创新职业教育,构筑区域创业平台 Innovating Vocational Education and Development of Regional Entrepreneurial System 国家行政学院教授、博导 Prof. Xu Zhengzhong National Academy of Governance NSA 许正中 现代职业教育体系 Modern Vocational Education System 一、基于技术和创意的创业教育 Entrepreneurial Education based on technology and creativity 二、产业匹配的技能教育 Skill training catering to industries 三、社会融入的本领教育 Capacity building adjusting to society 创业型经济的新特征 New Characters in Entrepreneurial Economy 创业型经济主要体现为经济均衡的变动性、灵活 性、产品多样性、创新性、集群性;经济活动中 创业家作为市场的发现者,促使经济由非均衡向 均衡转变,实现经济增长。 Entrepreneurial Economy is featured by the variation and flexibility of economic balance, diversity and novelty of products, and cluster of industries. Entrepreneurs, as explorer in the market, will promote the transformation of market from disequilibrium to equilibrium, and finally realize the economic growth. 创业型经济的社会新架构 Novel Social Framework for Entrepreneurial Economy (1)创业型经济是以教育和技能为中心的经济。工业经济管理重点是生产, 知识经济管理重点是知识研发和培训。 The focus of entrepreneurial economy is on education and skills, while in industrial economy and knowledge economy, the emphasis are on production and R&D and training, respectively. (2)产业结构、劳动力构成发生了改变。知识产业成为产业结构的重点, 劳动力构成中以专业人员为代表的知识工人取代传统产业工人成为劳动力构 成中的主要形式。 Changes occur in industry structure and workforce composition. Knowledge industry has become the keynote, and educated workers represented by professional personals will replace the traditional industrial workers and become the mainstay of workforce. (3)社会主体发生了变化。知识阶级和无知识阶级的对立。 There is change in society, with the divide of educated class and undereducated class. 区域创业支撑体系的主要构件 Major Components of RES (1)企业,尤其对新技术、新创意和新型商业模式进行投资的企业; Enterprise, especially those investing in new technologies, originalities and business modes; (2)提供基础研究和培训的大学和机构; Universities and institutions providing basic research and training; (3)一般教育和职业培训部门; Ordinary education and vocational training departments; (4)促进技术进步的政府、金融部门; Government and financial department facilitating the technology development (5)社会网络与社会复合资本。 Social network and complex capital 区域创业支撑平台结构图 Structure of RES 基础研究 basic research 政策共享平台 Policy Setting 技能共享平台 Talents sharing 金融共享平台 Financing system 技术共享平台 Technology sharing 知 识 技 术 流 动 通 道 创新共享平台 Innovation system 工具共享平台 tools system 信 息 共 享 平 台 information system 应用研究 Application research 开发研究 R&D research 九通一平 九通:1.道路通 paved Road 2.雨水通 rainwater discharge 3.污水通 drainage 4.自来水通 water supply 5.天然气通 gas Supply 6.电力通 electricity 7.电信通 telecommunication 8.热力通 heating 9.有线电视管线通 cable TV (即水,电,气,热通) 一平:土地地貌自然平整 leveled land [基础设施,硬环境] Infrastructure , hard environment 新九通一平 九通:1.信息通 Information 2.市场通 3.法规通 market 4.配套通 5.物流通 6.资金通 ancillary facility 7.人才通 8.技术通 9.服务通 talents law and regulation system logistics financing technology service 一平:面向21世纪的新经济平台 New economic system of 21st century [企业发展,软环境] development of enterprises, soft environment 产业创新平台的构建与创业型企业 成长路线图计划 投融资 Investmen t & Finacial Roadmap of regional 人才 H.R. 人 才 吸 引 能 力 科技 服务 Hi-tech Service innovation system and growth of entrepreneurial companies 产业创新体 系 Retional Inovation System 科技基础设 施 Hi-tech Infrastructure 研 发 创 新 能 力 研究 开发 R&D 产业化 Businesslization 先导产业可能的突破领域 Potential Breakthroughs of Leading Industries 自主创新高新技术制造业 High-tech industries with self-innovation capacity 传统产业转型升级企业 Upgraded traditional industries 互联网应用企业 IT industries 文化创意产业 Culture innovation industries 连锁服务企业 Chain-service industries 新型农业 Innovative agriculture 新型能源与环境保护产业 New energy and environment industries 商业模式创新型企业 Entrepreneurial companies with new business model 技能重于财富 Ability is more important than wealth 孟子:劳心者治人,劳力者治于人 The man who uses his brain will govern; the man who uses his strength will be governed. ---Mencius 培根:知识就是力量 Knowledge is power. ----Francis Bacon 李斯特:创造财富的力量比财富本身更为重要 The ability to create wealth is more important than wealth itself ----Friedrich List 在全球化和知识经济社会里,至关重要的不是在哪里生产和生产什么, 而是利益由谁获得;不是物质资产,而是知识资产。 In the age of globalization and knowledge economy, the most important thing is not where and what to produce, but who will secure the profits. The assets is not in the material form but in the form of knowledge. 谢谢大家! Thanks 许正中 13910422876 010-68929044(办) Xu_zhengzhong@163.com