Making and Justifying Business Decisions Today's Objective: Learn how to make a decision based on facts given Know the proper format for a professional letter Be able to identify what is proper diction Recognize the difference between spoken and written grammar What Does It Mean To Take a Stance? Look at options Use decision making strategies – Make Lists – Compare and Contrast – Look at assets and rank based on importance – How do you like to make decisions? Justifying Decisions Why? – What advantages? – Be able to argue for your decision. Writing a Professional Letter Proper Format Proper Diction Use of Proper Grammar Formatting Heading Company Name and Address Date Inside Address Salutations Make sure your greeting is appropriate. – Use formal social title Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc. When exact subject is unclear use “To Whom It May Concern” Signature Appropriate Salutation – “Sincerely” – “Kind Regards” Keep in mind WHO you are writing to. Leave room for signature/put in signature line Type out name – Add in title – Company name Diction NO SLANG Use vernacular of Business – Use words that fit in a Business setting Formal Language Grammar Spoken Grammar vs. Written Grammar – Notice the difference between how you speak and how you write. – Check all correspondences for proper grammatical structures. Choosing A Property Property A – Square Footage: 2,000 – Rent: $ 4,178/month – Next to: Hobby Lobby, Dots (clothing store), McDonalds, & Comerica Bank – Built in 1989 – On main road across from City High School. – Formerly was a clothing store (has dressing rooms) Property B – Square Footage: 1,800 – Rent: $3,784/month – Next to: Meijer, Applebees, Gas Station, and Dollar Tree. – Built in 2000 – Across main Road from City Mall. – Formerly an office supply store Summary Making Decisions: – Base them on facts – Look at all options – Be able to justify them Writing a professional letter – Be conscious of appropriateness Diction Proper Vernacular Correct salutations/signatures Proper Grammar Areas Covered Career and Employability Standards – I. A. 4. Take a verbal and written position on a topic and use correct grammar to defend it. Technical Standards – II. E. 5. Write business letters Foundational Standards – II. A. 5. f. Write business letters Michigan English Language Proficiency Standards – W. 6. 3. d. Write in various forms with particular emphasis on business forms such as a report, memo, narrative or procedure, summary/abstract, and resume. – W. 8. Use tone and voice to engage specific audence