marshallese Population: 6000+ (app. 1/10th of RMI’s population) Photo Still from “Unnatural Causes” İPoultry! Photo: Steve Hebert Note: Marshallese can travel to and work in the US via the Compact of Free Association between the USA and RMI Kommol Tata! (Thank You!) Photo: Steve Hebert